Monday, September 30, 2019
Police Officer Job Description Essay
Police officers in cooperation with the general public are in front line to fight and prevent criminal activities. The officers respond to the needs of the people in the community. With the use of technology, the officers should be able to gather enough information that can help in the prosecution of offenders. The police officer is required to carry out some specific duties as directed by the shift sergeant, as a way of maintaining and enforcing laws. The officer has to investigate complaints, ensure order is maintained, help people, and identify criminals. Identifying problems associated with enforcing law, conflict resolution, and assisting the public whenever need be are also part of the officer’s duties. You will also be called to carry out some activities that require physique such as containing violent people or animals, and be able to run fast when responding to distress calls. The supervision for the officers is carried out in a general form (Higher Education Careers Professionals, 2008). Essential duties As an officer, there are essential duties you have to perform, but there are other duties that you might be required to carry out as well. The main duties include detecting and apprehending those who act against the laws. The officer will be required to take necessary steps incase of physical hazards and law breaking activities by criminals. You are also required to take necessary actions whenever there are distress and emergence calls (LS/TB/JO, 2006). While on shift, you will be required to carry out investigations on issues that might occur during the period, and come up with the best action to take. As an officer, you have to reassure the community of their safety by ensuring frequent presence. In all these, you will be required to write a report indicating all activities that took place while on shift. Finally, you have to complete a departmental report that will have to be forwarded to the relevant authorities (Higher Education Careers Professionals, 2008). Minor duties may include; carrying out a review on reports about the incidences occurring while on duty, giving testimony about such incidences, and finally, you will be required to carry out any duty assigned by the supervisor. Education, Ability and Skills Applicants must be at least high school graduates, but priority will be given to college graduates. The applicants should not be less than 21 years of age. The applicants should exhibit the ability to identify problems and come up with sound solutions from analyzing all the available alternatives. In case of unexpected situations, you should show the ability to respond very quickly and swiftly. There are different working conditions which you must have the ability to work in all of them. In case of emergency, you must have the ability to work with the patrol car, and must be able to get in and out of it easily. There is a physical and agility test that all the applicants must be able to pass during their graduation. With the increased technological use, you need to have knowledge of computer usage and cameras. Applicants must be able to communicate fluently both verbally and written means, to the departmental members and the entire public (LS/TB/JO, 2006). In general, the duties of the police expose the officers to the challenging tasks and diverse activities. After serving as a police officer for sometime, one is entitled to rise to the other specialized areas like the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Infrastructure as the Foundation of Data Warehousing Essay
Data warehouse is a system environment which provides strategic information and holds detailed or summarized data from heterogeneous sources and provides end users with data access solutions exclusively designed for reporting and business analysis. The overall structure of the data warehouse is basically described by its architectural and infrastructural components. Orr pointed out that â€Å"data warehouse architecture is a way of representing the overall structure of data, communication, processing and presentation that exists for end-user computing within the enterprise. †In other words, data warehouse architecture is simply a blueprint which describes the elements and specific services of the warehouse, with details showing how the components will interrelate together and how the system will grow over time. Moreover, the architecture provides the conceptual framework of the warehouse in which these components are mutually arranged specifically to suit the organization’s requirements and to function in an optimum way. In order for these functions and services to be provided, a warehouse uses basic computing platform which generally makes use of the available technology. The platform includes the various software and hardware products installed as well as the type of users and the policies that govern it. However, these elements can be categorized as either operational infrastructure or physical infrastructure. Operational infrastructure deals with on how to keep the data warehouse running. These elements would include the people, the trainings required, the policies that each govern a function, and management software that would help maintain the efficiency and management of a data warehouse. Fundamentally, the physical infrastructure of a warehouse, as Ponniah noted, â€Å"consists of the basic hardware components, the operating system with its utility software, the network, and the network software†(p. 147). Coupled with a set of tools needed to provide such functions and services of individual architectural components. These components are pre-selected that may go through a number of critical evaluations in order to meet the necessary requirements to support the entire data warehouse. Moreover, Ponniah suggests that the infrastructure has to be modular as possible. That is, when newer versions are cost-effectively available, components could easily be unplugged and plugged in the upgrade. The data warehouse computing environment consists primarily of the hardware and the operating systems which provides jobs such as data extraction, transformation, integration, and transportation. Selection of these components are passed to certain criteria, such as, scalability, technical support, security, reliability, availability, and memory protection. Additionally, these infrastructural components would make up the front-end and the back-end systems of the entire data warehouse. However, managing these databases would need a robust and reliable DBMS that would match the selected hardware and software components. The DBMS shoul also have the capability of delivering a balanced data output and portability to access across the different platforms. Software tools are also important in every architectural component of a data warehouse. Third-party software tools can provide the necessary needs for developing a data warehouse computing environment, such as, data modeling, GUI design software, query tools that would generate reports, data warehouse administration and others. Generally, these tools cover all the major functions of a data warehouse. References Ponniah, Paulraj (2001). Data Warehousing Fundamentals: A Comprehensive Guide for IT Professionals. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Orr, Ken (2000). Data Warehouse Technology. Retrieved from the Web March 9, 2007. http://www. kenorrinst. com/dwpaper. html
Saturday, September 28, 2019
1960s Fashion
There was emphasis on the youth and ‘The Look’ that began to displace the ‘New look’ of the post war period. Becoming more open minded, independent and culturally aware were all things that the youth began to adopt, along with disposable income. Benefits from the post war industrial boom encouraged this new attitude towards money and the way it could be spent. †¦commercial success stories, many related to retailing of one sort of another, with fashion and home furnishings being at the fore front of the consumer revolution. Because this was a time of virtually full employment and economic prosperity, consumers had more money to spend than ever before. †(Jackson, 1998, p35) The style and attitude towards fashion had changed, and it became a passion rather then a necessity. Music in the 60’s had a strong influential bond with fashion and style that had never been so closely linked. This unison created distinctive style of dress, developing from Beatnik, Teddy Boys and Mods. The attitude towards style had become very open and people began to gain confidence in their own development of sense of style. â€Å"†¦ music and attitudes that could be understood at a glance. And the freedom that fashion allowed in the sixties meant that everyone could dress up. †(Connikie, 1990, p7) The Beatles were the band that represented the forefront of men’s fashion. They developed styles for each new record release and in 1963 they had portrayed the distinctive collarless Cardin Suits and collar-length hair. This recognisable hair cut became instantly noticeable in the youth culture. â€Å"†¦became a universal sign of rebellious youth. †(Connikie, 1990, p36) The Beatles also adopted a similarity to the â€Å"mod’ style, however denied connections with the culture as they wanted to appeal to all, the music and the culture both interrupted Britain at the similar time. Before the Mods culture emerged in Britain, former sub cultures such as Teddy Boys built the bridges to allow people to challenge style and create a culture. Teddy boys also lead the way for a growing male interest in fashion, making it socially acceptable. â€Å"†¦male interest in fashion in Britain was mostly associated with the underground homosexual subculture’s flamboyant dressing styles†(Mod subculture, website, 2010) These cultures would have developed from the New Romantics as they became more out spoken and familiar. As the subcultures faded in the early 1960’s, the Mod style, short for ‘Moderns’ were prime examples of what the Swinging Sixties were classed as: youth, mobility, fashion and a strong interest in music. The majority of people who adopted this culture were young adults. The styles included; the Harrington jacket, Fishtail green parka, polo shirts, turtle necks, roll necks, slim fitting, high collared shirts, loafers, dessert boots, tailored 60’s jacket and straight leg trouser or jeans. They would drive scooters as it was an easy accessible mode of transport, it became a distinctive part of the culture, all based around style and the overall look. The attitudes around this culture was desirable to the youth but could be described as troublesome for others. Rifts between the Mods and Rockers caused public display of violence in Brighton 1964, the riot scene was recreated in the film ‘Quadrophenia’, produced by the classic cult band of the period, The Who, who were popular with the Mods. Mods were seen as usually city dwellers with well paid office jobs and looked presentable, whereas Rockers tended to be rural, and classed as out of touch, oafish and grubby. This style clash shows the importance of the cults and how important being united together was. It also shows how influential style could become. Styles changed slightly throughout the Mod culture and it adopted a new Italian/ French style, introduced a smooth, sophisticated look that enhanced the tailor made feel. Crew necks, pointed toe leather shoes were a few additions to the culture. Due to this style, a period of pushing boundaries and experimentation was nigh. The use of recreational drugs was something that the culture influenced. Nicknamed ‘purple hearts’ Mods would use the drug when out at night to get a buzz and stimulation. Mods used amphetamines to extend their leisure time into the early hours of the morning and as a way of bridging the wide gap between their hostile and daunting everyday work lives and the ‘inner world’ of dancing and dressing up in their off-hours. †(Mod subculture, website, 2011) Some male Mods experimented with challenging the social gender norms by wearing makeup to enhance their appearance and women began to substitute an androgynous style of wearing clothes. Hair was being cut short, the wear of men’s garments and little make up worn. This obsession Mods had with clothes and styles allowed acceptance to the idea of experimentation and