Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at Essay - 3
Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans presented at the Constitutional Convention - Essay Example The Virginia plan indicates that the first branch of legislature was to be elected people of several states and was to serve for a term of three years. They were also to receive fixed stipends from the national treasury and were ineligible to hold any other office in the particular states. The second branch was to be chosen by individual legislatures for a term of seven years and to receive fixed stipends from national treasury and also could not hold any other office. The New Jersey plan only talks of the Congress and does not make any particular references to the two branches. The Virginia plan mentions two branches of National Legislature whereby the votes by states in the Congress of the second branch were to follow the rules established by the first branch. However, both plans indicate that votes by states in the Congress were not to be in accordance with the rules entailed in the articles of confederation but in proportion to the whole number of whites and other free citizens and inhabitants of every age sex and condition, including those bound by servitude and three fifths of all other persons except Indians who do not pay taxes (in each state for Virginia plan). The Virginia plan also indicates voting was to be according to some equitable ratio of representation. The powers stipulated in the two plans do differ greatly. The New Jersey does give more powers to the Congress. The power of Congress as per Virginia plan is to originate Acts, all congressional powers constituted in the articles of confederation, and legislation in all cases to ensure harmony of U.S and also to appoint inferior tribunals. While Virginia restricted the senate from originating money bills, the New Jersey plan in addition to powers of Congress stated in the articles of confederation does give Congress the power to pass acts for raising revenue. They also pass acts to regulate trade and commerce between states and foreign nations. The penalties in this case are to be
Monday, October 28, 2019
Evaluating Reference Sources Essay Example for Free
Evaluating Reference Sources Essay After gathering reference sources, carefully examine them with specific and general questions designed to determine whether they are relevant to the research question or topic under consideration. There are four primary questions to ask about a list of references, including: 1) How well do sources answer the question? 2) Does an expert provide the information? 3) Is the source valid? and 4) Is there a variety of references included, and not just one point of view?            The way to decide if a source is appropriate is to read the Table of Contents and Indexes inside a book and see if the material matches your topic. In an article, read the captions underneath the pictures and charts first, then the first sentence of each paragraph. Usually the pictures and graphs will give you the gist of the article, while the text helps to explain it. Be careful to consider the credentials of all references. Someone with experience, training, and certification in a field of study is considered an expert. Their studied opinion will then substantiate your opinions on a topic. For example, a PhD psychologist working with children for 30 years would be more of an expert on attention deficit than, say, an auto mechanic. Other questions to consider are the following: 1.Is the information unbiased? For example, do you accept a claim from the Sugar Growers Association that sugar is necessary to the human diet and does not cause cavities or Type II Diabetes? 2. Do the authors openly report their sources? Be careful of research articles that do not give full information. 3. Do authors state their research methods as well as results? If methods are not discussed, the research may be faulty. 4. Is the research up-to-date? For example, if you are writing about hybrid cars, an article from 1943 is not valid. Generally use sources that are 5 – 10 years old or newer. Finally, it is important to use a variety of points of view and opinions concerning a topic so that there will be enough evidence from all sides for making a balanced judgment. Do not depend only on a single source, or look for material biased only toward a particular point of view. Collect several appropriate sources, and review the combined information from that collection in order to analyze it to determine your own opinion. Using the questions above, you will have chosen information that is balanced, current, detailed, and scientifically correct. REFERENCES Arlov, P. (2007).Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing. Third Edition. Prentice Hall Arlov, P. (2004).Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing. Second Edition. Prentice Hall
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Immigrants - Just Let Them In :: Immigrants Immigration Essays
Immigrants - Just Let Them In America is the land of the free, and a life full of opportunities for every American. The United States leads the world in its power and is seen by many as a way to escape the hardships of their countries. Would it be inhumane of a rich country to not help the other countries and people, who struggle in the world? But for an immigrant to enter the United States, he or she must have a one to two-year processing time, a three hundred and ten dollar fee, and a ten page form stating their reasons for entering the U.S. Most immigrants do not want or can find time to go through this process. Instead, they could come into the U.S. illegally and still receive a job without a problem. Immigrants help America prosper by increasing the purchasing of goods. This in turn makes the economy grow by demanding more jobs. Immigrants help America flourish and create a wide variety of people living the American dream as one nation. Most Americans relax in a state of comfort zone. They live their nice lives and forget about the world outside their eyes. Studying other countries gives a clear example of what horrible lives others live. Currently eighty-nine percent of Mexico lives in poverty. The average Mexican worker slaves all day for a pathetic forty pesos, (Mexico Child Link. That is two dollars a day in America. If an American had a family with a wife and a couple kids, they could not support a family with such a lack of income. The American needs to put himself or herself in a position of an immigrant and asked the question what they would do. They would try to leave and go to a land where they hear of riches and luxuries. They would leave to a place where they could raise a happy family and obtain a steady job paying wages that they could support their family. The dream of any human being is not to suffer, but to live a joyful li fe. Many immigrants flee their countries because they seek asylum in the United States.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Technological Advancements Have Shaped Social Media Essay
There is no question that technological advancements have shaped the way we carry out our daily lives . There is almost no escaping it. We rely on our cellphones and laptops for nearly everything. Face-to-face social interactions and confrontations are becoming scarce as technology allows teenagers and young adults to hide behind their phones and computers. Young adults, especially high school and college students, need direct social skills to work on group projects in the classroom or to give a good impression in a job interview. I have found oral communication skills to be a vital part of my University degree as it has helped me with various job interviews and presentations. The positive impacts of advancements in technology in terms of social progress are mostly rooted in connection and accessibility. These advancements have allowed the possibility to make new friends or find and connect with long lost friends or relatives. One can easily check in on another and have video chats with the click of an icon whether it be on your laptop or your cell phone using applications such as Facetime. Today many people link their social networking pages and email to their phones so they never miss a beat. The negative effects are due to the fact that people tend to experience less face-to-face interaction in favor of the ability to communicate over the internet or on cell phones (texting). The drawback is that sometimes people use these things as a replacement for in-person relationships. All too often you hear people saying â€Å"Text me†or â€Å"Facebook me†. Internet social interactions also often lead to misunderstandings. With messaging occurring via text or email, connotation and tone are often lost and it is easy for people to misunderstand each other. It is easier for people to become offended this way and can cause problems in relationships. It is evident that technology has really influenced the dynamics of social progress. Only time will tell how it will evolve but I personally believe the pro’s far outweigh the cons. One thing that is for sure is that online social interaction is not going to stop anytime soon.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Olaudah Equiano: a Man of Many Customs
James Pajich Prof. Carla Lovett Hist. 105 18 October 2012 Olaudah Equiano: A Man of Many Customs The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano describes the life of a native African who was kidnapped from his homeland in the Eboe Province (which is now the Nigerian town of Isseke) at age eleven and thrown into the horrors of the African slave trade. Unlike most victims of the slave trade, Equiano regained his freedom and experienced multiple facets of life that no one could have expected.Equiano became a man of diverse customs and values. However, due to the absence of written records’ it is often a matter of debate as to what his true origin really was. Throughout his autobiography, Olaudah Equiano defined himself as a native African. He used vivid illustrations of his homeland and experiences on the Middle Passage, and was even willing to defend the public’s view of him as a man of Africa. I personally define Equiano as a European citizen according to his c ustoms, personal desires, and behavior.Equiano’s narrative played a key role in a variety of cultural, historical, and literary issues, therefore, the identification and ultimately the validity of its author take on special importance. While reading The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano I found it very apparent that Equiano viewed himself as an African born individual. He illustrated his culture and customs as an Igbo African in vivid details of culture, religion, law, and agriculture. (43-56) He also described the atrocities of the Atlantic slave trade as if he had recently experienced them: stating the smell, appearance, and reaction of his fellow slaves. 64-68) â€Å"Although culturally Equiano became â€Å"almost and Englishman,†embracing Christianity and British customs, the experiences Equiano shared with slaves and free people of color, and living in a world that did not differentiate between members of separate African communities, led him to consider himself also a son of Africa. †(21) Equiano embraced his African heritage throughout his life and even fought to uphold his reputation as such. There was an instance where two anonymous notes appeared in London papers charging that he was not from Africa at all, but was actually born on he Danish island of St. Croix in the Caribbean. Equiano realized that this claim falsified the validity of his Narrative and immediately confronted and threatened those responsible for the papers with legal action, providing actual witnesses of the fact that upon his arrival in England he was only able to speak an African language (24-25). This reaction shows that Equiano held much pride in his African identity and was willing defend it against those who claimed otherwise. However, there is evidence of significant authority that claims Equiano may have fabricated the origins of his identity.There are two certain documents, discovered by literary historian Vincent Carretta, that pin point the birthplace of Equiano in South Carolina that keep modern day scholars and historians from absolute certainty of his actual birthplace. One of these documents was written on February 9, 1759 in the baptismal registry of St. Margaret’s Church in Westminster, England. It read, â€Å"Gustavus Vassa (Olaudah Equiano) a Black born in Carolina 12 years old. †(26) The second document was from Equiano’s Arctic expedition in 1773. It claims that he was currently 28 years old and born in South Carolina.Neither of these findings is conclusive as to whether Equiano was African or American-born, but they certainly leave plenty of room for uncertainty. (26-27) I personally define Equiano as European, particularly an Englishman. Notions of English nationality are found in great abundance throughout the text. Equiano’s narrative repeatedly expresses his desire for a male English identity. He doesn’t view Englishness as a racially exclusive nationality, b ut one that evokes an ethnic identity