Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Evasion of the Letter Essay Example For Students
The Evasion of the Letter Essay In the early 1940s, I had three young children and was working at the Post Office in Mishawaka, Indiana. I was looking forward to finally getting to go to school again. Indiana University was opening a campus in South Bend, only about 5 miles away from my house and I was hoping to go there. I eventually became the poster child for the new campus. I wanted to go to college and then medical school at Indiana University to become a General Practitioner. My job at the Post Office was during World War II, and one of my responsibilities was to sort the mail. We will write a custom essay on The Evasion of the Letter specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I frequently saw of draft letters come though. I dutifully sorted them into the right bin to get to the right person. I was wondering if I was going to see a letter with my name on it. What was I going to do if one did come though? I decided if I saw a letter with my name on it, I would try to avoid getting drafted. It finally occurred to me that if a letter came in for me, I could sort it into the wrong bin. When a draft notice was sent to a person, it had a â€Å"call up†date on it. The call up date was the day that the recipient had report to the draft board. By law, there were a certain number of days the recipient had to have received the draft notice before they had to report to the draft board. If a draft letter took too long to get to me, then it would be void. The draft board had to re-issue a call-up letter and I would be safe for a while. Soon enough, a draft letter came addressed for me, I saw it, and slid it into the bin marked Zone 9, which is the west coast. The mail would go to the zone, and then be sorted by state where it would be re-routed to Indiana. Finally, it would be sorted again, more finely, within the streets. By the time it got back to me, it would be too late for me to report to the draft board. I looked around and only saw my coworkers minding their own business. Nobody saw me put the letter in the Zone 9 bin, I was safe. I had to be careful; nobody could know I had done this. Getting yourself out of the draft for the war was against the law, you would be sent to jail if you were caught. If anybody found out that I had intentionally rerouted my draft letter I could get arrested. I couldn’t let that happen. I had three kids and my family needed my income. Later in the mid-1990s, I tried to tell the rest of my family. My wife was there and basically told me to shut up. She didn’t want to know what I had done and she didn’t want anybody else to know either. If she knew, and if somebody asked her, then she might not have any choice but to tell on me. I later told the story to my youngest daughter, so the secret didn’t die with me. I got to go to college and become a doctor. I was excited to get to start my own practice and follow my dream.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Inherit The Wind
Inherit The Wind Henry Drummond (Tracy, left) and Matthew Harrison ...The book "Inherit The Wind"‚ by Robert E. Lee, is about a man, Bertram Cates, who is accused of teaching the theory of evolution in a public school, that only allowed the theory of creation and the bible to be taught. The theory of evolution says that man evolved from monkeys. When Henry Drummond, a lawyer for Cates, and Bert are talking in the courtroom, while the jury was out making their decision on a verdict. Henry brings up an old memory of an old rocking hoarse he used to have called the "Golden Dancer"‚ . Henry says that the "Golden Dancer"‚ was his first long shot. Henry Drummond has a piece of advise for Bert, it is " whenever you see something bright, perfect seeming all gold, with purple spots-look behind the present! And if it's a lie, show it up for what it really is!"‚ To begin with Drummonds quote relates to when he was a kid, Henry had wanted a rocking hoarse by the name of "Golden Dan cer"‚ , in the big side window of a general store in Wakeman, Ohio. Henry said he used to stand out on the street and say to himself, "if only he had Golden Dancer he would have everything in the world that he wanted."‚ The rocking hoarse had a bright red mane, blue eyes, was gold all over with purple spots. Henry said it was a week's wages for his father, so he knew there would always be a plate glass between him and the rocking hoarse. Until one morning he woke up and saw the beautiful rocking hoarse lying at the foot of his bed, it was the "Golden Dancer"‚ . Henry's mother had skimped out on the groceries and his father had worked nights for a month. Henry got...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Musil, behind the wall Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Musil, behind the wall - Assignment Example It resulted to long-term cooperation between the environmentalists, the religious community and the scientists. So many religious environmental writers have come up to address the continuing environmental crisis and the climate change that continues to worsen (4-6). Musil asserts that the Roman Catholics have not been left behind. John Paul II made some significant efforts when he moved the Roman Catholic Church towards environmental concerns (9). St. Francis was made the patron who would be in charge of the environment in the late 1970s. In addition, he questioned the science and technology that had resulted to the problems of destruction from the nuclear weapons (10). On the other hand, Judaism has been blamed for the various environmental sins that have resulted from modern chronic consumerism and industrialism. Since the production of a journal named peace Seders the ecologically minded groups from the Jewish religion started connecting, and this resulted to representation in the Kyoto negotiations of all denominations (11-13). Musil is openly in support for the religious environmental movements as the publication has revealed discuss all the religious groups and the steps they have taken to address the issues regarding the environment. In addition, at the end of his article, he gives various recommendations to the religious climate movement to inspire grassroots congregations and offer a stable prophetic critique of inaction. He particularly notes that the movement has experienced a period of reevaluation within Obama’s Administration (22). He is in support of the religious environmental movement and illustrates that the main strength is that it can take a concern on social action and get hope within its theological and Biblical
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Answer Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Answer Questions - Assignment Example Preventing the development of addiction in young people is essential. Family involvement is important for the families who have an addictive problem. Disclosure among a parent with an addictive problem to the child is essential as well as letting the child know that addiction is a family problem and it runs in the family, thus the child will be aware of their chances of being an addict. In schools, it is important to educate the children on the consequences that result from abusing drugs such as addiction so that the young people can be aware. Teachers and parents should be involved in childcare to discover any abnormal behaviors of the child to offer corrective measures as such behaviors result due to instances of drug abuse (Vida &Rasa, 2011). Children from alcoholic’s families have a four-ten times risk of becoming alcoholics themselves. Hereditary is a major predisposing factors to drug addiction. It is important for such parents to discuss and disclose their addiction problems to their children. Despite the problems being faced by addict parents, the child needs to be shown that they are loved. They need to know that it is not their fault that the parent has an addictive problem. The parent needs to involve the child in their own program of rehabilitation by assuring them that they will do everything to get out of the problem. It is good to discuss with the child about drug addiction as it is hereditary so that the child may avoid any instances. In so doing, young people will be aware of drug addiction thus will be very cautious not to develop an addiction problem. Often, alcoholism and other drug addictions are a family legacy. The family (parents) has the major responsibility to provide support for the alcoholic children or drug addicts. Treatment period brings the family together enhancing and opening up communication within the family structure. The parents needs to offer physical, emotional as well as
Sunday, November 17, 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