added a sense of rebellion to social norms. Attitudes towards women in the Mod culture were also influential, young mod men accepted the idea that women did not have to be attached to a man and that they can become independent and have a source of income etc. This presentable image was said to make non-subculture aspects of life easier and more equal to that of the male Mods. Miniskirts defined the period of change in the attitude towards the length of women’s clothing and how much reveal is accepted. This initial style pushed the boundaries and as a result has changed the attitude ever since. â€Å"Female Mods pushed the boundaries if parental tolerance with their miniskirts, which got progressively shorter between the early and mid 1960’s†(Mods subculture, website, 2011) Models such as Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton were pinnacle to the fashion industry during the 1960’s. They promoted and exposed the new changing styles across the world, and in tern became a face of the period. Their style defined the period and Twiggy’s famous face is one that we automatically link to that of the 60’s. â€Å"With her waif like figure, boyish hair cut and striking eye lashes she created an image that would epitomise an era. Twiggy became the idol for millions of teenage girls of the sixties revolution. †(Twiggy Lawson, website, 2008) She was one of the first supermodels and was/is an icon of the period. Mary Quant, a quintessential designer in the 60’s, made keeping up with trends inexpensive and accessible to all young girls in the period. She popularised the mini skirt and became essential for developing the Mod-girl image. She also became a defining person of the 1960’s and changed shopping experiences and attitudes to style by opening up a divergent store offering new cutting edge and orginal designs. These hand tailored designs had became desirable as each one was unique and became very popular with the youth culture. Design alone could not have brought about the revolution in taste and lifestyle that happened during the 1960’s’ the key figure of the decade were the popularisers, those who actively and directly promoted ‘the look’ and made it available to a mass audience. †(Jackson, 1998, p36) The British youth fashion was a lucrative market and Quant along with partner Alexander Plunket Greene opened a retail store in the Kings r oad called Bazaar. She designed and edited garments that became very desirable to the youth culture as it was accessible and new, in creating this idea Quant became a brand in herself. Mods were very conscious about clothing and buying the classic items. Gaining inspiration from the cults, Quant enhanced the promotion of them. In 1965 she wrote â€Å"It is the Mods†¦ who gave the dress trade the impetus to break through the fast-moving, breathtaking, uprooting revolution in which we have been a part since the opening of Bazaar. †(Jackson, 1998, p43) This shows that style generated by cults, were particularly a large influence to help define the period and possible retail future. ’The Look’ which she created was part of a wider movement encompassing photography, graphics and pop music along with domestic design, she was keenly aware of the significance of fashion in particular in pioneering change, and in leading and defining a shift in social attitudes. â€Å" (Jackson, 1998, p43) the attitudes had become more relaxed and people wanted this to be shown through what they wear. Their attitude towards the clothes themselves and the idea of spending money had also changed. Because this was a time of virtually full employment and economic prosperity, consumers had more money to spend then ever before. †(Jackson, 1998, p35) Along with this designer, the male revolution and attitude towards style had also changed and shopping as an experience was one that in particular men enjoyed to. John Stephen owned 10 stores down Carnaby Street by 1966. Each store had a different feel and different name. These stores became a busy, exciting place to go and shopping became a leisurely past time, where as before it was a necessity-based experience. This encouraged the Mods, and people became to buy into the lifestyle they lead. These stores were the first to play music, allowing dancing, trying on, alterations and became a desired social experience. ‘Swinging London in 1966, what people were most interested in was shopping†¦ Shopping became a primary leisure activity for young people, along with watching television and listening to pop music. Shopping was also an avenue for the expression of popular culture, both in terms of what was now being sold, and through the way shops were designed. ’ (Jackson, 1998, p36) â€Å"That the fashion for shopping was perceived as being central to the revitalization of design in Britain†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Carnaby street’ was widely used as a generic term for a particular type of design: brash, brightly coloured, with highly decorated surfaces, including the ubiquitous union jack. †(Jackson, 1998, p37) Carnaby street developed into a ‘virtual fashion parade†™ (1960’s in Fashion, website, 2011) and said to sell not only clothes but also an attitude and was a key characteristic of innovation, iconoclasm and fun. They echoed the prevailing spirit of sexual and political revolution†¦. Carnaby Street became synonymous with the idea of Swinging London. Using the skills of established Soho ‘rag trade’, it sold relatively inexpensive, trend-driven merchandise that mirrored contemporary changes in society and culture. †(VA, Fashion in 1960’s, website, N. D) And was said to have ‘pulled the rug from under contemporary or modern†(Hillier, 1998, p188) This generated look and concept about shopping was seen as an enjoyable past time was a desirable experience from other countries outside Britain. The consumer revolution had given Britain a new look, Post war â€Å"Britain shed it fusty, olde-worlde image, and ‘swinging London’, with it Beatlemania and Rolling Stones, its Carnaby Street and mini-skirts and Chelsea boutiques, became a world influence in lifestyle and fashion. †(Hillier, 1998, p162) This defines the power Britain had to influence style in other countries, it was gaining a name in fashion and beginning to become a culture associated with Britain. The term ‘Youthquake’ was used to describe the shift in attitudes towards style and shopping. It had defined the prosperity of future Britain and therefore defined this period as a statement that is very eminent. There was a consumer revolution as shopping experiences changed. â€Å"The restrictive conventions and judgemental attitude of earlier decades were challenged†¦ shopping had a major impact on peoples lifestyles: by making available goods that people had never seen before. †(Jackson, 1998, p36) Lifestyle shops such as Habitat were introuced, they were pinnacle to defining the period and the consumer revolution. They had created a place where people would desire the lifestyle and living accommodations that they created visually instore. Mary Quant had influenced Terrence Conran, the founder of Habitat, as he admired young fashion designers that had challenged the norms and had drawn attention to the new market. Habitat was said to be â€Å"probably the single most important domestic design phenomenon in Britain during the 1960s. †(Jackson, 1998, p49). Habitat was recognised across seas that had inspired particularly Americans and Scandinavians to change the way of retail and style. †¦in 1966 that the international media suddenly discovered the London ‘scene’ and decided that Britain has got ‘the look’ which the rest of the world wanted. †(Jackson, 1998, p40) Pivital to this revolution was originally the Cult styles founded by the youth culture. Cult styles changed rapidly in the 1960’s, but had almost defined the period due to the influenc e they had caused. Due to constant shifts in style the Mods in particular had drifted away due to the changing styles, such as the Hippys. The ‘harder’ moderns were rougher and became the first ‘skinheads’, another style interpreting the period. The consumer boom was very important in defining the period and this was lead on from the styles, the ever-changing youth Cults had created throughout the 1960’s. These styles had influenced many revolutions such as breaking social norms, effecting shopping styles among other things. Style has definitely defined the period as Britain was out of the war and ready for a new social boom, style has become instantly recognizable to the period. The cults are still guiding design now, and we recognise the period due to the style and design movements there were. Retail and designers both use influences from periods in time and the Cult styles are reborn. Designers such as Fred Perry have adopted influences from the Mod culture with their polo shirts and jackets; this look is very widespread and has almost re created the culture in the sense that the style becomes very popular. This is available to see throughout fashion and retail and the period is still defined by the style created by the youth culture. Vintage fashion has become very apparent and people are beginning to mock different eras to show individuality. This shows the style defining periods are very much important today. 1960s Fashion There was emphasis on the youth and ‘The Look’ that began to displace the ‘New look’ of the post war period. Becoming more open minded, independent and culturally aware were all things that the youth began to adopt, along with disposable income. Benefits from the post war industrial boom encouraged this new attitude towards money and the way it could be spent. †¦commercial success stories, many related to retailing of one sort of another, with fashion and home furnishings being at the fore front of the consumer revolution. Because this was a time of virtually full employment and economic prosperity, consumers had more money to spend than ever before. †(Jackson, 1998, p35) The style and attitude towards fashion had changed, and it became a passion rather then a necessity. Music in the 60’s had a strong influential bond with fashion and style that had never been so closely linked. This unison created distinctive style of dress, developing from Beatnik, Teddy Boys and Mods. The attitude towards style had become very open and people began to gain confidence in their own development of sense of style. â€Å"†¦ music and attitudes that could be understood at a glance. And the freedom that fashion allowed in the sixties meant that everyone could dress up. †(Connikie, 1990, p7) The Beatles were the band that represented the forefront of men’s fashion. They developed styles for each new record release and in 1963 they had portrayed the distinctive collarless Cardin Suits and collar-length hair. This recognisable hair cut became instantly noticeable in the youth culture. â€Å"†¦became a universal sign of rebellious youth. †(Connikie, 1990, p36) The Beatles also adopted a similarity to the â€Å"mod’ style, however denied connections with the culture as they wanted to appeal to all, the music and the culture both interrupted Britain at the similar time. Before the Mods culture emerged in Britain, former sub cultures such as Teddy Boys built the bridges to allow people to challenge style and create a culture. Teddy boys also lead the way for a growing male interest in fashion, making it socially acceptable. â€Å"†¦male interest in fashion in Britain was mostly associated with the underground homosexual subculture’s flamboyant dressing styles†(Mod subculture, website, 2010) These cultures would have developed from the New Romantics as they became more out spoken and familiar. As the subcultures faded in the early 1960’s, the Mod style, short for ‘Moderns’ were prime examples of what the Swinging Sixties were classed as: youth, mobility, fashion and a strong interest in music. The majority of people who adopted this culture were young adults. The styles included; the Harrington jacket, Fishtail green parka, polo shirts, turtle necks, roll necks, slim fitting, high collared shirts, loafers, dessert boots, tailored 60’s jacket and straight leg trouser or jeans. They would drive scooters as it was an easy accessible mode of transport, it became a distinctive part of the culture, all based around style and the overall look. The