that Equiano defines through Christianity, and citizenship.Two to three years after arriving in England Equiano claimed â€Å"I no longer looked at them as spirits, but as men superior to us; and therefore I had a stronger desire to resemble them; to imbibe their spirit, and imitate their manners I therefore embraced every occasion of improvement; and every new thing that I observed I treasured up in my memory. †(83) Here we see Equiano’s envy for his new â€Å"superiors†and his wish to possess their culture and belongings. This desire strongly encouraged my opinion of Equiano’s identity as European.My opinion was also influenced by Equiano’s acculturation into English society and customs during his early teen years. â€Å"I could now speak English tolerably well, and I perfectly understood everything that was said. I now not only felt myself quite easy with these new countrymen, but relished their society a nd manners. †(83) It is clear that Equiano identified his shipmates as his â€Å"countrymen†and personally enjoyed the interactions he had with each one of them. It was now between three and four years since I first came to England, a great part of which I had spent at sea; so that I became inured to that service, and began to consider myself as happily situated; for my master treated me always extremely well; and my attachment and gratitude to him were very great. From the various scenes I had beheld on ship-board, I soon grew a stranger to terror of every kind, and was, in that respect at least, almost an Englishman. †(83) This passage shows that Equiano developed an affectionate relationship with his master and also that their bond strengthened Equiano’s identity as an adult man.Even more important, the identity Equiano is trying to proclaim for himself as an adult man, â€Å"a stranger to terror of every kind†, is as a European. There are also certain actions and beliefs that Equiano maintained that provoked the establishment of his European desires. For instance, he believed the only manner towards proper adulthood is as an Englishman. Equiano doesn’t come right out and say this but there is a point in the text where he noted that he considers himself very fortunate that he didn’t receive his family members’ tribal marking on his face, as is would have represented his entrance into mature Ibo manhood. As I was now amongst a people who had not their faces scarred, like some of the African nations where I had been, I was very glad that I did not let them ornament me in that manner†(69). Also, during Equiano’s voyage to Jamaica and the Mosquito Shore he went to see a Guineaman doctor to purchase slaves to cultivate a plantation. He even chose them according to their native land in hopes that it is near his own. (189) The identification of Olaudah Equiano is of the utmost importance becaus e of the critical role he played in the antislavery movement. Even the timing f a personable voice speaking out against slavery was important because it was a time when opposition to slavery was scattered throughout Britain and America and Equiano’s narrative, along with other factors, helped assemble the movement into one of the greatest in British history. It was Equiano’s personal accounts and experiences that validated his narrative. He possessed the intelligence and capability to spread his ideas to men and women on all levels of British society. He also had the members of significant political authority to support his narrative to yet further its validity.Unfortunately, Equiano never had the opportunity to bare witness to what he worked so hardly toward because the slave trade ended in both England and the United State ten years after his death (1807). Conclusively, it is very apparent that Olaudah Equiano distinguished himself as an African-born man, even though I personally identify him as a man of European customs based on his desires, influences, and his acculturation into European society. Most importantly, Equiano’s narrative played a key role as an abolitionist tool in the fight against slavery and the identity of its author deems it valid as a historical document.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
MR. essays
MR. essays Different types of Numbers and their Properties In 1202 Fibonacci wrote a text called Liber Abaci. The following question was posed.  ¡A man puts one pair of rabbits in a certain place entirely surrounded by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year, if the nature of these rabbits is such that every month each pair bears a new pair which from the second month becomes productive? ¡ ('sort=FibonacciNumber) The number of pairs of rabbits in the nth month begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... where each term is the sum of the two terms preceding it. Mathematicians define this sequence recursively as follows: u1 = u2 = 1 and un+1 = un + un-1 (n > 2) This sequence, now called the Fibonacci sequence, has an amazing number of applications in nature and art; it also has a tremendous number of interesting properties which is reason enough for the journal "The Fibonacci Quarterly" to exist. The Fibonacci Series can easily be described as a series of whole numbers which progresses by adding the previous number to present one to make the next number in the series. So if we start by adding 2 to 1, = 3, then 3 +2=5 and 5+3 = 8....... and the familiar series unfolds. A Fibonacci prime, is a Fibonacci number that is prime number. By recalling the Fibonacci numbers can be defined as follows: u1 = u2 = 1 and un+1 = un + un-1 ( ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Bilingualism in the US essays
Bilingualism in the US essays Bilingualism has had a bad rap lately. Prop 227, the Unz Initiative, successfully passed removing bilingual education from California schools replacing it with English immersion. For some reason, Americans feel that only one language is necessary and that language is English only. Although the general consensus is to remove any form of bilingualism in this country, research has shown that being bilingual is not bad but is actually a good trait to have. Bilingualism is defined as people who use two languages in the course of their every day life are not identical to those people who use only one language to communicate. For bilingual individuals their two languages form a unitary whole (Valdes, 6). What that means is that anyone who can effectively communicate in two different languages is bilingual. Whats added to the definition is an aspect that creates a separation between a mere familiarity with two languages and full communicative skills in two languages. That is important because there are two kinds of bilingual people: elective bilinguals and circumstantial bilinguals. Elective bilinguals are those who choose to become bilingual by taking classes to learn a foreign language (Valdes, 12). Those are people who took French or Spanish in high school or any other form of educational environment. Circumstantial bilinguals are those who learn another language in order to survive (Valdes, 12). These are usually immigrants f rom foreign countries with different languages. The biggest difference between the two is choice. Elective bilinguals choose to be bilingual while circumstantial bilinguals have no choice. This is important because this paper focuses on circumstantial bilinguals because I will emphasize on the uniqueness of the immigrant experience and why that uniqueness should be embraced rather than shunned. Richard Rodriguez in his book Hunger of Memory writes about his experience as a second-generation Me...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Study of Human Behavior 10 Facts That Will Make You Fall in Love with the Course
Study of Human Behavior 10 Facts That Will Make You Fall in Love with the Course Study of Human Behavior: 10 Facts That Will Make You Fall in Love with the Course Even the words â€Å"human behavior†make you yawn. But, it just sounds so dry and boring. Actually, you’re wrong. The study of human behavior is truly fascinating. The way we behave is unpredictable, weird, and sometimes wonderful. Here are 10 fun facts that will make you hungry to learn more. High levels of testosterone have been linked to pleasure in the expression of anger towards others. We all know that testosterone can make us more aggressive, but now the reason is clear. The expression of anger gives some of us pleasure similar to what we feel when having sex. After you die, your brain remains alive for 7 minutes replaying all the memories from your life. So it turns out that you really do â€Å"see your life flash before your eyes†when dying. Spooky, isn’t it? Studies have confirmed that publicly stating a goal to others makes it less likely that you will succeed. The added pressure of the expectations of others causes you to lose your motivation. So next New Year’s, try writing your resolutions down privately instead of posting them publicly on social media and see what a difference it makes. It has been found that people with low self-esteem are more likely to engage in acts to purposely humiliate others. It turns out Mom was right all along. Bullies really do just feel bad about themselves. When a person lies, he or she has a tendency to look to the left or upwards. Anywhere but directly in the eyes of the person they’re talking to! The last person you are thinking about before you fall asleep is either a root cause of happiness or pain in your life. Perhaps this also explains why they so frequently show up in your dreams at night, too. When we have negative opinions about others, we really believe that these opinions are true and unbiased. That teacher is just incompetent and everyone knows it. The fact that he gave you a failing grade on your last paper has nothing to do with it. Intelligent women are more likely to remain single. It turns out that women with a higher IQ usually prefer being alone to being with the wrong people. So, if you’re a girl who has been single for a long time, it could just mean that you’re smarter than an average one. When listening to boring speeches, we are constantly rewriting them in our minds to make them more interesting. It’s our own inner defense mechanism to help keep us focused when a lecturer drones on and on. And most of the time, we don’t even realize that we’re doing it. Physical sensations directly affect our behavior. For example, if an object feels physically heavy, we associate it with a feeling of seriousness. And it has been shown that contact with nature helps us cope with the stress better. Want to learn more intriguing facts about human behavior? There are plenty of them, and we guarantee that as you continue studying them, you will be endlessly fascinated and hungry to learn even more.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Public Cloud a Source of Danger to Businesses Essay
Public Cloud a Source of Danger to Businesses - Essay Example Actually, the cloud services are offered by a third party. So the secret data and information of an organization are stored on the servers of that third party. In this scenario, organizations believe that the public cloud is a source of danger to businesses. This paper discusses the arguments of other researchers to prove this claim. Introduction Cloud computing is a most modern information technology trend that a lot of business organizations are adopting due to its environmental aspects, money savings, mobility, scalability and energy effectiveness. Basically, the cloud computing allows organizations or individuals to access all their tools, applications and files from anyplace on the earth, as a result releasing them from the limitations of the desktop and allowing widespread group partnership (Modavi, 2010; Miller, 2009). It is now very common to use the public cloud for carrying out business tasks. A public cloud is basically a cloud computing model used by the service providers to offer their resources, similar to storage and applications to the wide-ranging public over the internet. The majority of public cloud services are free of charge or presented on a pay per usage based model. In this scenario, the fundamental advantages of making use of a public cloud service are simple and low-cost set-up for the reason that application, hardware and bandwidth costs are covered by the service provider. In addition, the public cloud offers the scalability to meet users’ requirements. In fact, public cloud does not waste resources because we pay for what we use. Moreover, the idea of public cloud appeared to make a distinction between the standard model and private cloud that is a proprietary communication data center or network that makes use of cloud computing systems, like that Virtualization. In this scenario, a private cloud is managed and organized by the business it serves. On the other hand, a 3rd model known as the hybrid cloud, is managed by both i nternal and external providers (TechTarget, 2009; Tchifilionova, 2011; Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2009). This paper discusses the possible impacts of the public cloud on the businesses and how a public cloud can be a source of danger to businesses. This paper will discuss different aspects of the public cloud and possible security issues associated with public cloud. Public Cloud: An Overview Public clouds are managed and controlled by a 3rd party organization, as well as the implementations from different clients are possibly combined together with the cloud servers, storage devices and networks. In view of the fact that the public clouds are not managed and controlled by a host organization itself thus they could be wonderful technique to decrease client risks, burden, responsibilities and cost by means of an efficient however conditional development of business structure. On the other hand, if a cloud service provider manages a cloud keeping security, performance and data storage lo cations in mind, the maintenance of additional applications executing in the cloud can be easy to follow for both cloud architects and cloud users. Undoubtedly, public cloud services present a potential to upgrade and move down according to certain conditions, and transfer varying infrastructure risks and dangers from the corporate to the cloud source, if even just temporarily (Sun