English - Essay Example Ideally, the bodies giving censorship to books, films, and music, radio or television programs and artistic expression ensure that the information they think is unacceptable to the members of the public and threatens the socio economic and political order of the state has been altered. Specific bodies like the government, religious body or even privet groups are capable to impose censorship on artworks, film, music, and television and radio programs among others. Various forms of censorship exist namely, preventative which is done before publishing the expression, licensing, prior restraint by the government, self-censorship, and punitive censorship usually done after the publication of the material. Basically, in most cases, it is done to protect the public from filthy materials or information especially the children. Some individuals are against censorship as they argue that it deprives them their right to be freely express themselves. Censorship can be done in order to uphold the societal moral values like in the case of censorship to pornography films. Moreover, the stability of the state and the togetherness of people in a nation can be maintained or protected wherever there is censorship to media to reconsider the information they are distributing to individuals. ... In the United States, right to free speech has been clearly provided by First Amendment of the Constitution. Therefore, freedom of expression and right to free speech correlate and so people should be entitled to freely express themselves whether in television, forums or in any form of artwork. Artists have however, claimed that their creativity and art have been somehow negatively interfered with the so called censorship. According to some artists, censorship has restricted creative expression since one has to limit and revise their materials without being displayed to the whole public. But still artists, individuals and other media personalities can entertain people and transmit the intended message without any indecent or coarse words. The following are examples of censorship from my personal experience, from the article by Inglis called, â€Å"The Ed Sullivan Show†and from a general perspective. To start with, when I was about twelve years old, my parents were very keen o n which channel I was watching, which programs I was listening to, and the peers I was hanging out with. This to them was a way of ensuring that I learn good manners and be a responsible person in future. For this reason, they censored almost everything in my life and even at school, teachers tended to do the same arguing it was for our own good. I would argue that, yes there are certain words, music that cannot be aired in popular radio stations where they can be heard by everyone including the innocent children. However, today there are many programs that demand for particular audience. For instance, at the beginning of certain programs, there are indicated PG to block children from watching or listening to them or parents are advised to
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essential Factors Considered In Hr Practices Commerce Essay
Essential Factors Considered In Hr Practices Commerce Essay Human resource management (HRM) is known and accepted in the broadest sense of the term, as a form of management that includes all management decisions and actions that affect the nature of the relationship between the organisation and the employees its human resources (Beer et al., 1984, p. 1). As can be observed based on the definition, the tasks of those belonging in HRM can be complex as it involves all issues that encompasses employee and firm relationship. Believing that the most important asset of a business is the people in order to achieve sustained business success is the core philosophy of human resource management (HRM), and realising this leads to a strategic management of people within the organisation. The effective management of human resources is increasingly being recognised as a major determinant of success or failure in international business (Tung, 1998), in practice many organisations are still coming to terms with the human resources issues associated with international operations (Ferner, 1997). In the international arena, the quality of management seems to be even more critical than in domestic operations (Tung, 1998). This is primarily because the nature of international business operations involves the complexities of operating in different countries and employing different national categories of workers (Morgan, 1986). The field of international human resource management, however, is only slowly developing as a field of academic study and has been described by one authority as being in the infancy stage (Laurent, 1986). Primarily, the main goal of this paper is to provide insightful details regarding the concept of the international human resource management in relation to a multinational company like Honda. In addition, this paper will discuss some factors that must be considered when managing people in the international environment. This paper will focus in three areas: The Organisational Structure in the Context of Globalisation, Global Leadership in a Global Environment and Transferral of Employees Internationally. Company Profile Honda is the worlds largest manufacturer of engines, ranging from tiny single-cylinder lawn trimmers to the mighty V-10 engines of Formula 1 racing. Honda Motor CO., Ltd. is considered as a limited liability and a joint stock corporation which was incorporated on September 24, 1948 under the Commercial Code of Japan known as Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha. The company was formed to the firms of an unincorporated business founded in 1946 by the late Soichiro Honda, to produce or manufacture motors for motorised bicycles. Honda was unusual in having already created an industrial model by the time it entered the automobile industry. Twelve years after it was founded in 1948, Honda had become the worlds largest motorcycle manufacturer, on the basis of a strategy which focused on product innovation and production flexibility and on the mass production of products which had in effect opened new market segments. The firms success owed much to the mechanical and commercial imagination of Soich iro Honda himself. His associate, Takeo Fujisawa, who was in charge of the organisation and its finances, had been concerned from the start to find the resources needed to overcome the difficulties inherent in this profit strategy. Industrial models which are to be consistent with part of a strategy of flexibility and innovation must therefore give the firm the resources to counter these risks or reduce their impact. By 1967 Honda had become a proper car manufacturer. It opted for an innovative automobile niche and exportation in order to create a place for itself among Japanese producers. It marketed a mini front-wheel-drive car with a small but powerful air-cooled engine. The models commercial success in Japan propelled Honda into third place behind Toyota and Nissan, with an annual production of 277,000 passenger cars in 1970 (Mair, 1994). Honda became the worlds largest motorcycle producer twelve years after it was founded in 1948. The company entered the automobile industry during the early 1960s. It then grew continuously for three decades, overtaking established automobile producers to rank tenth in the world and become one of Japanese Big Three alongside Toyota and Nissan. During this period Honda developed an image as a different company with an idiosyncratic trajectory led by innovative products. Growth was seriously challenged in the 1990s. Yet by now Honda had deepened and globalises an industrial model of flexible mass production. Accordingly, Honda remained profitable during the 1990s Japanese recession. At the same time the crisis forced a rethink of the product innovation strategy (Freyssenet, 1998). Today, Honda is being regarded as one of the multinational automotive companies operating in different parts of the world. Honda had been able to penetrate the global market including countries in different pa rts of Asia, USA and Europe. Organisational Structures in the Context of Globalisation The true worth of international HRM is becoming more widely understood as IHRM steadily interweaves all aspects of people management and development within the company (Williams, 1995). According to Lipiec (2001), HRM is defined as the process of coordinating an organisations human resources, or employees, to meet organisational goals. Human resource professionals deal with such areas as employee recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, compensation and benefits, professional development, safety and health, forecasting, and labour relations. There are many factors in which multinational companies must consider, and one of