attitudes around this culture was desirable to the youth but could be described as troublesome for others. Rifts between the Mods and Rockers caused public display of violence in Brighton 1964, the riot scene was recreated in the film ‘Quadrophenia’, produced by the classic cult band of the period, The Who, who were popular with the Mods. Mods were seen as usually city dwellers with well paid office jobs and looked presentable, whereas Rockers tended to be rural, and classed as out of touch, oafish and grubby. This style clash shows the importance of the cults and how important being united together was. It also shows how influential style could become. Styles changed slightly throughout the Mod culture and it adopted a new Italian/ French style, introduced a smooth, sophisticated look that enhanced the tailor made feel. Crew necks, pointed toe leather shoes were a few additions to the culture. Due to this style, a period of pushing boundaries and experimentation was nigh. The use of recreational drugs was something that the culture influenced. Nicknamed ‘purple hearts’ Mods would use the drug when out at night to get a buzz and stimulation. Mods used amphetamines to extend their leisure time into the early hours of the morning and as a way of bridging the wide gap between their hostile and daunting everyday work lives and the ‘inner world’ of dancing and dressing up in their off-hours. †(Mod subculture, website, 2011) Some male Mods experimented with challenging the social gender norms by wearing makeup to enhance their appearance and women began to substitute an androgynous style of wearing clothes. Hair was being cut short, the wear of men’s garments and little make up worn. This obsession Mods had with clothes and styles allowed acceptance to the idea of experimentation and added a sense of rebellion to social norms. Attitudes towards women in the Mod culture were also influential, young mod men accepted the idea that women did not have to be attached to a man and that they can become independent and have a source of income etc. This presentable image was said to make non-subculture aspects of life easier and more equal to that of the male Mods. Miniskirts defined the period of change in the attitude towards the length of women’s clothing and how much reveal is accepted. This initial style pushed the boundaries and as a result has changed the attitude ever since. â€Å"Female Mods pushed the boundaries if parental tolerance with their miniskirts, which got progressively shorter between the early and mid 1960’s†(Mods subculture, website, 2011) Models such as Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton were pinnacle to the fashion industry during the 1960’s. They promoted and exposed the new changing styles across the world, and in tern became a face of the period. Their style defined the period and Twiggy’s famous face is one that we automatically link to that of the 60’s. â€Å"With her waif like figure, boyish hair cut and striking eye lashes she created an image that would epitomise an era. Twiggy became the idol for millions of teenage girls of the sixties revolution. †(Twiggy Lawson, website, 2008) She was one of the first supermodels and was/is an icon of the period. Mary Quant, a quintessential designer in the 60’s, made keeping up with trends inexpensive and accessible to all young girls in the period. She popularised the mini skirt and became essential for developing the Mod-girl image. She also became a defining person of the 1960’s and changed shopping experiences and attitudes to style by opening up a divergent store offering new cutting edge and orginal designs. These hand tailored designs had became desirable as each one was unique and became very popular with the youth culture. Design alone could not have brought about the revolution in taste and lifestyle that happened during the 1960’s’ the key figure of the decade were the popularisers, those who actively and directly promoted ‘the look’ and made it available to a mass audience. †(Jackson, 1998, p36) The British youth fashion was a lucrative market and Quant along with partner Alexander Plunket Greene opened a retail store in the Kings r oad called Bazaar. She designed and edited garments that became very desirable to the youth culture as it was accessible and new, in creating this idea Quant became a brand in herself. Mods were very conscious about clothing and buying the classic items. Gaining inspiration from the cults, Quant enhanced the promotion of them. In 1965 she wrote â€Å"It is the Mods†¦ who gave the dress trade the impetus to break through the fast-moving, breathtaking, uprooting revolution in which we have been a part since the opening of Bazaar. †(Jackson, 1998, p43) This shows that style generated by cults, were particularly a large influence to help define the period and possible retail future. ’The Look’ which she created was part of a wider movement encompassing photography, graphics and pop music along with domestic design, she was keenly aware of the significance of fashion in particular in pioneering change, and in leading and defining a shift in social attitudes. â€Å" (Jackson, 1998, p43) the attitudes had become more relaxed and people wanted this to be shown through what they wear. Their attitude towards the clothes themselves and the idea of spending money had also changed. Because this was a time of virtually full employment and economic prosperity, consumers had more money to spend then ever before. †(Jackson, 1998, p35) Along with this designer, the male revolution and attitude towards style had also changed and shopping as an experience was one that in particular men enjoyed to. John Stephen owned 10 stores down Carnaby Street by 1966. Each store had a different feel and different name. These stores became a busy, exciting place to go and shopping became a leisurely past time, where as before it was a necessity-based experience. This encouraged the Mods, and people became to buy into the lifestyle they lead. These stores were the first to play music, allowing dancing, trying on, alterations and became a desired social experience. ‘Swinging London in 1966, what people were most interested in was shopping†¦ Shopping became a primary leisure activity for young people, along with watching television and listening to pop music. Shopping was also an avenue for the expression of popular culture, both in terms of what was now being sold, and through the way shops were designed. ’ (Jackson, 1998, p36) â€Å"That the fashion for shopping was perceived as being central to the revitalization of design in Britain†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Carnaby street’ was widely used as a generic term for a particular type of design: brash, brightly coloured, with highly decorated surfaces, including the ubiquitous union jack. †(Jackson, 1998, p37) Carnaby street developed into a ‘virtual fashion parade†™ (1960’s in Fashion, website, 2011) and said to sell not only clothes but also an attitude and was a key characteristic of innovation, iconoclasm and fun. They echoed the prevailing spirit of sexual and political revolution†¦. Carnaby Street became synonymous with the idea of Swinging London. Using the skills of established Soho ‘rag trade’, it sold relatively inexpensive, trend-driven merchandise that mirrored contemporary changes in society and culture. †(VA, Fashion in 1960’s, website, N. D) And was said to have ‘pulled the rug from under contemporary or modern†(Hillier, 1998, p188) This generated look and concept about shopping was seen as an enjoyable past time was a desirable experience from other countries outside Britain. The consumer revolution had given Britain a new look, Post war â€Å"Britain shed it fusty, olde-worlde image, and ‘swinging London’, with it Beatlemania and Rolling Stones, its Carnaby Street and mini-skirts and Chelsea boutiques, became a world influence in lifestyle and fashion. †(Hillier, 1998, p162) This defines the power Britain had to influence style in other countries, it was gaining a name in fashion and beginning to become a culture associated with Britain. The term ‘Youthquake’ was used to describe the shift in attitudes towards style and shopping. It had defined the prosperity of future Britain and therefore defined this period as a statement that is very eminent. There was a consumer revolution as shopping experiences changed. â€Å"The restrictive conventions and judgemental attitude of earlier decades were challenged†¦ shopping had a major impact on peoples lifestyles: by making available goods that people had never seen before. †(Jackson, 1998, p36) Lifestyle shops such as Habitat were introuced, they were pinnacle to defining the period and the consumer revolution. They had created a place where people would desire the lifestyle and living accommodations that they created visually instore. Mary Quant had influenced Terrence Conran, the founder of Habitat, as he admired young fashion designers that had challenged the norms and had drawn attention to the new market. Habitat was said to be â€Å"probably the single most important domestic design phenomenon in Britain during the 1960s. †(Jackson, 1998, p49). Habitat was recognised across seas that had inspired particularly Americans and Scandinavians to change the way of retail and style. †¦in 1966 that the international media suddenly discovered the London ‘scene’ and decided that Britain has got ‘the look’ which the rest of the world wanted. †(Jackson, 1998, p40) Pivital to this revolution was originally the Cult styles founded by the youth culture. Cult styles changed rapidly in the 1960’s, but had almost defined the period due to the influenc e they had caused. Due to constant shifts in style the Mods in particular had drifted away due to the changing styles, such as the Hippys. The ‘harder’ moderns were rougher and became the first ‘skinheads’, another style interpreting the period. The consumer boom was very important in defining the period and this was lead on from the styles, the ever-changing youth Cults had created throughout the 1960’s. These styles had influenced many revolutions such as breaking social norms, effecting shopping styles among other things. Style has definitely defined the period as Britain was out of the war and ready for a new social boom, style has become instantly recognizable to the period. The cults are still guiding design now, and we recognise the period due to the style and design movements there were. Retail and designers both use influences from periods in time and the Cult styles are reborn. Designers such as Fred Perry have adopted influences from the Mod culture with their polo shirts and jackets; this look is very widespread and has almost re created the culture in the sense that the style becomes very popular. This is available to see throughout fashion and retail and the period is still defined by the style created by the youth culture. Vintage fashion has become very apparent and people are beginning to mock different eras to show individuality. This shows the style defining periods are very much important today.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Second paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Second paper - Essay Example He argues that internet has altered the way we think and read. The cognitive effects of using internet for reading and research have been emphasized and the article clearly provides a balanced opinion on the use of internet. Carr appraises internet or Google specifically, for providing information easily, quickly and in vast amounts. He highlights the time saving ability of internet and the ease of gathering information without spending days on finding the correct book for the information required. Carr provides much of his article on how internet is badly affecting the reading habits and in doing so he asserts that "The more they use the Web, the more they have to fight to stay focused on long pieces of writing" (Carr p. 187). The analysis of the topic is credible for the use of views of other professionals in different fields like computer, medicines, literature and so on. This article is useful for our research topic as it provides ample information on the negativity of internet o n our learning, reading and thinking abilities. Gibson, William. "THE NET IS A WASTE OF TIME." New York Times Magazine 14 Jul. 1996: n. pag. Web. 31 Mar 2011. ... His sarcastic way of telling the internet story is brilliant. The article focuses on how internet use employs all the time we have. The person surfing over internet, emailing, chatting or browsing ends up doing nothing or having lesser information in hand by the end of the day. Internet provides a number of distractions for the user, hence the author titles the article "The net is a waste". Gibson concludes that " it offers us the opportunity to waste time, to wander aimlessly, to daydream about the countless other lives, the other people, on the far sides of however many monitors in that postgeographical meta-country we increasingly call home" (Gibson 1996). The article helps in understanding the real image and position of internet in our lives. The internet provides a whole new world to the users but is it reality? The author questions the practicality of the ideas provided and efficiency of it in the real life of people. This article is a good source of information on how well we use the technology in pursuing our goals and how its use is wasteful for us. Bradley, Eric. "Technology is making us lazy ." Computers & Technology. Helium, 10 Mar 2009. Web. 31 Mar 2011. . Erica Bradley's article is a more informed research towards understanding the technological impacts on our lives. The article contains researches and articles of various newspapers like from 'the rocky mountain news' which make the information in the article credible. Most of the authors indicate that ease of communication is the benefit of internet and latest technologies. However, Bradley suggests that "the best