Friday, October 18, 2019
Explaining the Improbable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Explaining the Improbable - Essay Example Dawkins agrees with Paley that the universe deserves a special kind of explanation because it is complex. He recognizes that a convincing work had to go through complexities just as the universe it tried to explain. The foundation of Paley’s arguments stems from his famous introductory explanation to the same. Paley imagines that he would be walking through a heath. In his first imagination, he would have come across a stone on which he steps on the same. If he were asked on how the stone came to be there, he would simply say that it had been there for a substantial time. He notes that he would not be able to further explain this answer. This means that he would not be able to account for absurdity of the answer. On the other hand, he would come across a watch. If he were asked on how the watch came to be, he would not provide the initial answer in the case of stone. Dawkins notes that it is essential, of the fact, that Paley recognizes the fundamental differences between natural objects, such as stone, and artificial objects such as the watch. This relates to the fact that watches are designed and manufactured objects while stones are natural objects. Paley strives to explain the intricacies of a watch through its cogs and springs. He argues that different entities make cogs and springs. The cogs and springs have their complexities by which they add onto the same of the watch. This regards the fashion and precision by which the watchmaker designs his watches. If an individual came across a watch upon a heath, one may not know of the origin of the same. However, one would be led to conclude that the watch had a maker who was responsible for its fashion and design. This maker conceived its construction and design. Paley argues that this is the foundation by which an atheist argues. An atheist would only regard works, of nature, as of better design. This means that atheists use the
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Leadership - Essay Example Eisenhower and President John F. Kennedy. There are a couple different styles of leadership that a leader can use. President Eisenhower was a transactional leader, in that his style of leadership was systematic and was based on the idea of rewards and punishments associated with making decisions. This comes with the fact that he had a military background, which provided him the experience and knowledge base for him to exercise his leadership authority. Many of his actions were the result of defense and competition with the Soviets as his term of presidency was during the period where the United States was operating under the containment policy of trying to prevent the spread of Communism into the democratic sphere. Thus these programs, such as the development of nuclear weapons as well as the start to the NASA program served their purpose as showing the United States’ raw power. As a result, a majority of the way in which he dictated policy both in the United States and as in foreign policy was always based on that of defense and military authority (â€Å"Dwight D. Eisenhower†, 2011). President John F. Kennedy was an enthusiastic, young leader that was more inexperienced than his predecessor President Eisenhower. He also was a soldier who served as an officer in the Untied States Navy.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The trial of Angelique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The trial of Angelique - Essay Example When one considers the details that were revealed during the trial of this slave, one will come to the conclusion that the slaves of New France were provided with plenty of freedoms by their owners. This is mainly due to the fact, for example, that Angelique was allowed the freedom to move around the town of Montreal, without any restrictions by her owners. In addition, it was mentioned that she was a very firm woman who had her own opinions that at times went against those of her owner, to the extent that she was accused of talking back to her owner whenever she was addressed. It has been speculated that it was her well known independent streak that may have been the reason why she ended up setting fire to her owner’s house in protest towards her living conditions and her status in society.1 The fact remains that the fire which destroyed most of Montreal took place at a time when Madame de Francheville had the intention of selling Angelique against the latter’s wishes. ... It was mainly because of her attempted escape, as well as her lack of the required submissiveness towards her owner, which might have led to her being accused of setting the fire and as a result destroying most of the town. Her independent nature may have been a basis of her accusation by the French authorities in Montreal mainly because they were in need of a scapegoat to appease the angry residents of the town. This can be considered to be the most plausible explanation for Angelique’s trial based only on rumour and lacking in any evidence that she had indeed started the fire. Despite her having, throughout the trial denied that she was the culprit, because of her reputation, first as a runaway slave, as well as her rebelliousness towards her owner, she was considered to be guilty of the crime that she was rumoured to have committed.2 It can, therefore, be said that Angelique’s trial was an injustice to this slave woman, who was not only placed in bondage against her will, but because of her status in the society, she was presumed to be guilty without any real or tangible evidence being presented to prove the claims that were made against her. The law that was practiced in New France at the time dictated that a person could be presumed guilty through â€Å"public knowledge†, meaning that whether one were guilty or not, as long as the public believed that one was guilty, and then there was nothing that one could to prove his or her innocence. It is this injustice which happened to Angelique, who despite her not being guilty, and there being no eyewitnesses to her presumed crime, was not only tried, but also ended up losing her life. The strength of character displayed by Angelique can be seen throughout her trial where she insisted that she was
Group Assignment - Project Goals and Purpose Essay
Group Assignment - Project Goals and Purpose - Essay Example The project will demonstrate that when employees are given the freedom to air and follow their values and add to the culture of the work place, they get the ownership of the job and hence develop the need to continually foster its growth through performance increase despite the challenges they might encounter (Rosenthal and Masarech, 2003, pg. 4). Values as explained by Sisk, (2003) are about doing the right thing by an individual. Culture involves the behaviour and practices in an organization which the employees, management and customers surround themselves with. Culture is fostered and maintained by the values of the employees and with a good corporate culture, both employees and customers will be satisfied and this means that their performance and business will increase tremendously and the ultimate results being high performance and gaining competitive advantage in the market place. Culture grows with the addition of new employees (Smith, 2014) and in order to maintain the high performance and fulfil the objectives of a company, growth in culture must be allowed and even encouraged. Smith, F. (September 11th, 2014). â€Å"Atlassian, Australia’s Best Place to Work, to ‘gamify’ recruitment.†Financial Review. Retrieved from:
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The trial of Angelique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The trial of Angelique - Essay Example When one considers the details that were revealed during the trial of this slave, one will come to the conclusion that the slaves of New France were provided with plenty of freedoms by their owners. This is mainly due to the fact, for example, that Angelique was allowed the freedom to move around the town of Montreal, without any restrictions by her owners. In addition, it was mentioned that she was a very firm woman who had her own opinions that at times went against those of her owner, to the extent that she was accused of talking back to her owner whenever she was addressed. It has been speculated that it was her well known independent streak that may have been the reason why she ended up setting fire to her owner’s house in protest towards her living conditions and her status in society.1 The fact remains that the fire which destroyed most of Montreal took place at a time when Madame de Francheville had the intention of selling Angelique against the latter’s wishes. ... It was mainly because of her attempted escape, as well as her lack of the required submissiveness towards her owner, which might have led to her being accused of setting the fire and as a result destroying most of the town. Her independent nature may have been a basis of her accusation by the French authorities in Montreal mainly because they were in need of a scapegoat to appease the angry residents of the town. This can be considered to be the most plausible explanation for Angelique’s trial based only on rumour and lacking in any evidence that she had indeed started the fire. Despite her having, throughout the trial denied that she was the culprit, because of her reputation, first as a runaway slave, as well as her rebelliousness towards her owner, she was considered to be guilty of the crime that she was rumoured to have committed.2 It can, therefore, be said that Angelique’s trial was an injustice to this slave woman, who was not only placed in bondage against her will, but because of her status in the society, she was presumed to be guilty without any real or tangible evidence being presented to prove the claims that were made against her. The law that was practiced in New France at the time dictated that a person could be presumed guilty through â€Å"public knowledge†, meaning that whether one were guilty or not, as long as the public believed that one was guilty, and then there was nothing that one could to prove his or her innocence. It is this injustice which happened to Angelique, who despite her not being guilty, and there being no eyewitnesses to her presumed crime, was not only tried, but also ended up losing her life. The strength of character displayed by Angelique can be seen throughout her trial where she insisted that she was
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Declaration of Independence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Declaration of Independence - Essay Example Citizens have natural rights that the government cannot bestow or take away. The country was founded by people who believed this concept and wrote the Constitution to forever protect personal freedoms, a concept not reflective of attitudes toward freedom. To what extent personal freedom should be permitted is not the issue. Personal freedoms are an American birthright that is slowly but surely eroding over time. Whether or not the American people have the courage to protect and restore these freedoms is the real issue. The Founding Fathers displayed courage when they broke away from a tyrannical, oppressive King of England who ruled over the most powerful military at that time to establish a country where personal autonomy was considered the most precious commodity in a society. The seeds of the Founders’ concept of law and freedom emanated from Britain. The Constitution was inspired by the Magna Charta and British philosopher John Locke helped to lay the foundation for the Fo unders’ deep belief in personal freedoms. Locke defined each individual as having the right to â€Å"life, liberty and estate†(Locke, 1960 p. 448). These words have an almost identical mirror in the beginning paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence written nearly 70 years later: â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness†(â€Å"Declaration of Independence†1776).