these is about giving emphasis to the organisational structure imposed in the globalisation context. A key issue in accomplishing the goals identified in the planning process is structuring the work of the organisation (Zammuto OConnor, 1992). Organisational structure is the formal decision-making framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coo rdinated. The organisational structure of multinational companies is being influenced or affected by the emergence of globalisation. Globalisation is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same people across time and space (Rosenhead, 1996). It evokes strong emotions because it is associated, rightly or wrongly, with most of the worlds significant challenges and opportunities (Kiggundu, 2002). As mentioned, one of the Multinational companies that are being challenged by the concept globalisation in terms with organisational structure is Honda. The organisational structure of Honda comprises of board of directors, senior management, different committees on finance, and employees. As of March 31, 2003 the company has been able to employ 126, 900 full time employees which includes approximately 65, 000 l ocal employees employed in international subsidiaries (See Appendix 1). In order to cope with the various influences and effects of globalisation, the management of Honda, has been able to improve and expand its organisation so as to conduct environmental activities on a global scale. The management has improved its organisational structure to achieve their organisational objectives (A sample of organizational structure of one of the subsidiaries of Honda is seen in Appendix 2). One of these objectives is to be able to pursue an environmental conservation programs at all phases of Hondas operations and throughout the lifecycle of Hondas products. In addition, the improved organisational structure is done in order to initiate speedy and flexible measures in managing their internationally diverse employees. In this manner, Honda ensures that the manager that they will hire certainly have the ability to adjust the human resource policies and practices to foreign environments. In the competition for global talent, corporations that are reluctant to consider foreign nationals for top management positions will lose out; the most talented people simply will not join an organisation that holds no promise of promotion (Keeley, 2001). As of March 31, 2003, Honda had 139 Japanese subsidiaries and 173 international subsidiaries (See Appendix 3). As Honda gain more experience they are able to adopt a more global approach to the management of all their operations both domestic and international (Dowling Schuler, 1990). Researchers have long acknowledged that there are differing types of organisational structures that produce differing types of manager-subordinate relationships. Honda try to enhance cross-value capabilities by facilitating dialogue, camp sessions, or brainstorming seminars held out side the workplace, and even drinking sessions (Nonaka Takeuchi, 1995). Organisational structure had a bigger role in the organisational practice of the management of Honda. It has been evidently shown that when the leader had a great strategic plan and whose plan had been vision and delivered well, the company will have a greater probability to succeed. Since, the competition are very high in the market be especially in the global arena, Honda has been able to consider the strategic function of its organisational structure internationally. Global Leadership in a Global Environment Due to the emergence of globalisation and its intense effect to different companies, many of the businesses are trying to cope with this situation and be known not only in the local marketplace but also in the international level. However, operating in the international arena is not that easy because of different factors to consider. When a firm decides to expand its venture to international market, it faces different challenges that need to be given emphasis (Klein, Ettenson Morris, 1998). One of the most important considerations that should be given enough attention by the management of any industry is the management of the human resources and the determination of the international human resource management (IHRM) practice that will be implemented through the global leadership ability. Leadership comprises the aptitude and ability to inspire and influence the thinking, attitudes, and behavior of other people (Adler, 1991; Bass, 1985; Bass and Stogdill, 1989; Bennis and Nanus, 1985 ; Kotter, 1988). Leadership is a process of social influence in which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of other individuals in the achievement of a common task (Chemers, 1997). The achievement of corporate success can only be accomplished by people who have broader knowledge in leadership (Cascio, 1995). In an international marketplace where borderless organisation is quickly becoming the norm, the leaders of Honda has been able to recognise that employees have an increasingly important role in the cultivation of the company achievements. The level of employee involvement in companies has expanded in general and in internationally-oriented corporation, progressive manages must recognise that only through effective management of people can organisations survive (Bartlett Ghoshal, 1989). The concept of international human resources refers to the process procuring, allocating and effectively utilising human resources in an international corporation. The leaders handling IHRM is said to be significant in the attainment and accomplishment of companies in the global scene. IHRM apparently draws the line between a companys endurance and obliteration (Sims, 2002). In line with the global leadership of Honda, the company has been able to utilise a system that would give balance to their imposed international human resource management. One of the leadership ability that Honda, inherited from Soichiro Honda, is his visionary ability. The visionary leadership ability of the leaders of Honda encompasses their ability to eliminate management layers to become visible within the organisation and being active, early participants for future projects and operations. The leaders of the company have been able to be directly involved in every operation and become a powerful role model to their subordinates (Nevis, DiBella Gould, 1995). In addition, the company had been able to utilise the permissive (delegative) or the so called laissez-faire style. In this manner the employees of the company in the international level are permitted to be involved in the decision making process. In this manner, the management implements minimal control or manipulation on t heir employees both local and international. However, the management is still accountable for the final decision to be made. Herein, the opinion and ideas of the Honda employees are being valued by the leader and each employees and staff encompasses different tasks set by the leader. Transferral of Employees Internationally Another factor to consider when managing international human resources is the concept of transferring human resources to international operations. Part of the concept of transferral of employees to international organisation is the recruitment context. Recruiting in the international arena is taken a lot more seriously and given a lot more thought than it used to be. Gaining competent employees at all levels of the organisation is more than a matter of training. It stems from changes in recruitment and selection philosophy (Ashkenas et al, 1995). Recruiting the most competent employees for each and every organisation is continuous challenge for the human resource management, specifically in the international arena (Henderson, 1996). Faced with the problem of conducting recruiting effort to fill critical position in any level of organisation, the international HRM practice must create an Employee Recruiting Policy to identify the critical activities in the recruitment process and monitor its results. In case of Honda Motor, the international human resource management of the company has been able to plan an IHRM Recruiting Program clearly state the mission and objective of the recruitment process to be done. Specifically, the purpose of such policy is to offer a criterion and standard measure for recruiting human resources that will be work in the international level. The recruitment imposed by the international HRM also includes a procedure so that the recruitment process for the international subsidiaries of Honda should be accurate and correct. In this manner, the international HRM of Honda also ensures that they are updated when it comes to job position, if a new position is required or if a transferred/reassi gned or terminated workers or employees would