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Gilded Bronzes of Cartoceto di Pergola Essay
The Gilded Bronzes of Cartoceto di Pergola - Essay Example The late Republican period was known to use monumental images to underline Roman power (The Famous Gilded Bronzes). The fact that these spectacular sculptures were discovered in 1946 as mostly fragments in a shallow pit by two farmers working in their field near the City of Pergola makes their reproduction in such detail quite amazing. However, because they were in fragments, the sculptures were saved from being melted down for re-use of the metals, a common practice in ancient times. Gian Mario Spacca, president of the region of the Marches, is quoted as saying, "This group of gilded bronzes conveys all the beauty and mystery of Ancient Rome . . . Their unknown story and accidental discovery are a remarkable demonstration of the miracle of these lands, the Marches, which can reveal superb works of art, testimony to the talent and importance of a culture recognized all over the world" (The Famous Gilded Bronzes). It took from 1948 to 1986 to restore and reconstruct these statues. The very fact that these statues were destroyed triggers the imagination. The figures are obviously based on actual mo dels. Could it be that the group fell out of favor at some time, and that is why the statues were crumbled and buried Could the figures be related in some way to Augustus It has been determined that they were created in the 1st century B.C., but when were they buried and why were they destroyed Historical Background The Roman Republic was established in 509 B.C., but political rivalries in the first century B.C. led to civil wars and the eventual collapse of the Republic. The Roman imperial period began in 30-27 B.C. with the principate of Augustus. Between 27 B.C. and A.D. 14, Rome was transformed into a city of marble. Julius Caesar had been assassinated in 44 B.C. and his nephew Octavius ruled as Emperor Augustus. The Hellenistic or Augustan period introduced the accurate depiction of age from children to adult to old age. Use of bronze made possible immediacy and naturalistic detail (Hemingway 3). Comparison of the gilded bronze family group of Pergola with the Greek sculptures of 50 B.C. to 1 B.C. indicate many similarities in style. Because it is not known or even conjectured that any specific sculptor created the family group, it is quite possible that a Greek sculptor was responsible or that the style was copied. The Romans first came into contact with the Greeks in the 3rd century B.C. in Southern Italy and in Sicily where Greek colonies had been established five hundred years earlier (Roman Sculpture). The illustrations on page 7 offer comparisons with each other. The knight (A) in the family group (late 1st century B.C.) is bald with one lock of hair towards the forehead, closely set eyes and bitterly straight mouth (The Gilded Bronzes: Knight). He is thought to be mature, between 40 and 50 years old. The tunic worn by the knight is one worn by a Roman officer of high rank. The statue of the young boy (B), thought to be Gaius, adopted grandson of Emperor Augustus, also resembles the knight, but with a softer expression (Portrait Statue of Young Boy). Another statue (C), dated 1st century B.C./A.D., shows a man carrying two ancestral busts. The one on the right could be the knight in the family gro
Functional Department Participation Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Functional Department Participation Plan - Essay Example Within the Information Technology industry, the business governance plan is of utmost significance. This is because the business governance plan sets the foundation stone for a number of developments within the realms of the business and indeed the organization in the long run. There is a great amount of learning that can gained from the business governance plan for the sake of the organization which at times is difficult to measure. However, for the sake of simplicity it is always desirable to support how this business governance plan will be implemented across the board and what its ramifications are with regards to the department incorporations (Kay, 1995). The different functional departments that might play an important role within the drafting of the business governance plan shall include the human resources management department, the legal department, the finance department, the marketing and advertising department and the supervisory role of the Board of Directors within an o rganization. This paper shall pinpoint the exact basis of the business governance plan and how it is implemented across the board under the functional departments, the roles of the relevant departments and the embedded link with the Information Technology concerns. It is needed that the Information Technology domains play an important role within the chalking up of the business governance plan so that the success points could easily be understood and the weaknesses within the relevant realms are also highlighted upon at length. These grey areas would be taken care of for future implications that might arise at a later stage. The business governance plan is an elaborate plan that takes into consideration some of the most significant pointers related with running a business in entirety. However what is important to note is the fact that this business governance plan would not be able to meet success if the people in the varied departments of the organization are unwilling to do their jobs properly (Blair, 1996). The different departments within any organization are dependent on the business governance plan in essence to bring out the value and quality for the sake of the organization in the long run. However these are important understandings that need to be reached upon because these manifest the basis to remain one step ahead with regards to the competitive businesses and in the end, achieve success for the organizations that are being discussed about. The business governance plan entails of a list of important undertakings that the business regime has in place. The governance mechanisms are highlighted, which signifies the extent to which a business can proceed to, and thus find its truest basis in the long run. What is required now is a vision to go above the top and attain the end objectives of the business governance plan so that success for the sake of the organization is attained without any hindrances. The business governance plan is always a comprehens ive plan which lists down the pointers that shall bring about the strengths which are enclosed within a business realm. It takes care of the patterns which would essentially help the business grow as a whole and that too in the long run. Within the human resources management department of an Information Technology industry, the significance of the business governance plan is such that the department has a close liaison with the top management domains. This helps shape up the tasks and activities of the department more than anything else. It also makes the tasks easier for the people who mean business within the organization. The human resources management department is indeed the window for the employees to get in touch with the organization and thus the department should make it a point to talk to them as and when required. Instead a proactive approach towards one another is significant because they will embody the basis of eventual success that the organization has.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Describe the components of a case brief Assignment
Describe the components of a case brief - Assignment Example The legal defense or claim section ensures that all relevant facts are included; the facts relating to an event are normally organized in chronological order and organized separately as they are deemed to be relevant to every issue (Okrent, 2009). After the facts have been presented, the procedural history of the case is included. This is the history of the case from the time a lawsuit was filed until it came before the court (Jmls, nd). For example, lower courts’ decisions and the reasons for those decisions are presented in this section. Yet again, the decisions of any intermediate courts as well as the basis of those decisions and the parties that appealed are included. In many cases, the procedural history is then followed by the issue. The issue is a legal question the court seeks to resolve; the question should be answered in ‘yes’ or ‘no’ format. The rule that governs the dispute and the material facts are also included in the issue (Jmls, nd). It is recommended that the parties be identified generally by their relation to the legal claim. The holding or the answer to the issue is then presented in a nest section. It is however noted that the holding does not present the rule of the law. After the holding, the reasoning is always presented according to (Jmls, nd). This is where the court’s explanations and support a decision are included. It also includes the rule of law that the court applied and the rules the court rejected to reach its decision. The reasoning is sometimes referred to as the ‘heart’ of the case brief. In reasoning, the court’s decision policy is included. Notions of judicial economic efficiency, fairness, and justice are given priority over implicit policies that may also underlie the court’s decision. Finally the court’s disposition of the case is presented clearly somewhere at the end of the case