Monday, October 14, 2019
Personality Paper Essay Example for Free
Personality Paper Essay Why are some people shy and others are outgoing? Why are some people kind and gentle, while others are hostile and aggressive? The answer to these questions can be found in three of the theories that describe personality. These theories are; psychoanalytic, humanistic, and social cognitive. Founded by Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis is a theory that â€Å"stresses the influence of unconscious mental processes, the importance of sexual and aggressive instincts, and the enduring effects of early childhood experience on personality.†(Hockenbury 2014) This theory states that a person’s behavior and attitude are a result of past experiences, unconscious thoughts, buried memories, as well as a desire for pleasure. The second theory, based upon the potential that all humans have, is called the humanistic perspective. Rather than focusing on negative personality aspects, humanists think of all people as good and completely self-aware. An important concept to be aware of within this area of self-awareness is passed on to children from their parents. This concept is known as conditional positive regard. Hockenbury (2014) describes this as, â€Å"the sense that the child is valued and loved only when she behaves in a way that is acceptable to others.†While it is important to feel loved and valued, placing limitations on those feelings can be detrimental to a child, as they may end up in denial and never learn how to express their true feelings. The third theory is the social cognitive perspective. This perspective focuses on how conscious thought affects the beliefs and goals that a person has. Hockenbury (2014) paraphrases a leading theorist, Albert Bandura by saying, â€Å"collectively a person’s cognitive skills, abilities and attitudes represent the person’s self-system†¦ it is out self-esteem that guides how we perceive, evaluate, and control our behavior in different situations.†What gives this perspective more credibility is that there is a way to measure its’ success, unlike the other theories. There are two widely known ways to assess personality, Projective testing, and self-report testing. One of the better-known projective tests born from the psychoanalytic approach is the Rorschach inkblot test. This test takes inkblot images and asks the person to describe what they see in that image. Because there is no specific or correct way to score that test, the answers are subject to the interpretation of whoever is issuing the test. One benefit is that the person taking the test can consciously decide how they want to answer it, and effectively predict the outcome. There are also more structured tests known as self-report inventories, which is a structured question and answer test that rates the findings against a compiled average scoring from others. According to Cherry (n.d.), â€Å"Self-report inventories are often an [sic] good solution when researchers need to administer a large number of tests in relatively short space of time. Many self report inventories can be com pleted very quickly, often in as little as 15 minutes. This type of questionnaire is an affordable option for researchers faced with tight budgets.†Cherry goes on to say, â€Å"results of self report inventories are generally much more reliable and valid than projective tests. Scoring of the tests a standardized and based on norms that have been previously established.†Although there are valid benefits that can come from personality assessments, there are also concerns regarding how truthful the answers may be, and how the answers may convey thought rather than behavior. Flagg (2010) regards these tests as, â€Å"what people think and/or [sic] feel at any given moment. They do not reveal what someone can do.†An example of this would be answering yes to a question regarding a skill in a certain area, though there is no way to prove the possession of that skill. Flagg goes on to say that the â€Å"test scores box people into a set of definitions based on gross generalizations, which make them about as effective and applicable as horoscopes.†The Myers-Briggs personality assessment is a self-report test that was purposely designed to â€Å"box†a person into a defined category. Based on the answers to questions a person is labeled as either: introvert or extrovert, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving. Many large companies today offer this assessment to their employees in order to achieve a more efficient and successful work environment. While these tests are an effective way to gain answers, the truth is that the best way to learn about someone is to get to know them. References Cherry, K. (n.d.). What is a self report inventory. Retrieved 9/27/14 from Flagg, D. (2010). The problem with personality tests. Retrieved 9/27/14 from Hockenbury, D. H., Hockenbury, S. E. (2014). Discovering Psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishing
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The History And Uses Of Bioremediation
The History And Uses Of Bioremediation The past decade has shown, in greater or lesser degree, our carelessness and negligence in using our natural resources. The problems associated with contamination of natural resources are prominently increasing in many countries. Contaminated environment generally result from production, use, and disposal of hazardous substances from industrial activities. The problem is worldwide, and the estimated number of contaminated sites is significant. It is now widely recognized that contaminated environment is a potential threat to human health, and its continual discovery over recent years has led to international efforts to remedy many of these sites, to enable the site to be redeveloped for use. To bioremediate, means to use living things to eliminate environmental contamination such as contaminated soil or groundwater. Some microorganisms that live in soil and groundwater naturally eat certain chemicals that are harmful to people and the environment. The microorganisms are able to change these chemicals into water and harmless gases, such as carbon dioxide. Plants can also be used to clean up soil, water or air; this is called phytoremediation Bioremediation is an option that offers the possibility to destroy or render harmless various con taminants using natural biological activity. As such, it uses relatively low-cost, low-technology tech niques, which generally have a high public acceptance and can often be carried out on site. It will not always be suitable, however, as the range of contaminants on which it is effective is limited, the time scales involved are relatively long, and the residual contaminant levels achievable may not always be appropriate. Although the methodologies employed are not technically complex, considerable experi ence and expertise may be required to design and implement a successful bioremediation program, due to the need to thoroughly assess a site for suitability and to optimize conditions to achieve a satisfacto ry result. Bioremediation has been used at a number of sites worldwide Here, we intended to assist by providing a straightforward, pragmatic view of the processes involved in bioremediation, the pros and cons of the technique, and the issues to be considered when dealing with a proposal for bioremediation. HISTORY Bioremediation has been described as a treatability technology that uses biological activity to reduce the concentration or toxicity of a pollutant. It commonly uses processes by which microorganisms transform or degrade chemicals in the environment (King 1). This use of microorganisms (mainly bacteria) to destroy or transform hazardous contaminants is not a new idea. Microorganisms have been used since 600 B.C. by the Romans and others to treat their wastewater. Although this same technology is still usedtoday to treat wastewater it has been expanded to treat an array of other contaminants. In fact, bioremediation has been used commercially for almost 30 years. The first commercial use of a bioremediation system was in 1972 to clean up a Sun Oil pipeline spill in Ambler, Pennsylvania CONVENTIONAL STRATEGIES OF REMEDIATION The conventional techniques used for remediation have been to dig up contaminated soil and remove it to a landfill, or to cap and contain the contaminated areas of a site. The methods have some drawbacks. The first method simply moves the contamination elsewhere and may create significant risks in the excavation, handling, and transport of hazardous material. Additionally, it is very difficult and increasingly expensive to find new landfill sites for the final disposal of the material. The cap and contain method is only an temporary solution since the contamination remains on site, requiring monitor ing and maintenance of the isolation barriers long into the future, with all the associated costs and potential liability. A better approach than these traditional methods is to completely destroy the pollutants if possi ble, or at least to transform them to innocuous substances. Some technologies that have been used are high-temperature incineration and various types of chemical decomposition (e.g., base-catalyzed dechlorination, UV oxidation). They can be very effective at reducing levels of a range of contaminants, but have several drawbacks, principally their technological complexity, the cost for small-scale appli cation, and the lack of public acceptance, especially for incineration that may increase the exposure to contaminants for both the workers at the site and nearby residents. Conventional ways of Bioremediation Dig up and remove it to a landfill Risk of excavation, handling and transport of hazardous material Very expensive to find another land to finally dispose these materials Cap and contain the contaminated area. Maintain it in the same land but isolate it Only an temporary solution Requires monitoring and maintenance of isolation barriers for a long time Better approaches: Destroy them completely, if possible Transform them in to harmless substances Drawbacks Technological complexity The cost for small scale application expensive Lack of public acceptance especially in incineration Incineration generates more toxic compounds Materials released from imperfect incineration cause undesirable imbalance in the atmosphere. Ex. Ozone depletion Fall back on earth and pollute some other environment Dioxin production due to burning of plastics leads to cancer May increase the exposure to contaminants, for both workers and nearby residents PRINCIPLES OF BIOREMEDIATION Figure 1: Bioremediation Triangle There are three essential components needed for bioremediation. These three components are microorganisms, food, and nutrients. These three main components shown in Figure 1 are known as the bioremediation triangle. Microorganisms are found almost everywhere on earth with the exception of active volcanoes. So a lack of food and nutrients are usually the missing ingredients that prevent successful bioremediation. Microorganisms find the food they eat in the soil or water where they live. However, if a contaminant is present it can become an additional food source for the microorganisms. The contaminant serves two useful purposes for the microbes. First, the contaminant provides a source of carbon needed for growth. Second,the microbes obtain energy by breaking chemical bonds and transferring electrons away from the contaminant. This is known as an oxidation-reduction reaction. The contaminant that loses electrons is oxidized and the chemical that gains the electrons(electron acceptor) is reduced. The energy gained from the electron transfer is used along with the carbon and some electrons to produce more cells. Microbes generally use oxygenas an electron acceptor but nitrate, sulfate, iron, and CO2 are also commonly used. The use of oxygen as an electron acceptor is called aerobic respiration. The major byproducts of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide, water, and an increase in the microbe population. Anaerobic respiration uses nitrate, sulfate, iron, or CO2 as the electron acceptor instead of oxygen. Anaerobic respiration can occur after the oxygen has been depleted by aerobic respiration or where there is not sufficient oxygen in the first place. The process of anaerobic degradation has been ignored for many