need a replacement. In addition, the move of Honda to transfer employees to international subsidiaries aims to promulgate their organisation culture even in the global arena. Honda Motor has make it sure that they always follow the international labour policies. In this manner, before an employee is given an opportunity to work in the international level, the company provides all the necessary trainings, in order to ensure that the transferred human resource or employees will be able to provide the necessary responsibilities allotted effectively and efficiently. Another important factor to consider when transferring an employee to an international subsidiary is the orientation of the management system of the host country in order for the transferred employee to adjust with the present situation of the international organization. In the case of Honda, the company has been able to provide a comprehensive orientation to employees who will be transferred regarding the culture, attitudes values and other hum an factors that can be encountered to such international subsidiary. It is also equally important to note that since, Honda, belongs to a company which manufactures quality and innovative cars, sharing of knowledgeable and efficient employee or managers is one of their style. These transferred employees, are responsible to collaborate with other employees in such international subsidiary (Gallie, 1998). The creation of work teams with collective responsibility for the management of a group of machines or a specific segment of the work process was based on a managerial initiative. Conclusion In any business enterprise, employees are considered as the most vital assets. In order for these companies maximise their assets, the management should have the ability to effectively manipulate employees working condition (Ulrich, 1998). Herein, the employees must be allowed to be involved in the decision making process to further enhance the organisational structure (Delaney Huselid, 1996). Moreover, the structure of tasks among the employees strengthens the organisational performance (Wilson, 1989). As problems of regional and cultural diversity politically led administrative issues impede the functioning of the organisation, it is very essential understand the employees (Schneider, 1983). The enhancement, building, enthusiasm, motivation and development of the employees of any organisation depend largely on the leadership, mandate and vision of the organisation (Rainey Steinbauer, 1999). The management of Honda has been able to employ the general HRM practices of Japan with their international subsidiaries like the United States. Hanada (1989) described five phases in the development of international human resource management through which Japanese firms such as Honda pass as it become increasingly involved in global activities. In stage one of Hondas international activities, the programs are limited to export of its product for example in Philippines, Taiwan and USA and its International HRM function is mainly concentrate in an export department. With the urge of the company to be known in the global context, Honda has been able to establish foreign assembly or operations like in USA, UK and other part of Asia. Herein, the increase human resources of Honda, is usually handled by creating an overseas operations department. The establishment of an overseas human resource department characterises the structure of the firm which is substantially modified to reflect the increasing interaction between Hondas domestic and foreign operations. In addition, there are also times when Honda, felt to have greater control of their international operation. Herein, the International HRM of Honda, functions mainly in different areas and practice of HRM. In this manner, the company gives emphasis to the differences of their employees so as to have a harmonious human resource relationship. There are also times in which the company had been able to reach the globalisation phases that the management of Honda, attempts to thoroughly internationalise its human resource management and there is no distinction between foreign and Japanese employees with the international division. All in all it is very crucial that an international organisation should make a way in adjusting their management styles and approaches to adhere with the differences and similarities of the employees, specifically those in the international environment so that IHRM may catalyst the motivation among diverse individual. It is also important to note that international human resource management should have the ability to employ the principles and concepts of emotional intelligence and give emphasis to the importance of self-awareness in dealing with different kinds of people, winning their trust and to ensure that the peoples values and the organisations objective will intersect to a common goal and that is to incorporate good employment relationship. Recommendation In managing people, the international human resource management, Honda Motor Corporation and other Multinational Corporations should be able to have the ability to think more systematically and strategically in handling one of the most valuable factors within the organisation, i.e. its human resources. Herein, IHRM practice should be able to develop a successful organisational culture and a stable organisation by means of effective management of the people. In addition, communication is a very important factor to use in order to have a harmonious and smooth relationship between the management team and the employees in the international level. In addition, the management should try to integrate its own management system with the management system of the host countries, in which MNC are operating. The main goal of this integration is to let the employees within the international operation feel that their culture, values and traditions are not being discriminated by the management. In this case, if Honda would continue to implement a strategic international human resource management, it will be able to handle and manage their human resources in each international operation successfully. Reference Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T., Kerr, S. (1995). The Boundaryless Organization. Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Bartlett, C.A. Ghoshal, S. (1989). Managing Across Borders. The Transnational Solution. London: Hutchinson Business Books. Beer, M., Spector, B., Lawrence, P., Mills, D. Walton, R. (1984). Managing Human Assets. New York, NY: Free Press. Cascio, W. (1995). The Human Resource Challenge of International Joint Ventures. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Delaney, J.T., Huselid, M.A. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organisational Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 39: 949-69. Dowling, P.J. Schuler, R.S. (1990). International Dimensions of Human Resource Management . Boston: PWS-Kent. Ferner, A. (1997). Country of Origin Effects and HRM in Multinational Companies. Human Resource Management Journal, 7(1): 19-37. Fine, M.G. (1995). Building successful multicultural organisations. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Freyssenet, M. (1998). One Best Way? Trajectories and Industrial Models of the Worlds Automobile Producers. Oxford: Oxford University. Gallie, D. (1998). Restructuring the Employment Relationship. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hanada, M. (1989). Management themes in the age of globalisation. Management Japan 20, 19-26. Henderson, G. (1996). Human Relations Issues in Management. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Honda Motor Co. Ltd (2005). Available at []. Accessed on [05/05/2005]. Keeley, T.D. (2001). 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Organisational Success through Effective Human Resources Management. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Tung, R.L. (1998). American expatriates abroad: from neophytes to cosmopolitans. Journal of World Business, 33(2): 124-45. Ulrich, D. (1998). Human Resource Champions: The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press, p.88. Williams, L.C. (1995). Human Resources in a Changing Society: Balancing Compliance and Development. Westport, CT.: Quorum Books. Zammuto, R. OConnor, E. (1992). Gaining advanced manufacturing technologies benefits: the role of organizational design and culture. Academy of Management Review, 17: 701-28. Appendix Appendix 1 Total Number of Employees of Honda Motor Co. Ltd As of March 31, 2003 Total Motorcycle Business Automobile Business Financial Service Other Business 126,900 24,100 92,100 1,700 9,000 Appendix 2 Organizational Structure of Honda (Based in Pakistan)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Short Circuit Prison - Original Writing :: Papers