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Income Statement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Income Statement - Case Study Example ' Repairs to flat 420 Repairs to shop floor 575 Cash register repairs 125 Re-painting of exterior of property 2,240 Replacement weighing scales 75 Sundry allowable items 2,100 Total 5,535 9. Sundry expenses ' Tea, coffee and milk for staff 78 Telephone, postage and stationery 284 Calendars for customers @ %2.80 each 560 Window cleaning 500 Cleaning expenses 600 Donation to local Playgroup 250 Sundry small expenses 130 Total 2,402 10. Depreciation Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over 4 years for motor vehicles and equipment. Additional information: 1. Capital allowances The written down values for capital allowance purposes at 6 April 2008 were as follows: ' Motor car (Vauxhall Astra) Private use agreed as 25% 10,500 General Pool 7,200 2. Additions and disposals - fixed assets ' Addition 21 May 2008 Computer equipment 3,200 Disposal 1 July 2008 Computer equipment proceeds (original cost '2,100) 300 3. Goods for own use Ted estimates that fruit and vegetables with a retail price of '10 (cost price '3.50), are taken for the family's use each week. No provision has been made in the accounts. Task 1 Prepare a trading profit computation for Ted's business for the year ended 5 April 2009. Task 2 Net property rental income from the flat has been agreed with HMRC as '4,800 for 2008/2009. Lora received dividends of '2700 for the year 2008/2009 Prepare income tax computations for Ted and Lora, showing Income Tax liabilities and Income Tax payable. Task 3 Ted and Lora are not expecting to pay income tax this year as the Income Statement shows a loss. Write a letter to Ted explaining why you have disallowed each of the Income Statement items in the trading profit computation for income tax purposes, the amount of Income... Write a letter to Ted explaining why you have disallowed each of the Income Statement items in the trading profit computation for income tax purposes, the amount of Income tax payable and the dates due, making any reasonable assumptions you wish. Assuming that Ted goes ahead with his plans to expand the business to include a juice and smoothie bar, prepare a trading profit computation for the new business, for a full year of trading based on the projected results for the year to 5 April 2009 given above, (use 2008/9 tax rates and allowances).
Monday, September 23, 2019
Gender leadership style in the workforce. Who is more respected Annotated Bibliography
Gender leadership style in the workforce. Who is more respected - Annotated Bibliography Example The study made use of eighty weekly interviews of top business executives conducted by Adam Bryan between 2010 and 2011 and consisted of 40 men and 40 women for the Corner Office series of the New York Times Sunday, business section. The study results include the use of personal power, emphasis on relationships by women (85%), encouragement and participation by both genders but not sharing influence and power, and the use of transformational leadership. The information is relevant to the research since it deals with gender and leadership at the workplace. The article will form part of the literature review through providing a basis for comparing gender roles in leadership. The article is focused on the leadership of business executives and is consistent with gender requirements using a representative sample and provides for depth and clear content analysis. Champions of gender equality: Female and Male executives as leaders of the gender change is an article authored by De Vries Anne with the aim of examining how male and female executives champion for gender change interventions. The article begins by examining the developments that have been witnessed on the gender front and the fight for equality among the different sexes. The role of business and organizations through its leaders is the other facet examined in the paper. The study achieves its aim using a feminist qualitative research methodology making gender central to the discussion and is conducted in a policing organization and Australian University. The study makes use of four interviews of senior personnel in the two organizations for data collection. The results of the study include the better positioning of men to champion for gender change, increased the burden on women fighting for gender change, but in gender change men are more effective compared to women. The information is relevant to the research in that it captures the role of leadership
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Medical Marijuana Ethical Issues Essay Example for Free
Medical Marijuana Ethical Issues Essay There are a number of ethical issues that a nurse faces while in the clinical setting. One of these issues deals with using marijuana as medicine to treat patients. There has been controversy over medical marijuana ever since it was discovered that patients respond to it. There are many arguments supporting the use of medical marijuana in the health care field and many arguments in opposition of its use. The United States Congress classifies marijuana as a Schedule I substance meaning it has high abuse potential and is of no medical value. However, â€Å"physicians and the general public alike are in broad agreement that marijuana shows promise in combating diverse medical illnesses â€Å"(Bostwick, 2012). As a nurse, it is important to understand both the pros and cons of medical marijuana before forming an opinion on the issue. Having all the information necessary will allow a nurse to better care for a patient in circumstances where their beliefs and values are different from your own. The number one benefit of marijuana in healthcare is its use in treating symptoms that cannot be controlled as well by other medications. One example of this that has been supported by extensive research is in patients who are undergoing chemotherapy for cancer who have reported that marijuana controls symptoms of nausea and vomiting, increases appetite, and improves sleep. One study, in which 362 participants undergoing chemotherapy who had breast, colon, lung, lymphoma, or other malignancies showed that â€Å"cannabinoids are more effective than placebo and comparable to antiemetics such as prochlorperazine and ondansetron for chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting†(Cotter, 2009). Marijuana is also useful for a variety of psychiatric disorders. According to an article from Clinical Psychiatry News, â€Å"about 75% of respondents said they used marijuana for psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and persistent insomnia. Unlike some psychiatric drugs, they said, marijuana didn’t leave them feeling like zombies†(Otto, 2012). Another way marijuana is medically beneficial is in stimulating appetite in patients experiencing weight loss and wasting syndrome associated with AIDS. The results of one experiment, in which THC in the form of dronabinol was studied in patients with AIDS-associated cachexia, â€Å"showed it effective in increasing weight as well as being well tolerated†(Hollister, 2001). These are only a few examples of how medical marijuana has been of benefit. There are numerous other conditions and diseases in which marijuana has been proven to be effective including Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Arthritis, Depression, Anxiety, and Hepatitis C. While marijuana is clearly beneficial in many ways, it is also important to consider the negative effects. One concern is the negative effects of smoking marijuana on the lungs. According to an article from Canadian Nurse, â€Å"Marijuana smoke contains more tar and toxins than tobacco smoke. One joint is equal to two and a half cigarettes in terms of lung damage†(Halpern, 2010). Smoking marijuana over a long period of time can lead to bronchitis and emphysema. Although there are oral â€Å"cannabinoid†medications to prevent problems to the lungs, the oral forms can also have negative side effects including dizziness, sedation, and intoxication. Another negative component to consider is the possibility of becoming addicted to marijuana, which is a big concern to those who use marijuana frequently for therapeutic and nontherapeutic uses. The ethical issue of medical marijuana can have an impact on a nurse’s ability to perform their job. For example, if a patient comes in and lets a nurse know they are smoking marijuana for symptom control because it is the only thing that helps and yet a nurse knows they are acquiring the drug illegally, it poses questions as to whether or not the nurse should support the patient’s continued use or try to talk them into alternatives. A nurse should also be concerned as to whether it is breaking the law and if there could be legal ramifications for not turning the patient in. Many agencies deal with these concerns by offering nurse’s the option to refuse to assist a patient if a situation arises that violates their religious or moral beliefs. However, this is only true in cases where a patient is in no danger. While the issue of marijuana use is still controversial today, a total of eighteen states in the US as well as Washington, DC have enacted laws to legalize medical marijuana. As more states are starting to join in the legalization of medical marijuana, it is important for nurses to know both the pros and cons so they are able to consider their ethical opinion on the issue.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Theorieën Motorische Ontwikkeling
Theorieà «n Motorische Ontwikkeling Inleiding Motoriek is heel ruim gezegd, de beweeglijkheid van het lichaam. Om te weten wat er onder de motorische ontwikkeling wordt verstaan zullen wij ons in dit hoofdstuk gaan verdiepen. In dit hoofdstuk worden verschillende theorieà «n over de ontwikkeling van het bewegen en de motorische ontwikkeling beschreven. Enig inzicht in de achtergrond van de motorische ontwikkeling kan ons weer een stapje verder helpen bij het beter observeren en begrijpen van kinderen die zich anders of trager ontwikkelen dan hun leeftijdsgenootjes. De observaties bespreken wij later in hoofdstuk 7 en 8. Hier wordt duidelijk hoe je als leerkracht kunt observeren Hopelijk leidt dit inzicht tot betere antwoorden op het gedrag van deze kinderen, kortom tot beter onderwijs.Daarnaast wordt de globale motorische ontwikkeling van het jongere kind en het oudere kind beschreven. Wat betekent motoriek? De motoriek heeft betrekking op de bewegingen die het lichaam maakt; zoals arm en beenbewegingen. De motoriek bestaat uit een nauwe samenwerking tussen hersenen, spieren en ledematen. Het evenwicht, de ogen, de oren enhet autonome zenuwstelsel zijn er bij betrokken. De grove motoriek wordt als eerst ontwikkeld. Grijpen, rollen, zitten, kruipen, staan, lopen, klimmen en fietsen zijn de bekende ontwikkelingsfasen. Iedere fase van motorische ontwikkeling van een kind is noodzakelijk voor het latere functioneren.De hersenen worden door de motorische ontwikkeling op een bepaalde manier geactiveerd. De hersenen intregeren de motorische handelingen, ook wel automatiseren genoemd. Als dit automatiseren niet ontwikkelt zal een kind altijd de aandacht moeten houden bij de activiteit. Het kind kan dan niet twee dingen tegelijkertijd doen, zoals: fietsen en op het verkeer letten, lopen en praten.Deze sensorische integratie en de automatisering van bewegingen zijn belangrijk om goed te kunnen fun ctioneren. We kennen twee verschillende soorten ontwikkelingen in de motoriek namelijk; de grove motoriek en de fijne motoriek. De grove motoriek zijn alle grote bewegingen die je maakt met je lichaam zoals fietsen, zwaaien of lopen. Bij de fijne motoriek hebben we het over de kleine bewegingen die je bijvoorbeeld met je hand of vingers maakt zoals; schrijven of tekenen. Een voorbeeld van de grove motoriek wanneer deze niet goed ontwikkeld is zou kunnen zijn dat je vaak omvalt of tegen obstakels oploopt, bij de fijne motoriek zou het kunnen zijn dat je moeite hebt om dingen te kunnen oprapen. We kunnen dus wel zeggen dat alleen met een goede motoriekje gecontroleerde bewegingen kunt maken. ( Het verloop van motorische ontwikkeling van het kind Het verloop van de motorische ontwikkeling begint tijdens het eerste levensjaar, daarom wordt in deze paragraaf naast de ontwikkeling van het schoolkind ook de ontwikkeling van babys peuters en kleuters besproken. Hierna wordt door middel van een overzicht, duidelijk welke ontwikkelingen een kind doormaakt per levensjaar. Tijdens het eerste levensjaar van een kind gebeurt er veel op motorisch gebied. Een pasgeboren baby doet veel vanuit reflexen. Zo heeft hij een sterke grijpreflex en een zuigreflex. Al snel gaat het kind bewuster grijpen, draaien, weer later gaat het zitten, etc. In eerste instantie gebeurt dit vanuit een aangeboren drang. Als voorbeeld nemen we het rollen. Eerst rolt een kind vanuit een innerlijke drang. Soms is dit helemaal niet handig, als bijvoorbeeld de nek nog niet zo getraind is, en hij dus steeds met zijn neus op het boxkleed ligt. Terug rollen leert een kind pas wat later, ook heel lastig als je moe wordt van je hoofd alsmaar omhoog houden. Naarmate het kind vaker rolt, wordt het kind er steeds behendiger in. Het kind ontdekt dat het dan ergens dichterbij komt. Weer later leert een baby dat hij dus al rollend ergens naar toe kan gaan, dat hij dus het rollen zelf in kan zetten als hij bijvoorbeeld een speeltje wil hebben dat net buiten handbereik ligt. Het karakter van het ki nd heeft grote invloed