years. However, recently it has been gaining more attention; There are also several nutrients that must be accessible to the microorganisms for bioremediation to be successful. These include moisture, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other trace elements. Microorganisms like other organisms need moisture to survive and grow.In addition, microbes depend on the moisture to transport food to them since they do not have mouths. The optimal moisture content for microbes in the vadose zone has been determined to be between 10 and 25% (King 16). Besides moisture, nitrogen (ammonia)and phosphorus (orthophosphate) are two major nutrients needed for the microorganisms. The microorganisms also require minor elements such as sulfur, potassium, magnesium,calcium, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper, nickel, and zinc (King 19). However, these minor elements are usually available in the environment in sufficient amounts where nitrogen and phosphorus may be lacking and need to be added. There are many contaminants susceptible to bioremediation. Petroleum hydrocarbons, i n particular, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX), the major components of gasoline, have been biodegraded using this technology. In addition, alcohols, ketones, and esters are well established as being biodegradable by microorganisms. Many other contaminants are emerging as treatable using bioremediation such as halogenated aliphatics, halogenated aromatics, polychlorinated biphenyls, and nitroaromatics. FACTORS AFFECTING BIOREMEDIATION The factors affecting bioremediation can be divided into following categories. Microbial factors Environmental factors Microbial Factors Microorganisms can be isolated from almost any environmental conditions. Microbes will adapt and grow at subzero temperatures, as well as extreme heat, desert conditions, in water, with an excess of oxygen, and in anaerobic conditions, with the presence of hazardous compounds or on any waste stream. The main requirements are an energy source and a carbon source. Because of the adaptability of microbes and other biological systems, these can be used to degrade or remediate environmental hazards. We can subdivide these microorganisms into the following groups Aerobic Anaerobic Ligninolytic Fungi Methylotrophs Aerobic These microbes have often been reported to degrade pesticides and hydrocarbons, both alkanes and polyaromatic compounds. Many of these bacteria use the contaminant as the sole source of carbon and energy. Examples of aerobic bacteria recognized for their degradative abilities are Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Sphingomonas, Rhodococcus, and Mycobacterium. Anaerobic Anaerobic bacteria are not as frequently used as aerobic bacteria. There is an increasing interest in anaerobic bacteria used for bioremediation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in river sediments, dechlorination of the solvent trichloroethylene (TCE), and chloroform. Ligninolytic fungi Fungi such as the white rot fungus Phanaerochaete chrysosporium have the ability to degrade an extremely diverse range of persistent or toxic environmental pollutants. Common substrates used include straw, saw dust, or corn cobs. Methylotrophs Aerobic bacteria that grow utilizing methane for carbon and energy. The initial enzyme in the pathway for aerobic degradation, methane monooxygenase, has a broad substrate range and is active against a wide range of compounds, including the chlorinated aliphatics trichloroethylene and 1,2-dichloroethane. For degradation it is necessary that bacteria and the contaminants be in contact. This is not easily achieved, as neither the microbes nor contaminants are uniformly spread in the soil. Some bacteria are mobile and exhibit a chemotactic response, sensing the contaminant and moving toward it. Other microbes such as fungi grow in a filamentous form toward the contaminant. It is possible to enhance the mobilization of the contaminant utilizing some surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) Microbes are used to degrade gasoline, the most common contaminant of groundwater in the United States. Adding powdered seaweed to DDT-contaminated soil boosts the cleaning activity of DDT-eating microbes. In one test site, 80% of the DDT was removed after six weeks. Microbes and fungi are used in air filters to control odours from sewage treatment plants and in the paint industry. A gene for a protein found in rat livers that binds with toxic metals has been inserted in both tobacco plants and algae. With this gene, the tobacco plant and the algae are able to extract several hundred times more toxic metal compounds from soil or water compared to plants without the gene. One particular microbe degrades polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are cancer-causing petroleum by-products. The microbes, called simply sulfate-reducers, are able to attack PAHs in the sediment of Boston Harbor where scientists thought the contaminant could not be treated due to lack of oxygen. Examples of microbes used for bioremediation include: Deinococcus radiodurans bacteria have been genetically modified to digest solvents and heavy metals, as well as toluene and ionic mercury from highly radioactive nuclear waste. Geobacter sufurreducens bacteria can turn uranium dissolved in groundwater into a non-soluble, collectable form. Dehalococcoides ethenogenes bacteria are being used in ten states to clean up chlorinated solvents that have been linked to cancer. The bacteria are naturally found in both soil and water and are able to digest the solvents much faster than using traditional clean-up methods. Thermus brockianus, found in Yellowstone National Park, produces an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide 80,000 times faster than current chemicals in use. Alcaligenes eutrophus, naturally degrades 2,4-D, the third most widely used herbicide in the U.S. Some contaminants potentially suitable for bioremediation. Class of contaminants Specific examples Aerobic Anaerobic Potential sources Chlorinated solvents Trichloroethylene + Drycleaners Perchloroethylene Chemical manufacture Polychlorinated biphenyls 4-Chlorobiphenyl + Electrical manufacturing 4,4 Dichlorobiphenyl Power station Railway yards Chlorinated phenol Pentachlorophenol + Timber treatment Landfills BTEX Benzene + + Oil production and storage Toluene Gas work sites Ethylbenzene Airports Xylene Paint manufacture Port facilities Railway yards Chemical manufacture Polyaromatic hydrocarbons Naphthalene + Oil production and storage (PAHs) Antracene Gas work sites Fluorene Coke plants Pyrene Engine works Benzo(a)pyrene Landfills Tar production and storage Boiler ash dump sites Power stations Pesticides Atrazine + + Agriculture Carbaryl Timber treatment Carbofuran Pesticide manufacture Coumphos Recreational areas ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 1. Nutrients Although the microorganisms are present in contaminated soil, they cannot necessarily be there in the numbers required for bioremediation of the site. Their growth and activity must be stimulated. Biostimulation usually involves the addition of nutrients and oxygen to help indigenous microorgan isms. These nutrients are the basic building blocks of life and allow microbes to create the necessary enzymes to break down the contaminants. All of them will need nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbon (e.g., see Table below). Carbon is the most basic element of living forms and is needed in greater quantities than other elements. In addition to hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen it constitutes about 95% of the weight of cells.Phosphorous and sulphur contribute with 70% of the remainders. The nutritional requirement of carbon to nitrogen ratio is 10:1, and carbon to phosphorous is 30:1. 3. Environmental requirements Optimum environmental conditions for the degradation of contaminants are reported in Table below: Parameters Condition required for microbial activity Optimum value for an oil degradation Soil moisture 25-28% of water holding capacity 30-90% Soil pH 5.5-8.8 6.5-8.0 Oxygen content Aerobic, minimum air-filled pore space of 10% 10-40% Nutrient content N and p for microbial growth C:N:P = 100:10:1 Temperature ( °C) 15-45 20-30 Contaminants Not too toxic Hydrocarbon 5-10% of dry weight of soil Heavy metals Total content 2000 ppm 700 ppm Type of soil Low clay or silt content 4. Environmental conditions affecting degradation Microbial growth and activity are readily affected by pH, temperature, and moisture. Although microorganisms have been also isolated in extreme conditions, most of them grow optimally over a nar row range, so that it is important to achieve optimal conditions. If the soil has too much acid it is possible to rinse the pH by adding lime. Temperature affects bio chemical reactions rates, and the rates of many of them double for each 10  °C rise in temperature. Above a certain temperature, however, the cells die. Plastic covering can be used to enhance solar warming in late spring, summer, and autumn. Available water is essential for all the living organisms, and irrigation is needed to achieve the optimal moisture level. The amount of available oxygen will determine whether the system is aerobic or anaerobic. Hydrocarbons are readily degraded under aerobic conditions, whereas chlorurate compounds are degraded only in anaerobic ones. To increase the oxygen amount in the soil it is possible to till or sparge air. In some cases, hydrogen peroxide or magnesium peroxide can be introduced in the environment. Soil structure controls the effective delivery of air, water, and nutrients. To improve soil structure, materials such as gypsum or organ ic matter can be applied. Low soil permeability can impede move ment of water, nutrients, and oxygen; hence, soils with low permeability may not be appropriate for in situ clean-up techniques. STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES INVOLVED IN BIOREMEDIATION Basically two types of techniques are involved in Bioremediation In situ Bioremediation (at the site) Ex situ Bioremediation (away from the site) In situ Bioremediation In situ techniques are defined as those that are applied to soil and groundwater at the site with minimal disturbance. These techniques are generally the most desirable options due to lower cost and fewer disturbances since they provide the treatment in place avoiding excavation and transport of contaminants. In situ treatment is limited by the depth of the soil that can be effectively treated. In many soils effective oxygen diffusion for desirable rates of bioremediation extend to a range of only a few centimetres to about 30 cm into the soil, although depths of 60 cm and greater have been effectively treated in some cases. In situ Bioremediation types: Bioventing is the most common in situ treatment and involves supplying air and nutrients through wells to contaminated soil to stimulate the indigenous bacteria. Bioventing employs low air flow rates and provides only the amount of oxygen necessary for the biodegradation while minimizing volatiliza tion and release of contaminants to the atmosphere. It works for simple hydrocarbons and can be used where the contamination is deep under the surface. In situ biodegradation involves supplying oxygen and nutrients by circulating aqueous solutions through contaminated soils to stimulate naturally occurring bacteria to degrade organic contaminants. It can be used for soil and groundwater. Generally, this technique includes conditions such as the infil tration of water-containing nutrients and oxygen or other electron acceptors for groundwater treatment. Biosparging involves the injection of air under pressure below the water table to increase groundwater oxygen concentrations and enhance the rate of biological degradation of contam inants by naturally occurring bacteria. Biosparging increases the mixing in the saturated zone and there by increases the contact between soil and groundwater. The ease and low cost of installing small-diam eter air injection points allows considerable flexibility in the design and construction of the system Bioaugmentation. Bioremediation frequently involves the addition of microorganisms indigenous or exogenous to the contaminated sites. Two factors limit the use of added microbial cultures in a land treatment unit: 