Short Circuit Prison - Original Writing Suddenly Mr and Mrs Mcgrathy's television set sprung into life and the room lit up as the introduction played for the 6'oclock news. The newsreader was looking very upset as he shuffled his papers, then he spoke "as the rain thunders down in central London" he paused to blow his nose then continued "we are very, very upset and sorry to announce than the head of state, her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second, also head of the commonwealth has been assassinated" He paused again as a tear trickled down his face "the police have arrested a certain Bill McGrathy" There were gasps of breath as the McGrathys were shocked at the mention of their sons name It was 9'oclock at night and it was pitch black the lightning struck and illuminated a tall dark grey building known to the locals as Short Circuit Prison, travelling along in a police van under armed guard Bill McGrathy was thinking of what his parents would say if they ever saw him again. Surrounding the prison was a dark forest. As the convoy travelled along a dirt track through the forest Bill McGrathy looked out of the slit window. He saw the branches reaching into the road like long bony fingers trying to extract the souls of all who passed by. Back in London there was dispute in Buckingham Palace the queens body had disappeared and there were fresh footprints of blood leading from the room. P.C Smith was closely following these footprints. Suddenly loud footsteps were heard and P.C Smith was getting closer when the lights all went out there was a bang and a loud crashing sound as something dropped down the centre of a spiral staircase on a rope and P.C Smith felt the wind as the thing came flying past him then a large blunt object struck him round the head and he fell to the ground he was dead. Wrought iron gate clanked for the first time in two hundred years as Short Circuit Prison's recently installed electricity sprung to life.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Native Americans and Early American Colonists
Native American and Early American Colonists Grade school and even beginning level college history classes have taught early American exploration from a largely one sided view of the conflict between early explorers and Native Americans. The traditional image of the Native Americans as the sole victims, is an oversimplification of the conflict that existed between early explorers, settlers and Native Americans. Through the readings from Columbus, Bradford and some selected Native American writings, the traditional view of the Native American victim will be challenged and a broader view of the conflict will be presented.Columbus set out to explore a new land under the Spanish flag to bring riches and fame to Spain and the throne. In his letter to Santangel, Columbus (1493) explained how he hoped to find â€Å"great cities†and â€Å"king[s]†but instead found a primitive people and settlements he described as â€Å"small hamlets†that he viewed quite devolved from the bustling civilizations of Europe (pg. 26). One can clearly see, that Columbus’s hopes of finding rich kingdoms and cultures were dashed; instead his presence was met with resistance from the â€Å"Indians†.This relationship with the natives was described by Baym et. all (2008) as â€Å"disordered and bloody†(pg. 25). These natives were mistreated even though one could argue that they â€Å"threw the first punch†but, as Baym et. all (2008) describes earlier in the chapter, the Natives were not merely victims. They strategically used alliances with explorers and settlers to further their own interests and disputes with warring tribes and peoples. William Bradford (1897) describes quite a different account of his coming to the new world. He was part of a group of â€Å"pilgrims†seeking religious freedom.He likens their arrival to the new world, to the story in Acts were the apostles are met with such aggression from barbarians â€Å"who were readier to fill their sides full of arrows†(pg. 60). Later on in his account, he describes an attack they received from the natives he described as â€Å"enemies†(pg. 64). Later on in his account, Bradford (1897) describes some awful events surrounding early accounts of settler and native interactions in which the Native Americans treated the english as â€Å"worse than slaves†and were sent around and â€Å"ma[d]e sport with†(pg. 70).One last important viewpoint to give credence to is that of the Natives themselves. This account is unique and oftentimes not told. The first story mentioned is that of the freeing of John Smith as a ceremonial act that the natives hoped would earn them respect from the English. This instead had the opposite effect and eventually brought about an attack from the natives which killed over 500 colonists. In a speech from Pontiac (1763) he expresses concern over his people forgetting their heritage and blaming the English for the polluting of his people’s culture and beliefs.He holds the English in complete responsibility and calls for their blood. The traditional view of the natives as the sole victim is an oversimplification of the problems revolving around immigration and cultural diversity. Just from these three personal accounts from the time period we have three very different views of the issue. So, to say that one peoples are the victim is a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of history. Columbus, C. (1493). Letter to Luis de Santagel Regarding the First Voyage. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. pp. 24-28). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Bradford, W. (1897). Of Plymouth Plantation. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 57-74). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Pontiac (1763). Speech at Detroit. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 208-209). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 1-218). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Friday, November 8, 2019
States vary in laws related to passive or assisted suicide. What are the laws on this issue in your state essay
States vary in laws related to passive or assisted suicide. What are the laws on this issue in your state essay States vary in laws related to passive or assisted suicide. What are the laws on this issue in your state? essay States vary in laws related to passive or assisted suicide. What are the laws on this issue in your state? essayAssisted suicide is known as euthanasia. Euthanasia can be classified as active and passive. Active type of assisted suicide is based on taking the affirmative steps aimed at the end of life, while passive type is based on failing to take the proper steps which leads to the end of life. Today states vary in laws related to passive or assisted suicide because there are different views on this issue.  In some states, the established laws and regulations prohibit healthcare providers to provide assistance in the act of committing a suicide, while in other states, there is a belief that assisted suicide should be â€Å"available at least for certain categories of patients†(Margolis 8-25). Today assisted suicide is legal in the states Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont, and New Mexico. In other states, assisted suicide in considered to be illegal (Assisted Suicide L aws in the United States). The state of Georgia has developed fair laws regarding assisted suicide based on the end of life decisions.In 1994, the Georgia legislature passed the law that discouraged practicing passive or assisted suicide. That law was associated with the case of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a well-known Michigan pathologist, who began to speak openly about the so-called assistance he provided to more than 100 patients. As a result, many states decided to make assisted suicide illegal or involve the permission of those who want to commit a suicide. In 2012, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that a â€Å"law aimed at controlling assisted suicide was unconstitutional, a decision that is likely to help shape the national debate over the practice†(Severson). The Georgia law explains the act of promoting assisted suicide as a real criminal action. In other words, in Georgia, the legislation does not prohibit all types of assisted suicides, but only those cases in which †Å"assistance had been promoted and in which steps were taken to help carry out the suicide†(Severson). According to the new law, any person who assists another person in committing a suicide shall be considered guilty of a crime and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than ten years.  If a healthcare provider is convicted of taking steps in assisting a suicide, his/her license or registration shall be revoked. According to researchers, â€Å"Georgia is now in the position of being the wild, wild West for those who are promoting doctor-assisted suicide†(qtd. in Severson 1). Besides, in Georgia, the laws permit the natural process of dying, which stands for removing artificial life support, including such practices as â€Å"artificial respiration, intravenous nutrients when a person cannot eat, or keeping the heart beating through small electrical shocks†(Georgia Euthanasia Laws). This fact means that the patient must giv e his consent to remove artificial life support.Thus, it is necessary to conclude that in the state of Georgia, assisted suicide laws are aimed at forbidding this type of practice. Georgia’s law regarding assisted suicide states that mercy killing is not legal because it cannot be approved in any way. However, the state permits the natural process of dying through removing of the artificial life support, if this act is pursuant to the living will of a patient.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK
The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK Introduction Both males and females in the society have unique gender roles which they play in the society. Although they have equal opportunities in life, the latter has historically struggled to assume a better position in a male dominated world. In spite of this, the case of the developed world is quite unique since women seem to be at the centre stage of development controlling more than 30 percent of businesses.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These developed economies are being transformed by females (Al-Ghazali Sadi, 2010 pp.4-5). In Saudi Arabia alone, about 45 percent of the entire population is made up of females. This figure is a bit lower compared to that of the United States. About 51 percent of the population in US is women. However, the Saudi Arabian disparity has been caused by the inf lux of several foreign male workers in Saudi Arabia leading to a lower female population. There are about 5.6 million expatriates in Saudi Arabia majority being men (UMUC Working paper, 2009, par. 7). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosts about 23,000 businesswomen with a total of 62 billion dollars stacked in their accounts besides other resources. By 2008, it was reported that a total of ten business executives who were women from Middle East made their record as among the best 100 bankers worldwide, indicating how women have not only excelled in conducting business, but are also great entrepreneurs and skilful in the business world (AlMunajjed, 1997 pp.141-143). There are quite a number of business solution that have been adopted in the last five years to enable women have a conducive business environment that promises success. One of the compelling factors that will make Saudi women excel in business is education. Over 58 percent of university graduates are females. In addition, the Saudi economy is still young and has a higher prospect of growth. Moreover, the Kingdom is well endowed with resources that are needed in any successful business environment. This has made the Saudi society to grow rapidly both in terms of capital accumulation and surplus investments.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, the aforementioned factors are great propellers for Saudi women who are planning to engage in entrepreneurial activities, including those who are in various businesses (Powell, 1993 p. 34). This paper seeks to extensively explore the various opportunities that women have for successful business operation in Saudi Arabia compared to United Kingdom. The Public verses private sector Both the public and private sectors play an integral role in building the economy of any country and Saudi Arabia is not an exception. While the public sector is run and managed by the government, the main players in the private sector are individuals who set up their own businesses and run them as private entities (AlMunajjed, 2009 p. 6). Each of these sectors has unique merits and demerits. For instance, there are individuals who would prefer to be employed in the public sector largely due to job security and stable salary. By the side, the private sector may also promise better salaries among other fringe benefits that come along with the job descriptions. The working environment may be enjoyable alongside flexibility at work which enhances creativity as well as skill development. The Small Businesses and available opportunities In spite of the existence small businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, their variance has been remarkable over the past ten years both in terms of quality and number. This has also been the trend across the world (Zoepf, 2010 par.3). The private sector is steadily supplementing the public sector through spontaneou s growth. It is out of the small businesses that developed economies such as that of US have seen the light of day in economic progress. Moreover, small businesses have remarkably shaped the way business is done and as a result, the Saudi economy is experiencing growth mainly due to the existence and expansion of small businesses. It has also been reported that small businesses are responsible for over 75 percent of new jobs being created (Heathfield, 2010). Similarly, the UK economy has been positively impacted by the growth impetus of small businesses. It is estimated that small firms are contributing significantly to employment creation.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite the enormous contribution of small businesses to the economy of Saudi Arabia, there are still several hiccups that demand t o be resolved. It is imperative to note that the impacts of globalization is gradually injecting numerous changes in the small business world since the markets are now being integrated and also opened up to the world economy (Carter, Mason Tagg, 2004 p.76). Products and services can now be sold not only within the borders of the Saudi economy but also in other destinations. Hence, the element of competition is in board and cannot be ignored at all. Both the legislators as well as policy makers are gaining more interest in the development of small businesses largely due to the impact of this sector to the economy. It is also believe that small businesses in Saudi Arabia (SMEs) is the main channel through which the private sector can boast of investment. Throughout the kingdom, the small businesses, most of which are run by women, constitute over 90% of the private sector investment (Zoepf, 2010 par.5). As already mentioned, these small businesses have been deemed to be the major crea tors of employment in Saudi Arabia. Consequently, poverty alleviation is being celebrated due to small business not to mention the ability of these businesses to foster growth and innovation in business culture and technology. In addition, it is through the small businesses that new products and services are being developed to meet the growing needs of the population in the entire Kingdom. Further estimates indicate that over 50 percent growth in the entire economy is expected to be realized in Saudi Arabia in the near future and this will mainly be contributed by small and medium sized enterprises. It is against this backdrop that women in Saudi Arabia stand a higher chance of developing and growing their business skills both now and in the future (Marlow Carter, 2005, pp.47-53). Better still, they have a better chance to succeed as entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia as can be seen by the numerous opportunities for growth. However, the worry that dons the small and medium sized enterpr ises under small businesses is that growth and prosperity is still being hindered by the very fact that the basic tools required are not readily in place. The small businesses operated by women in Saudi Arabia can only prosper if the right tools and business mechanics are put in place.