op het tempo van zijn ontwikkeling. Het ene kind is banger cq voorzichtiger uitgevallen dan het andere kind. Gelukkig gaat ieder kind uiteindelijk toch draaien of lopen. Dreumesen en peuters zijn dol op helpen bij huishoudelijke taken. Afwassen, schoonmaken, vegen, opruimen. Als ze willen, mogen ze helpen. Slepen met de stoeltjes, het fornuisje en het poppenbedje. Hierdoor wordt de motorische ontwikkeling op allerlei manieren gestimuleerd. De fijne motoriek door puzzelen, kleien, tekenen, schilderen, plakken, bellen blazen etc. De grove motoriek door verkleden, met zn allen stoeien op de matras, buiten spelen in de zandbak, fietsen, rennen, etc. Buiten spelen biedt hierbij vele mogelijkheden. Het leren inschatten van gevaar leren kinderen pas rond de leeftijd van vier jaar. Tot die tijd kunnen ze meestal niet voldoende inschatten wat ze wel en niet kunnen. Peuters hebben de drang in zich om te klimmen. Zij kijken anders tegen de wereld aan dan volwassenen. Als zij een bank zien, daagt dat uit tot klimmen, en hetzelfde geldt voor een vensterbank, een biels en een tuinstoel. De spierkracht neemt in een jaar tijd enorm toe. Bij het schoolgaande kind wor dt de motoriek steeds verfijnder en verder uitgewerkt. De kinderen oefenen al snel hun jas dicht maken, hun veters strikken, tanden poetsen, huppelen, klimrekkeren, steppen enz. Door knutselen en spelen met lego en andere bouwmaterialen wordt de fijne motoriek geoefend. Door timmeren leer je je krachten te bundelen en te gebruiken. Door de vele oefening in de motoriek kunnen de kinderen veel beter hun handen afzonderlijk van elkaar gebruik. De kinderen gaan steeds netter schrijven en gaan hiermee ontdekken. Zo zie je aan het eind van de basisschool periode steeds meer verschillende vormen in handschriften. Daarnaast neemt het uithoudingsvermogen toe doordat kinderen continu in beweging is. Hierdoor wordt ook de motorische ontwikkeling steeds nauwkeuriger, kinderen maken tijdens hun beweging, fijnere en kleinere bewegingen. Doordat de oudere basisschool kinderen erg competief zijn in sportactiviteiten leren de kinderen steeds meer te ontdekken. Ook dit is weer positief voor hun motor ische ontwikkeling, omdat zij bewegingen maken waarbij de motoriek centraal staat, zoals voetbal, klimmen etc. Concreet overzicht motorische ontwikkeling tot 12 jaar 0 tot 4 jaar; Zelf bij babys zie je al heel snel dat er een motorische ontwikkeling plaats vindt. Wanneer babys geboren worden zullen zij al snel knipperen met hun ogen en zuigen zij direct. Wanneer de babys wat ouder zijn zullen zij objecten gaan volgen met de ogen, dit voorwerp moet echter wel groot zijn. Rond 8 maanden leren de babys met hun handen te klappen en worden de oogbewegingen nauwkeuriger. De babys kunnen dan een klein voorwerp met hun ogen volgen. Vanaf 1 jaar gaan de kinderen o.a. zitten, kruipen, oppakken en stapelen. De motorische ontwikkeling wordt steeds verder ontwikkeld. Om deze ontwikkeling mogelijk te kunnen maken groeit het lichaam gelijdelijk en neem de spierkracht toe. Vanaf 2 jaar kunnen de kinderen al wat tekenen zoals een herkenbaar menselijk figuur. Vanaf 3 jaar ontwikkelen de kinderen hun motoriek ook door middel van bewegingesspelletjes, door bijvoorbeeld te schommelen, springen, ballen en/of stoeien. ( -motorische-ontwikkeling-wat-kan-n-kind-op-welke-leeftijd.html) 4 tot 6 jaar; De motoriek wordt steeds beter bij de jonge kleuter. De jonge kleuter krijgt meer controle over de bewegingen die hij maakt. De pols en de vingers maken steeds meer nauwkeurige bewegingen. Jonge kinderen hebben een de drang om te spelen en te bewegen, om dit te kunnen doen hebben zij ruimte nodig zoals bij het spel; hinkelen of op à ©Ãƒ ©n been staan. De fijne motoriek verbeterd, en de jonge kinderen leren allerlei oefeningen om de fijne motoriek te stimuleren zoals binnen de lijntjes kleuren en de knopen dicht maken. Maar ook de grove motoriek wordt steeds beter, het kind kan nu beter met een bal overweg en valt niet meer of minder tijdens het rennen. Rond 5 jaar kunnen de kinderen al hun potlood vast houden en worden de eerste letters en woorden geschreven. Vanaf 6 jaar is het evenwichtsgevoel voortdurend in ontwikkeling en leert het kind bijvoorbeeld touwspringen. ( ftijd.html) 6 tot 9 jaar; Vanaf 6 tot 9 jaar wordt de motoriek, de evenwicht en de coà ¶rdinatie beter. Dee handen kunnen nu afzonderlijk van elkaar worden gebruikt. Doordat de kinderen zoveel bewegen wordt de fijne motoriek nauwkeuriger en de uithoudingsvermogen en behendigheid nemen toe. (zie schema motorische vaardigheidslijnen Bijlage 1) 9 tot 12 jaar; Vanaf 9 tot 12 jaar is het coà ¶rdinatievermogen goed en het uithoudingsvermogen is groter. Dit betekent dus dat ze langer dingen vol kunnen houden. Daarnaast leren de kinderen onderscheid te maken tussen kinderen onderling; het ene kind kan meer dan het andere kind. Hierdoor onstaat er een competitie-element en krijgen de kinderen belangstelling voor sport en wedstrijden. De kinderen koppelen de vaardigheden aan dat de sociale status; zo vinden zij bijvoorbeeld dat behendige kinderen populairder zijn. (zie schema motorische vaardigheidslijnen Bijlage 1) Theorieà «n motorische ontwikkeling Over de motorische ontwikkeling zijn veel verschillende theorià «n. Om een goed beeld te krijgen op de motorische ontwikkeling hebben wij de 3 bekendste uitgelicht, namelijk; Het (neurologisch) ontwikkelingsmodel van Mesker (hfst 1.5) De senso-motorische ontwikkeling van Ayres (hfst 1.6) De ontwikkelingslijnen van Gesel (hfst 1.7) In de volgende paragrafen worden de hierboven genoemde 3 theorià «n toegelicht, waarna wij een conclusie zullen trekken over welke theorie of theorieà «n het meest bruikbaar is/zijn voor ons onderzoek en dan met name voor het te ontwikkelen beroepsproduct; Uitgangspunt blijft hierbij onze onderzoeksvraag; Hoe kan de motorische achterstand van kinderen met schrijfproblemen op de Dialoog worden verkleind? Het neurologische ontwikkelingsmodel van Mesker Mesker gelooft in de relatie tussen de lichamelijke ontwikkeling en de hersenen. Als het zenuwstelsel rijpt verandert ook het bewegingsapparaat. Mesker heeft meerdere dingen uitgevonden onder andere: rechtopstaand schoolbordje psycho-dominantiebord Een kind maakt met beide handen patronen op het bord, veelal ritmisch en met ondersteuning met klanken of woorden (schrijfdans). Dit wordt veel gebruikt door remedial teachers om gelijktijdige bewegingen met de linker- en de rechterhand/kant bij kinderen te verbeteren. Het wordt ook gebruikt bij handschrift verbetering en als remedie bij dyslexie. Hieronder worden de 4 verschillende fasen van Mesker beschreven. Het is handig voor leerkrachten om deze te herkennen. Het geeft een leerkracht de mogelijkheid om te kunnen zien hoe de motorische ontwikkeling van kinderen loopt, zodat men meer begrip krijgt over achterstanden in de totale ontwikkeling van het kind. De antagonistische (tegengestelde) fase of slurffase (tot 4 jaar) In de eerste fase van de motorische ontwikkeling verlopen de meeste bewegingen via een links-rechtsantagonisme. Dit houdt in dat de spierwerking in de ene lichaamhelft antagonistisch is aan die van de andere helft. Het werkt dus tegenovergesteld. Als de ene hand ontspant, spant de andere kant. Als een hand knijpt, spreidt de andere hand zich. Deze tegenbewegingen worden synkinesieà «n(tegenbewegingen) genoemd en zijn dwangmatig. Een impuls in de linkerhersenhelft wordt automatisch doorgegeven als tegenbeweging in de rechter hersenhelft. Slurfbeweging/slurfmotoriek Afgeleid van de slurf van een olifant. Ook wel actie-reactie bewegingen genoemd. In deze fasen zijn twee typen bewegingen. Kinderen leren tegenovergestelde (antogonistische) bewegingen te maken, bijvoorbeeld trappelen. Ook laten kinderen in deze fase tegenbewegingen (synkinesieà «n) zien, zo zal een baby van 6 maanden een vuist maken, terwijl hij zijn andere hand strekt. Voorbeelden van deze fase: ontwikkeling van trappelen, kruipen, lopen Opvallend is dat veel kinderen die niet hebben gekropen motorische problemen hebben. de symmetrische fase of motorische fase (4 6 jaar) Deze fase houdt in dat de hersens- en lichaamsactiviteiten in deze fasen links en rechts identiek zijn, symmetrisch. Ook in deze fase zijn 2 soorten bewegingen. Een kind leert in deze fase veel symmetrische bewegingen. Deze bewegingen zijn identiek (gespiegeld) in de linker- en rechter lichaamshelft en/of identiek in het boven- en onderlichaam. Voorbeelden van deze fase: met twee benen tegelijk springen, maken van een rechte koprol (3,5 jaar) met twee handen een bal vangen. recht zitten, staan Aan de andere kant is het nog niet goed mogelijk om een lichaamshelft te bewegen zonder dat de andere (dwangmatig) meebeweegt. Ook deze meebewegingen worden synkinesieà «n genoemd. Synkinesieà «n worden ook wel neurologische associaties genoemd. Bijvoorbeeld: als een kind op zijn hakken loopt, doen zijn polsen en armen mee; die gaan buigen (synkinesieà «n onder/boven) Als een kind de symmetrische fase goed heeft doorlopen dan: laat het kind geen onnodige symmetrische bewegingen zien beheerst het kind de essentià «le symmetrische bewegingsvormen Ook volwassen laten meebewegingen zien en/of nieuwe bewegingen. Het gaat bij kinderen om het laten zien van mee-bewegingen bij alledaagse, eenvoudige bewegingen. Lateralisatie fase (7 jaar) Dit is de fase waarin er verschillen ontstaan tussen de linker- en rechter hersenhelft en daardoor in de linker- en rechterlichaamshelft. Er is een aansturing vanuit het hersenhelft zonder dat de ander meedoet. Hierdoor is het mogelijk verschillende bewegingen van de verschillende lichaamsdelen onafhankelijk van elkaar te laten plaatsvinden. Gekoppelde of associeerde bewegingen vinden plaats in de antagonistische en de symmetrische fase. Losgekoppelde of gedissocieerde bewegen worden mogelijk in de lateralisatie fase. Dissociatie: het tegenovergestelde van associatie, betekent letterlijk: loskoppelen. Voorbeelden van dissociatieve bewegingen: De schoolslag wordt mogelijk, Armen en benen maken na elkaar een andere beweging. Touwtje springen wordt mogelijk; draaien en springen tegelijk. In de lateralisatie ontwikkelt een lichaamshelft zich meer doelgericht. De andere lichaamshelft werkt meer ondersteunend. Dit kan men zien bij de handen en voeten. De schrijfhand en de steunhand en het schietbeen en steunbeen. Lateralisatie is geen ontwikkeling tot eenhandigheid, maar een ontwikkeling tot een consequente taakverdeling en samenwerking in tweehandigheid. dominantie; einde lateralisatie fase(7-8 jaar) Deze fase is het eindproduct van de neurologische motorische ontwikking. De mogelijk bestaat om verschillende lichaamsdelen te laten samenwerken en er is geen sprake van dwangmatig neurologische synkinisieen (bepaalde lichaamsdelen werken niet meer automatisch en symmetrisch mee) bij veel gebruikte dagelijkse bewegingen. Voorbeelden: Het schoppen tegen een bal: Het standbeen moet het lichaam in balans houden terwijl het schopbeen half gebogen in beweging vaart maakt om tegen de bal te schieten. Het schrijven: Een voorkeurshand, waarbij tegelijkertijd meerdere motorische handelingen plaatsvinden. (de schrijfbewegingen vanuit het soepele polsgewricht worden gemaakt met voldoende steun vanuit het lichaam en met stabiele houding.) Voor de gehele paragraaf; Zorg voor beweging, W. van Gelder, M. Berg (1999). Heeswijk-Dinther: Esstede (blz.24-32) Schrijven met zorg, A. van Vledder en E. van Dijk (2000). Baarn:HB Uitgevers (blz. 95-98) Schrijven als een oefenvak, Handboek voor didactiek en praktijk, Drs.A. van Engen. (7e druk 1998). Vries: Van Engen BV.