1) nonindigenous cultures rarely compete well enough with an indigenous population to develop and sustain useful population levels and 2) most soils with long-term exposure to biodegrad able waste have indigenous microorganisms that are effective degrades if the land treatment unit is well managed. Ex situ bioremediation Ex situ techniques are those that are applied to soil and groundwater at the site which has been removed from the site via excavation (soil) or pumping (water). These techniques involve the excavation or removal of contaminated soil from ground. Ex situ Bioremediation types: These techniques involve the excavation or removal of contaminated soil from ground. Landfarming is a simple technique in which contaminated soil is excavated and spread over a pre pared bed and periodically tilled until pollutants are degraded. The goal is to stimulate indigenous biodegradative microorganisms and facilitate their aerobic degradation of contaminants. In general, the practice is limited to the treatment of superficial 10-35 cm of soil. Since landfarming has the potential to reduce monitoring and maintenance costs, as well as clean-up liabilities, it has received much atten tion as a disposal alternative. Composting is a technique that involves combining contaminated soil with nonhazardous organ ic amendants such as manure or agricultural wastes. The presence of these organic materials supports the development of a rich microbial population and elevated temperature characteristic of composting. Biopiles are a hybrid of landfarming and composting. Essentially, engineered cells are con structed as aerated composted piles. Typically used for treatment of surface contamination with petro leum hydrocarbons they are a refined version of landfarming that tend to control physical losses of the contaminants by leaching and volatilization. Biopiles provide a favorable environment for indigenous aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Bioreactors Slurry reactors or aqueous reactors are used for ex situ treatment of contaminated soil and water pumped up from a contaminated plume. Bioremediation in reactors involves the pro cessing of contaminated solid material (soil, sediment, sludge) or water through an engineered con tainment system. A slurry bioreactor may be defined as a containment vessel and apparatus used to cre ate a three-phase (solid, liquid, and gas) mixing condition to increase the bioremediation rate of soil-bound and water-soluble pollutants as a water slurry of the contaminated soil and biomass (usually indigenous microorganisms) capable of degrading target contaminants. In general, the rate and extent of biodegradation are greater in a bioreactor system than in situ or in solid-phase systems because the contained environment is more manageable and hence more controllable and predictable. Despite the advantages of reactor systems, there are some disadvantages. The contaminated soil requires pre-treatment (e.g., excavation) or alternatively the contaminant can be stripped from the soil via soil washing or physical extraction (e.g., vacuum extraction) before being placed in a bioreactor. Monitoring bioremediation The process of bioremediation can be monitored indirectly by measuring the Oxidation Reduction Potential or redox in soil and groundwater, together with pH, temperature, oxygen content, electron acceptor/donor concentrations, and concentration of breakdown products (e.g. carbon dioxide). This table shows the (decreasing) biological breakdown rate as function of the redox potential. Process Reaction Redox potential (Eh in mV) Aerobic: O2 + 4eà ¢Ã‹â€ ’ + 4H+ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ 2H2O 600 ~ 400 Anaerobic: Denitrification 2NO3à ¢Ã‹â€ ’ + 10eà ¢Ã‹â€ ’ + 12H+ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ N2 + 6H2O 500 ~ 200 Manganese IV reduction MnO2 + 2eà ¢Ã‹â€ ’ + 4H+ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Mn2+ + 2H2O 400 ~ 200 Iron III reduction Fe(OH)3 + eà ¢Ã‹â€ ’ + 3H+ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Fe2+ + 3H2O 300 ~ 100 Sulfate reduction SO42à ¢Ã‹â€ ’ + 8eà ¢Ã‹â€ ’ +10 H+ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ H2S + 4H2O 0 ~ à ¢Ã‹â€ ’150 Fermentation 2CH2O à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ CO2 + CH4 à ¢Ã‹â€ ’150 ~ à ¢Ã‹â€ ’220 Types of Bioremediation Bioremediation techniques can be subdivided into various based on following factors Based on type of atmosphere in which Bioremediation takes place it can be divided into two types Engineered Bioremediation Intrinsic Bioremediation Based on Type of organism being used for Bioremediation Mycoremediation Phytoremediation ENGINEERED BIOREMEDIATION Factors effecting engineered bioremediation Contact between the microbes and the substrate Proper physical environment Nutrients Oxygen Absence of toxic compounds Sources of microorganisms From contaminated field sites(with varying environmental conditions subzero temperatures or extreme heat, desert conditions or in water, with excess of oxygen or in anaerobic conditions, with presence of hazardous compounds or on any waste stream) From culture collections Genetically Engineered Microorganisms (GEMs) Electro kinetically enhanced bioremediation (EEB) is a method of engineered bioremediation of soil contaminated by such organic compounds as solvents and petroleum products. As depicted schematically in the figure, EEB involves the utilization of controlled flows of liquids and gases into and out of the ground via wells, in conjunction with electrokinetic transport of matter through pores in the soil, to provide reagents and nutrients that enhance the natural degradation of contaminants by indigenous and/or introduced microorganisms. The operational parameters of an EEB setup can be tailored to obtain the desired flows of reagents and nutrients in variably textured and layered soils of variable hydraulic permeability and of moisture content that can range from saturation down to as little as about 7 percent. A major attractive feature of EEB is the ability to control the movements of charged anionic and cationic as well as noncharged chemical species. The basic components of electrokinetic enhancement of bioremediation are the following: * Ions are transported by electromigration; that is, with minimum transport of liquid through the soil. The ions of interest include nutrient agents, electron donors (e.g., lactate) or electron acceptors (e.g., nitrate or sulfate) added to the soil. Electromigration is utilized as an efficient mode of electrokinetic transport in vadosezone soils. * Water in soil is pumped (horizontally or vertically, depending on the positions of electrode wells) by induced electro-osmotic flow. Whereas the hydraulic flow used in older methods decreases with decreasing pore size and is thus not effective for treating tightly packed soil, electro-osmotic flow is less restricted by tight packing. Electro-osmosis is utilized to enhance the transport of both ions and such noncharged particles as micro-organisms, by moving water from anodes (positive electrodes) toward cathodes (negative electrodes). * Electrophoresis induced in soil under an applied electric field is used to control the transport and/or distribution of micro-organisms throughout the treated soil volume. The beneficial effect of electrophoresis can be augmented or otherwise modified by use of electro-osmotic flushing of the soil. * The applied electric current can be utilized to heat the soil to the optimum temperature for bioremediation. * The gaseous and liquid products of electrolysis of water in the soil are removed from electrode wells and mixed and reinjected into the ground as needed to maintain the pH of the soil within a range favorable for bioremediation. Disadvantages Mostly GEMs do not work the way we expect: Lab strains become food source for soil protozoa Inability of GEMs to contact the compounds to be degraded Failure of GEMs to survive/compete indigenous microorganisms. Mostly due to lack / decreased activity of House Keeping Genes. INTRINSIC BIOREMEDIATION It is a natural attenuation process that leads to the decrease in contaminant levels in a particular environment due to unmanaged physical, chemical and biological processes. Conversion of environmental pollutants into the harmless forms through the innate capabilities of naturally occurring microbial population is called intrinsic bioremediation. However, there is increasing interest on intrinsic bioremediation for control of all or some of the contamination at waste sites. The intrinsic i.e. inherent capacity of microorganism, to metabolize the contaminants should be tested at laboratory and field levels before use for intrinsic bioremediation. Through site monitoring programmes progress of intrinsic bioremediation should be recorded time to time. The conditions of site that favours intrinsic bioremediation are ground water flow throughout the year, carbonate minerals to buffer acidity produced during biodegradation supply of electron acceptors and nutrients for microbial growth and absence of toxic compounds. The other environmental factors such as pH concentration, temperature and nutrient availability determine whether or not biotransformation takes place. Bioremediation of waste mixtures containing metals such as Hg, Pb, As and cyanide at toxic concentration can create problem (Madsen, l99l). The ability of surface bacteria to degrade a given mixture of pollutants in ground water is dependent on the type and concentration of compounds, electron acceptor and duration of bacteria exposed to contaminants. Therefore, ability of indigenous bacteria degrading contaminants can be determined in laboratory by plate count and macrocosm studies Example: Microbes in Hudson River mud developed an ability to partially degrade PCB (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls) Process occurs in two steps Partial dehalogenation of PCBs occurs naturally under anaerobic conditions Less chlorinated residues Then mud is aerated to promote the complete degradation of these less chlorinated residues MYCOREMEDIATION Mycoremediation is a form of bioremediation, the process of using fungi to return an environment (usually soil) contaminated by pollutants to a less contaminated state. The term Mycoremediation was coined by Paul Stam
Saturday, October 12, 2019
how the stock market crashed Essay -- essays research papers
Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth, banking problem, industrial power houses and agricultural depression which ultimately lead to the infamous Stock Market Crash of 1929. The â€Å"roaring twenties†was an era when our country prospered greatly. The rapid increase in industrialization was fueling growth in the economy, and technology improvements had the leading economists living that the uprise would continue. During this boom period, wages increased along with consumer spending and stock prices began to rise as well. Billions of dollars were invested in the stock market as people began speculation on the rising stock prices and buying on margin.               On Thursday, October 24, 1929, the bottom began to fall out. Prices dropped continually as more and more investors tried to sell their holdings. By the end of the day, the New York Stock Exchange had lost four billion dollars, and it took the exchange clerks until five o’clock in the morning the next day to clear all the transactions (Hicks 9) Following Monday the realization of what had happened began to sink in, and a full-blown panic set in. Thousands of investors-- many of them ordinary working people, not serious â€Å"players -- were financially ruined. by the end of the year stock values had dropped by fifteen billion dollars (McElvaine 45).      Many of the banks which had speculated heavily with their deposits were wiped out by the falling prices, and these bank failures sparked run on the banking system. Each failed bank, factory, business, and investor contributed to the downward spiral that would drag the world into the Great Depression (Hicks 22).      During the â€Å"roaring twenties†which is commonly known as the Jazz Age, their was an obvious attitude that was for living for the moment. â€Å"Americans in the Roaring Twenties turned inward, away form international issues and social concerns and toward greater individualism. The emphasis was on getting rich and enjoying new fads, new inventions and new ideas. (Hiebert 73). The traditional values of rural America were being challenged by the infamous Jazz Age, what symbolized what is shock... into a speculative pyramid game, in which most of the money invested in the market wasn’t actually there.                                   The car industry was the force behind many other booming industries during this time. In 1928, their were over 21 million cars on the road that adds up to one car for every six Americans (Hicks 114). Steel, nickel, lead and other metal industries prospered with 15% of its products going to the automobile industry ( Hicks 114). Rubber, petroleum, textile and leather companies were effected greatly by the car industry too. The automotive industry effected construction as well. the car had been essential to the urbanization of the country , because so many other industries relied upon it. With this rapid urbanization came the need to build many more factories, homes, offices and stores. From 1919 to 1928 the construction industry grew from a mere 2.5 billion dollars to 5billion dollars (Hicks 115).      The Radio industry also prospered during