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, these small and medium sized enterprise lack adequate funds and various means through which they can access credit facilities. Contrary to the UK, the credit facilities are adequate and small business can fairly borrow to expand on their businesses. Worse still, small businesses in Saudi Arabia also face stiff government regulations that require them to comply with numerous policies. The red tape for foreigners is even tighter. Moreover, the ignorance on the relative importance and contribution of small business has led to lack of statistics on their market progress and hence, they mainly operate without the much needed figures for carrying out business decisions. This is a similar case with many developing economies. Therefore, the success of women in small and medium sized business enterprises will aptly require government intervention. The support from government will equally demand the private sector to participate and cooperate fully. Large and well established en terprises in the UK are indeed making a mark in developing and supporting the small businesses over and above the government support which is already in place. Furthermore, there is a closer private-public sector partnership in UK that has enabled a profitable working environment among small businesses. This is a similar case with Saudi Arabia although the ties between the two sectors are not very strong. In UK, there is a practical working framework that entails policy formulation on the progress and needs of small and medium sized enterprises. There is a systematic approach through which the government of the day is working closely with small businesses to ensure that they grow. In comparison to Saudi Arabia, it is a lot easier to seek funding from the public sector to initiate small business in UK. Business women in Saudi Arabia would reach greater heights if and only if there were clear policy formulations in the Kingdom that seeks to support them in their business endeavors Nat ure of entrepreneurs for women in Saudi Arabia The Saudi Arabian woman has been affected by quite a number of barriers in her attempt to excel in doing business in the kingdom. For instance, the cultural setback that requires women to be submissive and seek permission from their male partners before engaging themselves in any decisions is a major setback. In takes a long before they can embark on serious business while in some cases, the permission is not granted. This has adversely affected the business merit of these women bearing in mind that they have to compete equally with their male business rivals in the market (UMUC Working Paper Series, 2009, par.10). Another cultural hindrance emanates from the fact that women are not permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia. It is common knowledge that any business person needs to travel frequently and when this is not possible, then most business deals may go sour. Contrary to the UK case, women have the liberty to drive freely and conduct th eir own businesses. While consulting their male partners is necessary before making some decisions, it is not a mandatory. Additionally, there are limited government programs that have been tailor made to reach out for women in small businesses. In UK, such programs are in place and women are in a position to expand their businesses with much ease (Omar, 2008, pp 34-37). However, the major disadvantage in UK is that small and medium sized enterprises are not very common and are not necessarily given the best concern in the business world. The economy has grown by double digits and only those with adequate capital may enjoy starting and running businesses in UK (Al-Ghazali Sadi, 2010 pp.6-9). In other words, it is cheaper to start and maintain a mini business in Saudi Arabia than in UK. The role of gender The challenge posed by gender when staring and running small businesses is not limited in Saudi Arabia only. Despite the fact that there is no evidence that segregate enterprise ow nership along gender line, current statistics reveal that only 15 percent of all business units are owned by women in UK while the remaining half is owned by males (Marlow Patton, 2005 p.48). Furthermore, there is minimal statistical evidence on the growing number of women engaging in self employment through small and medium sized enterprises. For the past two decades or so, the increase in small business among women in UK has been small. Self employment among women has more been stagnant than growing and this has posed more concern on whether small and medium sized enterprises are well placed as alternative sources of employment especially among women (Madhi Barrientos, 2003 p.112). Comparatively, Saudi Arabian case has been one of the growing patterns in small and medium sized enterprises. As already noted the economy is still young, resources are abundant and in spite of lack of structured government support and funding, Saudi economy still provides the best opportunity for gro wing small businesses. It should also be noted that the very small businesses heavily depend on the immediate population. The Saudi population is indeed an asset and impetus to the growth of its small business portfolio. Further research conducted in UK reveals that the likelihood of women becoming self employed is lower than men beside the bare fact that their business skills differ significantly from men (, 2010 par. 1). There seems to be a completely business platform and ideals in UK compared to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Khan, 2010). For women who engage in small businesses as part of self employment, they mostly take part in traditional occupational sectors that have been known for ages like finance and education. By the side, there are those who work on part-time basis. From this perspective, it is definite that gender has influenced women participation in small business both in UK and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and so it may not necessarily be a determining fa ctor when carrying out comparative advantage between doing business either in UK or Saudi Arabia (Johnson, Sear Jenkins, 2000 pp.55-59). Being a social construction, gender is largely pinned to ether masculine or feminine characteristics. Right from the perspective of gender, stereotypes emerge such as the one that ascribes to the inability of a woman to manage personal business well without getting assistance from a male person. For this reason, there are myriad of professional organizations that have been set up to act as custodian for women enterprises especially in Saudi Arabia. These organizations are managed professionally to assist in uplifting the level and expertise of women involvement in small and business enterprises without being sidelined by gender and other cultural stereotypes. Role of small businesses The role played by small and medium sized enterprises in the Saudi economy has been given much importance than in UK. The Saudi government believes that its economy w ould only grow if the small business are recognized and supported (Coleman, 2000 pp.38-40). For women, this must be a real impetus for growing their businesses in Saudi Arabia than in UK. To begin with, small, and medium sized enterprises have significantly lowered the rate of high unemployed which was once being experienced in the economy. It is worth to note that large scale enterprises do not have the capacity to employ the growing population. It is only through the creation of small businesses that unemployment can be brought down by double digits. Moreover, the small and medium sized enterprises are also easy to start and administer in comparison to large scale business establishments. Small capital is required and the legal requirements are also minimal. For small and medium sized enterprises under the umbrella of small businesses, they have limited liability and therefore they can remain vibrant in the market in spite of the dynamics. Nonetheless, securing sufficient funding for these small businesses is still a hurdle especially in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, they have weak capacities that delay expansion of their working capacities. Women in Saudi Arabia are more likely to succeed in small businesses there bearing in mind that up to 92% of businesses there are made up of small and medium sized enterprises, a practice not common in UK (Federation of Small Businesses, 2002 par. 3). Although the small businesses are major drivers of the Saudi economy, their overall contribution to the GDP stands at only 33%. It is against this backdrop that the government has initiated the ‘kafallah’ program to assist in the process of financing small and medium sized enterprises in the Kingdom. For women aspiring to start small businesses in Saudi Arabia, they have a higher chance of succeeding with a shorter time than their peers in UK. Successful business women in UK In spite of the gender and other cultural factors working against the success of women in sma ll and medium-sized enterprises, there are those female personalities who have made a mark in the business world in UK and around the world. One such successful woman in UK is Deborah Meaden. Although she is perceived to be highly entrepreneurial, Meaden is most likely to have crafted her business skills and ideas from the male dominated society without the fear of being outwitted. She had a business mind from the early stages of her life and would settle for nothing less than her own run enterprise. She started off with the importation of glass and ceramics barely at 19 years (Burke Davidson, 2000 pp.38-42). She has grown her business empire by leaps and bounds. In one of his latest establishments, Meaden started a marketing research company having gained vast knowledge in marketing from her previous business outfits. Conclusion In recap, it is vital to note that the Saudi Arabian economy is well placed both in terms of resources and human capital required to start small and mediu m-sized enterprises. The striking difference between the two economies namely UK and Saudi Arabia is that the latter is still in its growing phase while the former seems to be static especially in the growth and expansion of SMEs. It is against this background that women who engage in small businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have a higher probability of excelling than those in UK. Additionally, small and medium-sized business enterprises remain to be major contributors to both Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and overall economic growth in developing and advanced countries. It is only through the public-private sector support that small businesses will ever grow to meaningful levels. References Al-Ghazali, M. Sadi, M. (2010). Doing business with impudence: A focus on women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.’ African Journal of Business management. 4(1): 1-11. AlMunajjed, M. (1997). Women in Saudi Arabia Today. London: Macmillan. AlMunajjed, M. (2009). Women’s Employ ment in Saudi Arabia A Major Challenge. Booz Co. Retrieved from Burke, R. Davidson, M. (2000). Women in Management. SAGE Publications: London. (2010). Research solutions. Retrieved from Carter, S. Mason, C. Tagg, S. (2004). Lifting the Barriers to Business Survival and Growth: The FSB Biennial Survey 2004, London: Federation of Small Businesses. Coleman, S. (2000). Access to Capital and Terms of Credit: A Comparison of Men- and Women-Owned Small Businesses, Journal of Small Business Management, 38 (3): 37–52. Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) (2002). Lifting the Barriers to Growth in UK Small Businesses, Blackpool. Heathfield, S. (2010). Women and Work: Then, Now, and Predicting the Future for Women in the Workplace: women in Business. Retrieved from Johnson, S., Sear, L. Jenkins, A. (2000). Small Business P olicy, Support and Governance, in Carter, S. Jones-Evans, D., Enterprise and Small Business, London: Prentice Hall. Khan, S. (2010). Women Fight Back: Dont Ban the Veil! The Daily Beast. Available at: ban-is-bad-for-muslim-women/ Madhi, S.T. Barrientos, A. (2003). Saudisation and employment in Saudi Arabia. Career Development International. Marlow, S.P. Carter, S.P. (2005). Access to finance: women’s enterprise and the role of the accountant, London: Certified Accountants Educational Trust. Marlow, S. and Patton, D. (2005). All Credit to Men? ddEntrepreneurship, Finance and Gender, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, 29 (3): 526–41. Omair, K. (2008). Women in management in the Arab context. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues. Powell, G (1993). Women Men in Management (2nded.), London: SAGE Publications. UMUC Working Paper Series (2009) University of Maryland Universi ty College. Retrieved from entrepreneur.html Zoepf, K. (2010). Talk of Womens Rights Divides Saudi Arabia. The New York Times. Retrieved from saudi.html?pagewanted=1src=me.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Carmens Aria A song of Celebration and Self-Realization Essay
Carmens Aria A song of Celebration and Self-Realization - Essay Example The aria explores love from an independent ladies perspective who lives life without any constraint of chasteness or fidelity. It explores the hidden desires in every human mind to lead a similar life. In a poetical sense, Bizet wanted to create a lead character much different from the classical opera heroines of Europe. He specifically used the Habanera music to create an air of mystery and foreignism around the Carmen character. The libretto occurs when Carmen is asked by a group of men whom she will choose as her lover. Carmen expresses her desire to keep her choice open forever through the area. She talks about herself and about her attitude towards love in general. She is exotic, free as a bird and declares her love has no boundaries and cannot be tamed. She warns any men whom she might fall in love with about her indecisive attitude. Carmen neither wants to please any man nor be attached to him for a long time. Her love is like a bird which keeps escaping the boundaries constantly. Bizet hailed Carmen came from a far-off land to justify her exotic nature. The verses of the libretto create ideas related to the theme of naturalism. Carmen is a working-class girl who does not respect much of the middle-class values related to fidelity. Bizet portrays the working class women as strong and sexually demanding who are ready to socialize, free to travel and capable of fighting for themselves. Carmen says her love is like a bird, a rebellious one that nobody can ever win over in the very first line. She concludes the final line of the aria by saying her love will never be bound by any known law. The second stanza of the aria portrays Carmen's choice and taste of men. She prefers a silent mum man than the one who talks constantly. Women are often said to love humorous and talkative men, capable of praising their beauty and virtue.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Loan process - Small Business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Loan process - Small Business - Case Study Example The process therefore is as follows: - Assessment of credit factors: - credit factors are majorly the factors that are considered by the financial institutions or credit providers before they extend their loans to any business venture. It depends much on the amount required and whether you can provide security for the funds borrowed. They include factors such as credit worthiness of the small business. To an extent, this is looked at with reference to Current Assets and Current Liabilities with the business (Harper, 2006). More assets with less debts means the firm is a going concern and the difference would tell us the extent of liquidity of the business. The business should also consider if it has partners that can act as the business guarantors. Lenders are also very keen on how the funds if given out would be managed. If they detect they would be embezzled then they would rather keep them than give out as loans (Harper, 2006). The second step is the determination of why the small business needs financing: - here, assessment of the current financial situation is mandatory. The owners should be in the position of knowing whether they are comfortable in their current situation or not, they should also be able to know why they need the cash i.e. for expanding operations or for managing risks, the urgency of the needed money should also be of importance to the owners. The most critical in this part is to know the extent to which finance requirement agrees with the business plan (Green, 2011). A plan is the tool to convince any lender and a small business without this should strive to have one to be in a position to convince investors who may be willing to engage their funds in such ventures. The third step is the Checklist for Business Loans: this is based on the fact that businesses have diverse areas to obtain funds. This part only helps us decide where to get our loans after considering factors such as interest rates and loan repayment periods vs. the cash fl ows to be received from the business and the frequencies of such flows. This is dictated by the listing of the business by the business lister depending on their performance in the market (Harper, 2006). The question of whether a loan will be provided from the institution where the business applies from depends on whether a conclusive and relevant document is submitted to the lending agency. Some agencies normally accept some documents of application and do not accept others (Green, 2011). General documents entail; personal backgrounds of the business, resumes to tell about the business profile, a business plan which is the most fundamental for any financial provider, both personal and business credit reports and lastly a collateral security report and legal documents showing the legal existence of the business (Harper, 2006). The forth step is that the owners of the business need to make a very detailed submission of the business as any information ignored might be of interest to t he lender and this may jeopardize there willingness to advance such loans. With respect to your application, it is also important to state the industry that your business target as well as those which poses threats to your business (Harper, 2006). This again will help your lender to make informed decision regarding the prevailing circumstances on whether to advance the loan or not. A loan application
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