(blz. 30-38) Het neurologische ontwikkelingsmodel van Ayres Theorieà «n motorische ontwikkeling. Enig inzicht in de achtergrond van de motorische ontwikkeling kan men weer een stapje verder helpen bij het beter observeren en begrijpen van kinderen die zich anders of trager ontwikkelen dan hun leeftijdgenootjes. Hopelijk leidt dit inzicht tot betere antwoorden op het gedrag van deze kinderen, kortom tot beter onderwijs. De sensomotorische ontwikkeling van Ayres Motoriek heeft te maken met bewegen. Het woord  ´senso ´ is veel minder bekend. Het woord  ´senso ´ verwijst naar de zintuigen. Een vertaling van sensomotorische ontwikkeling zou kunnen zijn: De ontwikkeling van de samenwerking van de zintuigen en motoriek. De ontwikkeling van de interactie tussen zintuigen en bewegingsapparaat. Van belang bij de sensomotorische ontwikkeling is de sensorische integratie: een samenwerking tussen de zintuigen en de motoriek. Bijvoorbeeld: Oorzaak gevolg : als iemand zijn hand op een hete plaat legt dan trekt hij zijn hand weg. Actie- reactie : als iemand op zijn schouder wordt getikt dan kijkt hij om, zonder na te denken waar de prikkel vandaan komt. Ayres onderscheidt 5 zintuigelijke systemen: Het auditieve systeem: horen. Het vestibulaire systeem: dit systeem zorg dat men in evenwicht blijft en niet omvalt. Het visuele systeem: zien. Het proprioceptieve: geeft informatie door vanuit spieren en gewrichten en geeft men daarmee informatie over de houding en positie van lichaamsdelen. Via dit systeem voel men hoe hard/zacht, groot/klein men moet bewegen. Het tactiele systeem: (de tastzin) geeft informatie over allerlei aanrakingen van de huid. Een goed proprioceptief en het tactiel systeem zorgen voor bewegingsgevoel: balgevoel, mooie gestileerde bewegingen, kleine bewegingen, etc. Als verwerkingsprobleem van de informatie van de verschillende zintuigen noemt Ayres met name het over- of ondergevoeligheid van een systeem. Hier volgen 2 voorbeelden. Voorbeeld 1: Een vestibulaire overgevoelig kind zal bijvoorbeeld snel duizelig zijn. Bij een koprol of in een attractie op de kermis, vaak ook misselijk in de auto. Het systeem raakt snel overprikkeld. Veel van deze kinderen worden voorzichtig. Als het vestibulaire systeem ondergevoelig is, is voor een kind niets te gek. Hij kent zijn eigen grenzen niet. Botst snel, loopt in de rij tegen andere kinderen op, is vaak overmoedig. Een kind wijzen op zijn gedrag met als bedoeling dat dit gedrag veranderd, heeft zelden het gewenste effect. De kans is groot dat deze goedbedoelde aanwijzingen ten koste gaan van het gevoel van eigen waarde van het kind. Voorbeeld 2: Tactiel overgevoelige kinderen houden niet van vieze handen en bijvoorbeeld van stukjes of brokjes in het eten en -in extreme gevallen- zelf niet van kleren aan hun lijf. Het neurologische ontwikkelingsmodel van Gesell De ontwikkelingslijnen van Gesell Gesell beschreef als eerste een systematiek in de ontwikkeling van het kind. Hij onderscheidt de volgende ontwikkelingsvelden: Adaptatie: toepassing van de motoriek in het dagelijkse leven en spel. Klein motorische ontwikkeling: ontwikkeling van kijken tot grijpen en manipuleren. Grootmotorische ontwikkeling: ontwikkeling van hoofdbalans tot lopen. Spraak- en taalontwikkeling: ontwikkeling van communicatieve vaardigheden. Deze velden zijn al aanwezig voor de geboorte. De ontwikkeling wordt vastgelegd en normatieve ontwikkelingsschalen. Genoemd de key ages oftewel sleutelleeftijden, de momenten waarop een mijlpaal wordt bereikt in de ontwikkeling. Adaptatie is het belangrijkste ontwikkelingsveld. Het kind leert door zijn adaptieve gedrag analyseren, integreren en relaties herkennen. Gesell beschouwde adaptatie als de voorloper van de (latere) intelligentie, waarbij eerdere opgedane ervaringen gebruikt worden bij het oplossen van problemen. De vier ontwikkelingslijnen van Gesell met betrekking tot de motorische ontwikkeling: De ontwikkeling van kop naar voet (evenwicht) Een kind dat net geboren is kan op een gegeven moment zijn hoofd rechtop of omhoog (balanceren) houden. Daarna gaat het, als het ongeveer 6 maanden is, zitten (evenwicht in hoofd en romp), vervolgens kruipen (evenwicht in schouders en heupen) en tenslotte staan (evenwicht ook in voeten). Kinderen met een zwak ontwikkeld evenwicht laten vaak zien dat ze een wiebelend los hoofd hebben en/of veel gecorrigeerde bewegingen met de armen maken. In het algemeen leren deze kinderen laat zitten. Niet of laat kruipen en laat fietsen op een fiets zonder zijwielen. De ontwikkeling van binnen (romp) naar buiten (ledematen) De ontwikkeling van binnen naar buiten is een ontwikkeling vanuit de romp via de gewrichten die het dichtst bij de romp zitten (schouders en heupen) steeds meer naar buiten, tot in de vinger en teentoppen. Bijvoorbeeld: Een kind van 3 jaar draait een touwtje rond dat het met à ©Ãƒ ©n hand vasthoud. Hij maakt een hele grote draaibeweging vanuit de schouder. Een kind van 6 jaar zal bij dezelfde beweging slecht de hand/pols bewegen. In het onderwijs gaat men ervan uit dat op ongeveer 6 jarige leeftijd de sturing in de pols en hand plaatsvindt. Er dan met het schrijfproces gestart. Voor veel kinderen kan dit tot frustraties leiden, omdat de basis voorwaarden om tot schrijven te komen nog niet aanwezig zijn. Éà ©n van deze voorwaarden is een voltooide ontwikkeling van binnen naar buiten. De ontwikkeling van enkelvoudige naar samengestelde beweging Het aanleren van een beweging vindt plaats van enkelvoudig naar samengesteld. We kunnen deze volgorde het best voorstellen bij het aanleren van een dansje. Er wordt bijvoorbeeld eerst een (eenvoudige) beenbeweging geleerd. Als deze bewegingen worden beheerst, dan kan men een armbeweging bijmaken. Hierna volgt het hoofd, de mimiek en eventueel kan erbij worden gezongen. Het geheel is samengesteld uit steeds meer componenten. De hoeveelheid componenten die men tegelijkertijd kan uitvoeren is afhankelijk van aanleg en ervaring. Een voorbeeld van een samengestelde beweging is; Stuiten op de plaats naar dribbelen (stuiten en looppas). Voor een groot deel valt deze ontwikkeling samen met de lateralisatiefase van Mesker. In deze fase wordt het mogelijk op verschillende lichaamsdelen onafhankelijk van elkaar te gebruiken. De ontwikkeling van totaal (massaal) bewegen naar lokaal (effectief) bewegen. Het bewegen van jonge kinderen met name babys, kenmerk zich door de totaliteit van de beweging. Als een baby probeert iets aan te raken boven zijn wieg, doen de andere arm, de benen en mimiek mee. Het in zijn totaliteit bewegen gaat geleidelijk over in meer lokaal bewegen. Alleen het lichaamsdeel dat nodig is beweegt. Zo kan een 8 jarige zittend schrijven zonder dat iets anders beweegt dan zijn hand (onderarm) en zijn pen. Voor de meeste 4 jarigen is dat onmogelijk. Voetenschuiven, spanning in de schouder en een meebewegende andere hand zijn vaak te zien. In de theorie van Mesker is deze ontwikkeling te zien in het optreden van synkinesieà «n. Van tegenbewegingen naar meebewegingen naar spanning in de andere lichaamshelft tot ontspanning. In de laatste fase zou je ook kunnen spreken van lokaal, efficià «nt bewegen. Een voorbeeld van massaal naar lokaal: Een peuter van 2 jaar die een bal weggooit, gooit met zijn hele lichaam. Als kinderen 8 jaar zijn, gooien ze een bal door met twee handen een korte beweging te maken, waarna de handennawijzen. Zorg voor beweging, W. van Gelder, M. Berg (1999). Heeswijk-Dinther: Esstede (blz. 24-33) Samenvatting De motoriek heeft betrekking op bewegingen van het lichaam, zoals arm en beenbewegingen Er wordt over 2 soorten motoriek gesproken, namelijk de grove en de fijne motoriek. Bij de grove motoriek, gaat het om de grote, grove bewegingen die je met je lijf maakt. De fijne motoriek zijn meer de kleinere bewegingen die je met je handen en vingers maakt. Over de motorische ontwikkeling zijn veel vesrschillende theorieà «n; namelijk; Het (neurologisch) ontwikkelingsmodel van Mesker De senso-motorische ontwikkeling van Ayres De ontwikkelingslijnen van Gesel Volgens Mesker verloopt de ontwikkeling van de motoriek via een aantal fasen. Bovendien kan men in de schema Motorische Basisvaardigheden aflezen wat een kind op een bepaalde leeftijd zou moeten beheersen. Volgens Ayres heeft de motoriek te maken met bewegen en kijkt vanuit de sensomotorische ontwikkeling. Het woord  ´senso ´ verwijst naar de zintuigen. Een vertaling van sensomotorische ontwikkeling zou kunnen zijn: De ontwikkeling van de samenwerking van de zintuigen en motoriek. De ontwikkeling van de interactie tussen zintuigen en bewegingsapparaat. Gesell beschreef als eerste een systematiek in de ontwikkeling van het kind. Hij onderscheidt de volgende ontwikkelingsvelden: Adaptatie: toepassing van de motoriek in het dagelijkse leven en spel. Klein motorische ontwikkeling: ontwikkeling van kijken tot grijpen en manipuleren. Grootmotorische ontwikkeling: ontwikkeling van hoofdbalans tot lopen. Spraak- en taalontwikkeling: ontwikkeling van communicatieve vaardigheden. Nu er een duidelijkbeeld is gegeven over het verloop van een normale motorische ontwikkeling, zal er worden gekeken naar wanneer de motorische ontwikkeling niet soepel verloopt; waarbij wij ons afvragen welke kenmerken een motorische achterstand heeft.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Life and Times of Johannes Kepler :: Essays Papers
The Life and Times of Johannes Kepler Johannes Kepler, was a German astronomer and natural philosopher, noted for formulating and verifying the three laws of planetary motion. These laws are now known as Kepler's laws. Johannes Kepler was born in Weil der Stadt in Swabia, in southwest Germany. From 1574 to 1576 Johannes lived with his grandparents; in 1576 his parents moved to nearby Leonberg, where Johannes entered the Latin school. In 1584 he entered the Protestant seminary at Adelberg, and in 1589 he began his university education at the Protestant university of Tà ¼bingen. Here he studied theology and read widely. He passed the M.A. examination in 1591 and continued his studies as a graduate student. There he was influenced by a mathematics professor, Michael Maestlin, an adherent of the heliocentric theory of planetary motion first developed by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. Kepler accepted Copernican theory immediately, believing that the simplicity of Copernican planetary ordering must have been God's plan. In 1594 Kepler accepted an appointment as professor of mathematics at the Protestant seminary in Graz in the Austrian province of Styria. He was also appointed district mathematician and calendar maker. For six years, Kepler taught, geometry, Virgil, arithmetic, and rhetoric. There he worked out a complex geometric hypothesis to account for distances between the planetary orbits-orbits that he mistakenly assumed were circular. Kepler then proposed that the sun emits a force that diminishes inversely with distance and pushes the planets around in their orbits. Kepler published his account in a thesis entitled Mysterium Cosmographicum (â€Å"Cosmographic Myster y†) in 1596. This work is significant because it presented the first comprehensive and logical account of the geometrical advantages of Copernican theory. Kepler held the chair of astronomy and mathematics at Graz University from 1594 until 1600. Because of his talent as a mathematician, displayed in his thesis, Kepler was invited by Tycho Brahe to Prague to become his assistant and calculate new orbits for the planets from Tycho's observations. Kepler moved to Prague in 1600. Kepler served as Tycho Brahe's assistant until the Brahe’s death. On the death of Brahe in 1601, Kepler assumed his position as imperial mathematician and court astronomer to Rudolf II, Holy Roman emperor. In 1609 his Astronomia Nova (â€Å"New Astronomy†) appeared, which contained his first two laws: planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun as one of the laws, and a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Tesco Marketing Strategy :: Marketing Business Management Essays