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gurram Session Assignment
Sham C Grams Question I-Discuss how either good or poor quality affects you personally as a consumer. For instance, describe experiences in which your expectations were met, exceeded, or not met you purchased goods or services. Did your experience change your regard for the organization and/or its product? How? Response- When you consider a product or service the top notch factor that falls into consideration is Quality, be it anything from Pen in a students hand to a rocket on its way to mars should have a quality standard in order to survive.Quality may be in good or bad standard, depending upon the type of quality of the product or service provided one may personally change his idea or thought about the product. In my personal opinion I had both good and worse experiences of the products I used. Among many products I use I always look for the good quality product or service pay for. Experience 1- I am totally a gadget freak and put myself more into collecting electronic wonders an d smart phones.I bought a Sony smart phone worth 450$ back in hose time when one would hardly know what is an android phone, since Sony is way fast in releasing the smart phone's with android O. S thought to buy one for myself. I bought an Experts XSL worth 450$ and started using it. Everything was good until 5 months I really liked the phone and used to proudly display as my costly gadget, then one day Sony released a software upgrade for the phone and wanted me to update. Updated my device and it started to restart automatically, called up the customer support guys and hey proved no help to me. I tried contacting them several times but still no use finally the device stopped to start permanently and when mailed Sony about the issue they say that the device is out of warranty on the date when I send them a mail. Finally decide to start negative propaganda about Sony and still doing it. I will never ever recommend someone to Sony gadgets. Experience 2- I never shop online basically, one day I decided to give a try.I thought to buy a shirt from eBay. Com online store, went online and selected shirt for myself and then bought it with a scary thought about the quality of the product, surprisingly the quality of the shirt is great and am highly satisfied with the quality and the service provided by the online shopping giant. They also provided me a 15% discount for my next purchase. So from now on I would refer anyone to eBay. Com without having a second thought. Question 18- How can you internalize and practice quality at a personal level in your daily activities?Response- There is a wise saying that â€Å"If there is no Problem with the horse shoe, then he horse is good and if the horse is good than the race can be won easily†. If an individual follows quality and practice quality at personal level, he also puts the same practice at his work. Personal level quality practice includes like 1 . Completing tasks in given particular time 2. Reaching the desire d destination on time 3. Time management 4. Personality development 5. Maintaining accuracy 6. Planning 7. Appearance All these factors fall in developing the quality in daily activities at individual level.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Automobile and Cycling Essay
Cycling is one of the oldest means of transport. Inventing bicycles was an enormous step in the history of transportation. Bicycles didn’t need horses or wains as a result transportation became much simpler and cheaper. Moreover the previously smelly and dirty towns turned into healthier and cleaner places. Nowadays, however, when there are several faster ways of travelling, is there any reason to ride a bicycle? Although in our more technologically developed days bicycle are rather old-fashioned way of travelling, it has certain advantages. To begin with, bicycles are much cheaper than cars and motorcycles so that a lot of people can afford to buy them. Moreover, cycling is a great, physically demanding sport. As a result it could be an essential part of a healthy lifestyle or even a balanced diet. If people used it only for go to work or school it would provide them enough movement to avoid weight problems. Finally cycling is very environmentally friendly because it doesn’t need fuel or electricity. On the other hand cycling as a mean of transport does have its disadvantages. It usually takes longer than other forms of travel. As a result it can be more tiring. In addition, riding a bicycle in the city can be a little unhealthy. Cities’ air is very polluted because cars and factories exhaust a lot fume and chemicals. Furthermore cycling can be dangerous also. In the heavy traffic violent and careless car drivers often cause accidents and if we aren’t enough careful we can easily get hurt. All things considered, although there are some disadvantages of cycling I believe it is healthier and more enjoyable than driving a car. It can be dangerous but it is a perfect method to keep ourselves fit. Furthermore, in our crowded cities travelling by bicycle often the fastest way to reach our destination.
Steroids in Sports
Steroids in Sports In many places around the world today, sports competitions are increasing in popularity due to the quest to win, to be the best. Many athletes will do anything to win, whether that means breaking the rules or cheating. The desire to win is imbedded into all humans, especially when professional athletes of today’s age are becoming icons and are viewed as figures of greatness by their rare abilities to perform at such a high level. The quest for money and fame is also a common reason for athletes to cheat or bend the rules.Steroid use is the most common form of cheating in all sports today. Other than the fact that they are harmful to your body, they are taking away from sports and sending the wrong messages to aspiring athletes. The issue that is currently being addressed in the sports industry is that if so many people are already using steroids, such as bodybuilders and athletes, then why not make them legal and let people use them at their own risk? Or rat her should we just keep them illegal due to their harmful health risks and promotion of unfair advantages in sports?Before getting into the ethical concerns about the legalization of steroids, let’s talk about what steroids are and how they work. A steroid is a synthetic substance similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. The most common use of steroids is having them injected into skeletal muscles or they are taken in powder and pill form. There are so many types of steroids and each of them has its own value. Many types of steroids are used for medical conditions and health problems. These types of steroids are prescribed by doctors. Any type of steroid that is not prescribed by a doctor is illegal.Steroids that are taken by athletes and other abusers take them in cycles of weeks and months. This is called cycling. Cycling involves taking several doses of steroids over a definite period of time, stopping for a period, and then starting again. Along with this method, ste roid users often use the â€Å"stacking†method during their cycles (NIDA 1). This is when users will combine several different types of steroids to get maximal results while minimizing negative effects. There are many effects from the use of steroids, some positive and some negative.Though there are more negative effects then there are positive ones, many of the positive effects of steroids include treatment for medical conditions. Anabolic steroids can be legally prescribed to treat conditions like delayed puberty as well as diseases that result in loss of lean muscle mass, such as cancer and AIDS (NIDA 1). Short term effects of steroids are the ability to train harder and longer and an increase in lean muscle mass and strength. Minor negative side-effects include excessive hair growth, oily skin, acne, and a deepening voice.These are just minor short term side-effects though. The effects of steroid use that are the main concerns of users are increased risk of cancer, heart attack and liver disease. Also, increased blood pressure, increased risk of atherosclerosis, and obstructive sleep apnea may occur (NIDA 2). For men, shrinkage of the testicles, baldness, and risk of prostate cancer are things to be aware of. For women, common side-effects are facial hair, male-pattern baldness, and a deepening voice. Lastly, adolescence taking steroids may stunt their growth and accelerate puberty changes.The use of steroids in baseball has been revealed, and was put out in the open. Steroids have been utilized in baseball for decades, but just lately have arrived into the lime light. In the summer of 2003, the USADA obtains a secret fluid, brought in anonymously. This fluid, ‘the clear', turns out to be Tetrahydrogestrinone. It's an untraceable steroid utilized by some of the world's top athletes. Later it is disclosed that Trevor Graham, a sprint adviser to some of the elite sprinters, submitted the steroid and the baseball steroid era began.The steroid wa s traced back to Victor Conte at BALCO labs, and it is finally discovered out that Patrick Arnold was the pharmacist who evolved the steroid. Barry Bonds' name is cited as one of BALCO's large-scale clients. In fall of 2004, steroid checking starts under the MLB's new collective bargaining agreement. Barry Bonds undergoes random checking, and proceeds on to win his 7th organization MVP. Over the next couple of years, some athletes are connected to BALCO and anabolic steroids. Many athletes came ahead and accepted their steroid usage while some still asserted innocence.In 2007, previous Senator George Mitchell issues a 409 piece report, after a 21 month enquiry considering steroids in baseball. The report titles 89 people engaged in baseball who have are suspect of utilizing steroids. Again, some athletes eventually accept to utilizing steroids, while there are still numerous, which have been suspect, deny utilizing anabolic steroids. In the years after 2007, more proof is discovered opposing many MLB players and some apologies are made. Anabolic steroids are still utilized in baseball today, and ball players still undergo drug tests.Professional sports needs the most gifted athletes in the world, and people will manage anything they can to get the intended for display, even if it is endangering their career. Tetrahydrogestrinone, opened the eyes of newspapers and followers around the world to not only steroid use in baseball, but steroid use in all sports. Not a day goes by without hearing about a steroid associated case, or an athlete failing the drug test. Fans and parents anticipate professional athletes to be models. Because of baseball's steroid scandal, steroids are better liked than ever, in both adults, and teens.Several associations, and retired athletes, for example Jose Canseco, are now conversing to juvenile teens about steroid edge consequences, steroid misuse, and hazards of anabolic steroids. Major League Baseball had an established steroid rule which was made in 2002. Under this rule, a first time violation would only result in therapy for the player. Not one contestant was ever suspended. After the BALCO scandal, Major League Baseball eventually determined to buckle down and topic harsher punishments for steroid users.The new principle, which was acknowledged by Major League Baseball players, was handed out at the start of the 2005. It stated that the first positive test will result in a suspension of up to ten days. The second positive test will result in a suspension of thirty days. The third positive test will result in a suspension of sixty days. The fourth positive test will result in a suspension of one full year. Finally, the fifth positive test will outcome in a punishment at the discretion of the Commissioner of Major League Baseball.Players will be checked not less than one time per year, with a possibility that some players can be checked many times per year. Bud Selig, the Commissioner of Major League Basebal l, successfully made the living principle and has suggested even harder punishments for positive tests than the ones in place today. The new punishments that Bud Selig has suggested are a â€Å"three strikes and you're out approach†. This is that the first positive test would result in a fifty game suspension. The second positive test would result in a one-hundred game suspension.Finally, the third positive test would result in a lifetime suspension from Major League Baseball. These new suggested punishments are much harsher than either of the first two, although, they should be acknowledged by both the players before any changes can be made. Under the present rule, the first Major League ballplayers have been suspended for checking positive. The Mitchell Report, or Report to the Commissioner of Baseball of an Independent Investigation into the Illegal Use of Steroids and Other Performance Enhancing Substances by Players in Major League Baseball, is the outcome of previous Un ited States Senator George J.Mitchell's enquiry into the use of anabolic steroids and human development hormone in Major League Baseball. The 409-page Mitchell Report, issued on December 13, 2007, shows the use of illegal game enhancing substances by players and the effectiveness of the MLB pharmaceutical checking program. It's still present that Senator Mitchell's recommendations considering the management of past illegal drug use and future avoidance practices. The Mitchell Report names eighty-nine Major League Baseball players who are supposed to have used steroids or drugs.George Mitchell, a previous United States Senator and prosecutor, was nominated by Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig on March 30, 2006 to enquire the use of performance-enhancing drugs in MLB. Mitchell was nominated throughout a time of argument over the journal Game of Shadows, which chronicles thought complete use of performance-enhancing drugs, around some distinct kinds of steroids and development hormone by Barry Bonds. Bud Selig determined to start the method of ending the illegal use of steroids and performance enhancing drugs after reading Game of Shadows.The term was made after some influential people of the US Congress made opposing remarks about the effectiveness and honesty of MLB anti-performance enhancing drug policies. In recent news in sports today, many players are being caught using illegal substances of performance enhancing drugs. For example, San Francisco Giants outfielder, Melky Cabrera, was caught using illegal performance enhancing drugs late in the 2012 season. He was sentenced to the 50 game suspension and this also takes a toll on his popularity which was increasing due to his MVP caliber stats. His suspension is the most significant in-season ban by MLB since Manny Ramirez received his first 50-game suspension in 2009†(Lacques 1). Though the Giants won the World Series without Melky Cabrera, they most likely will not offer him a contract extension in the 2013 season, in which he will be a free agent. Steroids may also cause inner turmoil within players. They may become disliked by other teammates because they are harming themselves and cheating. It is not fair to those who don’t take steroids and work out hard to make themselves become a better player.For example, Dustin Pedroia, 5’ 6†second baseman for the Red Sox, won MVP of the league in 2008 without any steroid use. On the other hand, Alex Rodriguez, Yankees third baseman, who has won multiple MVP’s recently admitted to three years of steroid use. As far as the fans know, steroids could have helped him during his years of greatness. That leaves many people to believe he is a great player, but did not put in the hard work like Dustin, who earned the respect of millions with his work ethic and determination.I believe that the use of steroids or any performance enhancing drugs should remain illegal in sports. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) division on anti-doping believes that â€Å"doping jeopardizes the moral and ethical basis of sport and the health of those involved in it† (Ashby 1). I agree with UNESCO because steroids will cause an unfair advantage for many people in sports. Sports will no longer be about who has the most talents or puts the most work into becoming better but more about who has the better steroids to make them better.The National Football League created its own policy on steroids and performance enhancing drugs because they believe it threatens the integrity of athletic competition (Ashby 1). Many people are beginning to believe that legalizing steroids will benefit sports because it will create a higher, faster level of play. It is also argued that since many athletes are being caught using them anyways that they should just be made legal to stop with the suspensions and taking away of titles earned by players while using steroids.For example, the US Anti-Doping Agency stripped cyclist Lance Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles and banned him from the sport for life for doping. There are some who believe it is wrong to take his titles away but in my belief I think that it is only right for his titles to be stripped. Well, maybe not all seven of them, but the ones in which he was using steroids during. There are many psychological and physical side effects to your body from continued steroid use. Psychologically, a player may go from a state of well-being to a state of depression.Players tend to have outbursts known as â€Å"roid rage†, which is a feeling insecurity when they are playing bad even though they are on this drug. Mood swings and intense aggression and violence have also been known to occur. Some players feel that steroid use will benefit their career by making them a better player. This is not true. Most are looking for a quick way to increase their speed, endurance, muscle mass and physical size. They want to have a stronger physique which gives them confidence as well as strength to perform better on the baseball field. Some also tend to get addicted to the steroid habit.Some players who have been injured, mildly or dramatically, require this drug to recover from the injury, but then cannot live without it. Jason Giambi, former Yankee first baseman, was overweight, slow, and a poor hitter at the beginning of his career. In order to maintain his position on the team, he chose to take steroids after workouts to alter his body. This had an immediate effect, but after he was caught, he went from being a well-rounded player, back to slumps in his game and having to work hard like everyone else. There is also the business standpoint that leaves many people to think that steroids should be legal.Former baseball players Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa put on two of the most memorable baseball seasons in 1998 and 1999. Fans became invested in the home run races, especially in 1998 when McGwire shattered Roger Maris’ 37-year-old single season home run record. More jerseys were sold that offseason than in any other. This view is that steroids will cause many players to break records and there will be an increase in fans. My view is that the players who take steroids and break records are breaking the records of those who actually worked hard and stayed clean while achieving them.This, to me, is a good way to describe the unfairness due to the fact that sports won’t be about achieving greatness and success through hard work, determination, and great talent, but by having some talent and taking lots of steroids. Based upon research and studies of the dramatic effects steroid use, I believe that steroid should remain illegal unless used for medicinal purposes. Reasons being the negative and long lasting effects it can have on one's body, along with the negative effect that they will cause in the change of the integrity and fairness of sports.Numerous anti -doping policies have been created to stop the use of steroids in sports today and I feel that with a strong push towards a clean and fair game, these organizations might be able to nearly eliminate steroids from many sports. Major athletes may enjoy the results but are clueless to extent of the damage it will cause them in the future. Lastly, there is no reason for people to harm their bodies for short term results and according to April Ashby, â€Å"Steroids have no place in sports†(Ashby 1).
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Platos philosophical approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Platos philosophical approach - Essay Example In short, philosophy to me then was that a philosopher can be a good lawyer because he or she is so good in presenting valid and relevant data to support his or her thesis statement. Also, I have always wondered why there are so many religions in this world. I could not understand why each religious sect does not want to be called a sect but some prefer to be called a non denominational church. But they have different teachings pertaining to God and the world. I was also curious as to why some people prefer to be ATHEISTS. These are people who do not believe or worship God. Well, this is what drove me to study Philosophy. After taking up philosophy class, I now know the answers to my questions about life. I have learned that philosophy is the love and hunt for wisdom through understanding, intelligence, prudence and also moral discipline of oneself. Also, I discovered that philosophy is the research, survey and analysis and interpretation data pertaining to the nature, reasons, or doctrine of reality, knowledge or values. The study of philosophy is grounded on reasoning. This reasoning is also grounded on logic. The research in philosophy is not so much based on empirical methods. Furthermore, I have also learned that philosophy is the system of thinking that is grounded on inquiry. ... Furthermore, I have also learned that philosophy is the system of thinking that is grounded on inquiry. Fork the philosophy of inquiry was first propagated by Hume himself. I have also gotten used to looking at life as a person critically analyzing the basic suppositions and convictions. Also, my mind has been deluged with the various disciplines found in the university curriculums of science and the liberal arts. And, I am also learned that the disciplines of philosophy is compose of many sections. Some of these sections are logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. For example, I learned that if the first statement goes all birds fly and the second statement goes hawks are birds then the conclusion or third statement would be hawks can fly. Furthermore, I learned that philosophy is a set of ideas or principles that are concentrated on a specific field or activity, an underlying theory or an original philosophy of promotion or publicity. Finally, I have learned from my philosophy subject that philosophy is a system of values of a community where persons live. Finally, my first introduction to philosophy was that I was taught that the meaning of philosophy is LOVE OF WISDOM or philosophia) at least two quotations from your readings that were most important to you.This shows that my outlook in life before taking up philosophy classes has completely changed for the better. READINGS INCLUDE:In the Apology retrieved from life has been completely improved with Plato's famous statement in defence of charges falsely hurled against him stating "O Athenians, that I have nothing to do with these studies. Very many of those here present are witnesses to the truth
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