Tesco marketing strtegy Incomplete PART ONE STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Managers face difficulties in trying to understand the encionment. First  ¡Ã‚ °the environment ¡Ã‚ ¯ encapsulates many different influences; the difficulty is making sense of this diversity in a way which can contribute to strategic decision making. The second difficulty is that of uncertainty, managers typically claim that the pace of technological change and the speed of global communications mean more and faster change now than ever before. 1.Analysing the environment 1.1 Auditing Environmental Influence------PEST Analysis As a starting point, it is useful to consider what environmental influences have been particularly important in the past, and the extent to which there are changes occurring which may make any of these more or less significant in the future for the organization and its competitors. PEST Analysis involves identifying the political, economic, social and technological influences on an organization. It is increasingly useful to relate such influences to growing trends towards globalizations-of possible futures, to consider the extent to which strategies might need to change. 1) Political/legal - Monopolies legislation - Environmental protection laws - Taxation policy - Foreign trade regulations - Employment law - Government stability 2) Economic factors - Business cycles - GNP trends - Interest rates - Money supply - Inflation - Unemployment - Disposable income - Energy availability and cost 3) Socio cultural factors - Population demographics - Income distribution - Social mobility - Lifestyle changes - Attitudes to work and leisure - Consumerism - Levels of education 4) Technological - Government spending on research - Government and industry focus on technological effort - New discoveries/development - Speed of technology transfer - Rates of obsolescence 1.2 The Competitive Environment-------Five Force Model The next step in environmental analysis is moves the focus towards an explicit consideration of the immediate environment of the organization-for example, the competitive arena in which the organization operates. Five-force analysis provides a means of identifying the forces which determine the nature of the competitive environment, especially in terms of: 1) Barriers to entry. 2) The power of buyers. 3) The power of suppliers. 4) The threat of substitutes. 5) Other reasons for the extent of competitive intensity. 1.3 Identifying The Organization ¡Ã‚ ¯s Competitive Position---------Strategic Group Analysis STRATEGIC GROUP ANALYSIS The next major step in environmental analysis is analysis the organization ¡Ã‚ ¯s competitive position that is how it stands in relation to other organizations competing for the same resources, or customers, as it. One problem in analyzing competition is that the idea of the  ¡Ã‚ °industry ¡Ã‚ ± is not always helpful because its boundaries can be unclear and are not likely to provide a sufficiently precise delineation of competition. Strategic group analysis aims to identify organizations with similar strategic characteristics, following similar strategies or competing on similar bases.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Important Role of Missionaries in the Anglican Church :: European Europe History
The Important Role of Missionaries in the Anglican Church Missionaries have been part of the Christian faith for many years. With the great expanse of the British Empire it is logical that the need for missionaries would expand as well. The problem is that England was already experiencing a shortage of clergy due to the increased demand caused by industrialization. With a shortage of Anglican clergy in England, the call to leave home and hearth to encounter unforeseen perils defines the true meaning of a missionary. The reason that the clergy were willing to make this sacrifice reflects society's perception, and the clergy’s perception of what it means to be a missionary. John Kent in Nineteenth Century Church and English Society describes missionary work as doing "the divine will of God" (Kent 109). The fact that many different religions feel that they are doing the will of God is completely immaterial to the Christian missionary. They feel that theirs is the one true faith and it is their "duty to convert the heathens to the one true faith" (Kent 112). The missionaries felt in doing their duty that they would reap their just rewards and secure for themselves a place in Heaven. Kent also tells us that " Victorian missionary work was treated as a saga of sacrifice, heroism, and Christian philanthropy" (Kent 109). The sacrifice was in leaving the comforts of home. The heroism was in the converting of the non-believers and the philanthropy was in the giving of oneself for the "betterment" of humanity. In Jane Eyre we listen to St. John telling Jane his deepest desire to be a missionary. He says he "aspires but after the day when the cross of separation from fleshly ties shall be laid upon his shoulders, and when the Head of that church-militant of whose humblest members he is one, shall give the word, 'Rise, follow me!'" (347; ch. 30). St. John is foreshadowing his separation from his family to follow the call of the missionary. His sister Diana describes his ambition to go to India as a "fever in his vitals" (349; ch.30) and that her conscience "will hardly permit me to dissuade him from his severe decision†¦. It is right, noble, Christian: yet it breaks my heart" (350; ch.31). She sees the missionary work as something extreme and severe. When she talks of the fever in St.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Key Question Biology Essay
1) Mg2+ Has 10 electrons. 2) Carbon -14 would not be effective at dating bones that are millions of years old. Carbon -14 is effective at dating to a maximum of 40 000 to 50 000 years old. The isotope decays over time and would not be present on bones that are millions of years old. 3) Hydrolysis – Water used to breakdown molecules. Hydro means water and lysis means to breakdown. An example of hydrolysis in action within our bodies is how our body breaks down protein into amino acids. Water is used to break protein down in to its amino acids. Condensation- Condensation is when two molecules combine and form one bigger molecule. It is exact opposite process of hydrolysis. It is also called dehydration synthesis because water is removed â€Å"dehydrated†in forming of new molecule. This reaction happens in our bodies when we form muscle tissue. Oxidization-Reduction (REDOX)- This reaction describes the process of transfer of electrons from one reactant to another. The gaining of electrons is known as reduction and losing electrons is called oxidization. It is usually referred to as REDOX (REDuction/OXidization). One example of redox within our bodies is during cellular respiration. Question 4 is a chemical equation representing this process. Neutralization – Involves acids and bases and producing water and a salt. Acids contain Hydrogen Ions and Bases contain Hydroxide Ions. The best example of neutralization in our bodies is the carbonic acid bicarbonate buffer. It contains acid and base and maintains our bloods Ph level. If our blood becomes acidic or basic this buffer neutralizes conditions. 4) C6H12O6+6O2–>6CO2+6H2O a) Carbon atoms in glucose are being oxidized b) Oxygen is being reduced Unit 1 Lesson 2 Key Questions 5)a) Carbohydrates monomer(s) is monosaccharide’s which are simple sugars. The functional groups of carbohydrates are carbonyl and hydroxyl. The linkage type is a glycosidic bind. Carbohydrates primary function is to provide energy for the body. b)Proteins monomer(s) are called amino acids. The functional groups are called aminos and carboxyls. The linkage type is by using a peptide bond. The primary function of protein is build and repairs the body. c)Lipids monomer(s) are called fatty acid and glycerol. The functional group is called ester. The linkage type of lipids is non polar bonds or sometimes called ester bonds. The primary function of lipids is energy, hormone production and insulation of the body. D)Nucleic Acids monomer(s) are called nucleotide. The functional group is dna(Deoxyribonucleic acid) and rna(Ribonucleic acid). The linkage type is covalent bonds and hydrogen bonds. The primary function of nucleic acid is to store and transfer genetic material. 6) Box on right illustrates the peptide bond resulting from the condensation of both the amino acids. The box on the left illustrates the separation of the hydroxide group from glycine and the hydrogen atom from valine. 7)a) You would do the Benedict’s reagent test for simple sugars and the Lugol’s solution or Iodine test for polysaccharides and starch. To test the lipids you would use the Sudan iV test and Biurets reagent test for protein. b) Benedict test the solution color will change from blue to pink/orange red, indicating simple sugars are present. Lugols test the solution color will change from yellowish brown to dark purple, indicating starch and polysaccharides are present. Sudan iV test the lipid content will turn into red, indicating lipids are present. Biuret test the solution colour will change from Blue to pink, indicating protein is present. UNIT 1 Lesson 3 Key Questions 8) Enzymes are protein catalysts that speed up chemical reactions, without being consumed by the reactions themselves. For the reaction to occur, the reactions have to overcome the activation energy barrier. The enzymes work by lowering the activation energy. The two substrates are bounded and optimally positioned, the reaction can proceed to form or break chemical bonds. You must mention the presence of successive collisions. 9)a) Enzymes work in very limited temperature and Ph range. If Ph is altered even slightly it can slow down or completely stop the enzymes action. It is a concept known as enzyme specificity. When pH of a particular medium changes, it leads to alteration in the shape of the enzyme or the substrate and if denaturation occurs the process stops completely. b) The relationship between rate of reaction and concentration of substrate depends on the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate. The higher the substrate concentration the more quickly product is produced (rate of reaction increases) until enzyme saturation is reached at which time more substrate has no further effect. 10)Enzyme A the Optimal Ph seems to be Ph4 and Optimal Temperature seems to be 370 c. Enzyme B the optimal Ph seems to be Ph7 and the optimal temperature is a range between 40c -80oc. Enzyme C the optimal Ph seems to be a range between Ph1 and Ph 13 and the optimal temperature seems to be 200c. 11)Three benefits of enzymes in food technology are: Alternatives to chemical based technology, can replace chemicals in many processes. This can allow real advances in the environmental performance of production processes, through lower energy consumption and biodegradability. More specific in action than synthetic chemicals. Processes which use enzymes therefore has fewer side effects and waste byproducts, producing higher quality products. Allow processes to be carried out which would otherwise be impossible. Like changing colour of food products or allowing products to be clear like apple juice uses pectinase enzyme. Unit 1 Lesson 4 Key Questions 12) Mitochondria produce ATP or energy. Muscle cells contract and use energy at a rapid rate and require more ATP than a fat cell would require. Muscles are required for movement so each movement requires ATP and muscle cells in mammals also are sued to produce heat, also requiring more ATP. Fat cells are energy storage. 13)a) Diffusion does not require energy, Active Transport require energy or ATP. b)Diffusion goes from high to low concentration while active transport goes from low to high. 14) Receptor-mediated endocytosis has receptor, and is specific, only certain specific molecules can enter. Phagocytosis surrounds its food without really knowing what it is, cell membrane engulfs large molecule with a vesicle. 15) Integral proteins allow polar molecules like water to pass through the non polar interior of the membrane. Cholesterol makes the membrane sturdy and more rigid than it would be without. 16)A) The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the movement of water in and out of a carrot-osmometer as a result of being placed in two different solutions: distilled water, and a 10% salt solution. B) Beaker A contained distilled water Whenever there is movement of water, it is from a region of higher concentration to lower concentration. as there’s a fall in the water level in beaker B. This is because the cells of the carrot placed in beaker B have a lower water potential than the distilled water on the outside. So water molecules undergo osmosis from higher water potential to lower, from the outside water into the cells of carrot. This results in the fall in water level. 17) Salt water when used for rinsing mouth becomes hypertonic in relation to the fluid inside the cell of the gums that are swelled. As the fluid of two concentrations is separated by a semi-permeable membrane, osmosis starts to make a balance. In this process fluid comes out of the cells of the gums to make fluid in mouth isotonic to intracellular fluid. This helps reducing intracellular fluid and thus reducing the swelling of the gums.
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