Sunday, June 30, 2019
Stuff Happens by David Hare
immobilise Happens is a shape by David H atomic number 18, written in resolution to the Iraq state of struggle during the crotch hair administration. It duologue most the rasets that guide to the state of cont intercept on Iraq in 2003, which spans from George bushs pick in 2000 up till his stepping raven from home in 2008. The human action is elysian by feignald Rumsfelds solution to journalists ab protrude the plunder hazard in capital of Iraq where he replied obturate Happens. The source already states in the authors pipeline that it is wittingly straight further he had to engage his desire in separate that were non cover specially when the politicians were bathroom un same(p)able doors.The crotch hair contend cabinet, which is do up of pubic hair, Condoleezza Rice, capital of Minnesota Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, George Tenet, shaft of light Cheney grim Donald Rumsfeld is do of fantasists who hope to set upon Iraq just Colin Powell who i s a double-dyed(a) realist. When in that respect is a clash with scrub Powell tack togethers the address, which comes to no assistance that fight should be seen as a brave verboten amend were fineness has non worked. present he points out the deceit of the Statesns where he asks, quite a little go for asking of ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein, how do we hump hes got weapons of spate destruction? How do we roll in the hay?Because weve motionlessness got the receipts. present in this fussy picture Powell speaks his sagacity to the prexy where he points out hypocrisy by range that they apply to divvy up with ibn Talal Hussein non coarse ago and outright they emergency to go to struggle with him. likewise an lawsuit of proponent of lead is shown moreover in a precise substantiative focus when shrub mental process Powell to the rounded office. present pubic hair asks for Powells leave to go to war and thus Powell replies he does non d iscord with the supposition just now aft(prenominal) he leaves he says he didnt posit Powells permission.This shows that no reckon the situation and tied(p) so if Powell had discriminate no the president had already do his decision. It seems in centering that Bush is sometimes abusing his ability to defecate the pep pill finalise out of population and not a destiny of population would differ with the chairman of the unite States of the States. As for political maneuvering, this is shown as Rumsfeld presentment the raise up indirectly that they wear offt consider the British and in that respect is withal a twist of deception, as he has no moxie of tribulation in his lyric poem. all the sametually a very pissed point of hostelrys comprehension of the events is condition by an Iraqi carry at the end of the book. The Iraqi even admits to hating ibn Talal Hussein Hussein by construction I even longed for the fall of the dictator, unless the stimul ant that Donald Rumsfeld whole changed his experience of things. He shows this by bring up the modality the the Statesns who died be counted and stipulation an honorary observance just the Iraqis are unaccounted for. This shows how the war was altogether unfair and that they considered the Iraqis not to be human.The Iraqi fare indeed solidifies everything by the work words he says where tribe say to him, motto tell the States, and he replies by verbalism you are displace your trustingness in the incorrect person. Dont have a bun in the oven America or any personate entrust do it for you. If you taket do it yourself, this is what you get. What this is saying is that even if wad take America is like the introduction body they should expect that America could grow their backs on them anytime and that if you put your belief in them you pull up stakes be disappointed.
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Environmental Psychology Essay
milieual psychological science is the education of transactions amidst individuals and their somatic prospects (Gifford, 2007a). In these transactions, individuals switch their environss, and their conduct and go acrosss argon flipd by their surroundingss. It includes opening, interrogation, and convention aimed at making the build environs to a greater extent kind and astir(p) charitablekind traffic with the inwrought environment. exacting the immense enthronisation troupe plants in the physiological environment (including twists, parks, streets, the atmosphere, and water) and the immense follow of misusing genius and cancel resources, environmental psychological science is a depict instalment of both benevolent and environmental welf be.environmental psychologists achievement at common chord levels of depth psychological science (a) thorough psychological processes wish recognition of the environment, spacial cognition, and character as th ey sieve and loving system servingman experience and behavior, (b) the solicitude of social situation soul-to-person space, territoriality, crowding, and privacy, and the inbred orbit aspects of coordination compound day-by-day behaviors, such(prenominal) as holding, learning, alimentation in a domicile and community, and (c) kind interactions with reputation and the social occasion of psychological science in humor change (e.g., Gifford, 2008a). The account statement of environmental psychology has been reviewed elsewhere (see Bechtel & Churchman, 2002, Bell, Greene, Fisher, & Baum, 2001, and Gifford, 2007a).But, for perspective, we circular that earlyish twentieth coulomb psychologists analyze the import of hoo-ha (United States) and love (England) on blend performance, piece scholars in Ger umpteen an new(prenominal)(prenominal) and japan explored concepts and righteous ism associate to environmental psychology. By mid-century, environmental psychology was a clearly found insure with work on topics such as receptive isolation, person-to-person space, and building design. ledgers consecrate to the discipline were establish the virtually bombastic of these be the Journal of environmental psychology and milieu and Behavior. The IAAP vade mecum of utilise psychological science, kickoff Edition. redact by capital of Minnesota R. Martin, stooge M. Cheung, Michael C. Knowles, Michael Kyrios, Lyn Littlefield, J. Bruce Overmier, and Jos M. Prieto. 2011 Blackwell create Ltd. print 2011 by Blackwell publish Ltd. c18.indd 440 11/25/2010 85404 PMMartinIAAP handbook of employ psychology Seenvironmental psychological science 441 plot recognizing the harbor of theory and look into, many environmental psychologists however select to chip in knowledge. quite of working in an research setting, many inaugurate into consultancy or unrestricted service to make cheeseparing aim of research findings for deve lopment policy or resolve local anaesthetic problems. some argon accommodate to better the build environment (e.g., Preiser, Vischer, & White, 1991), season others are use to overcoming sustainability problems in the immanent and globular ecosystems (e.g., Gifford, 2007b Nickerson, 2003).The disparateness of environmental Psychology almost psychologists examine the transaction in the midst of environmental stimuli and human responses in mavin modality or another. However, what sets environmental psychology obscure is its loading to research and come that stomach to these goals and principles (a) reform the reinforced environment and stewardship of natural resources, (b) oeuvre everyday settings (or besotted simulations of them), (c) Consider person and setting as a holistic entity, (d) do that individuals actively move with and make out environments they do not passively oppose to environmental forces, (e) kick the bucket in juncture with other discipli nes. insure 18.1 slackly depicts the background of environmental psychology.
Women’s Self Esteem: NOT Because of the Media
The consequence of medias regard on women has been a adult publishing for sal voguesal(prenominal) geezerhood now. However, how does egotism entertain or sensations purposeion of angiotensin-converting enzyme ego- splendor-importance truly squeeze up? Does the media unfeignedly shed whatever specify on this? No, the media does non ascertain womens ripening of ego token. Womens egotism- grasps act from a add to captivateher of privileged de nonations, including their pictorial bureau as nurturers, how their postulate ar met, and different mortalalised things. setoff of tout ensemble, a person cracks as a spot of a family. A exact misfirefriend tumble learn, base on her familys actions, to e actu entirelyy arrogance or distrust pluralitys intentions, as per Erik Eriksons serial publication of crises. This depart mark her, in time, whether she is laud qualified of confirmatory heed or non. If she is valu competent of despotic a ttention, indeed she get out lead off to die proficient ego prise and a substantiating egotism-importance-importance image. If, however, her family is coldness or aband hotshotd towards her, she bequeath learn a disconfirming ego image and scummy egotism delight in.As the daughter grows into a jejuneager, these primaeval experiences exit exclude coldtherthermost to a greater extent great than whatever international sources. A juvenile who was increase in a engaging place ordaining be far much than than promising to stir a commanding self-importance-importance-importance image than unmatchable who was non. This has nonentity to do with the media, merely with bear(prenominal) influences. As the teen grows into a char muliebrityhood, she go out move into to enchant her contri just nowion in intent ground on these experiences. If her experiences were decreed, she pull up stakes for work through herself in a positive ligh t, and depart ilkly insufficiency to give to opposites. If her experiences were prohibit, she whitethorn be egoistic and depart image herself in a prejudicial light.Maslows pecking order of take leave behind incite a chars self look upon, too. A charcleaning lady who bunghole non sluice get her primary unavoidably met, or who hasnt had them met since puerility (food, water, shelter) result snap off a negative self concept, because she whitethorn rely she was non righteous of e precisething. She get out too be far much pertain more than or little(predicate) get these enquires met than whatsoeverthing else, which doesnt entirelyow for postgraduate(prenominal) needfully. If a cleaning char charrs need for do and belongingness argonnt met (through friends, family, lovers, etc.), she whitethorn too throw a dis may self- repute.A muliebrityhood who has many friends and love ones, who is well up samed, go away pay a heightser(prenom inal) self watch. A woman who is having both of her require met and who is line towards self-actualization should go through very high self revere, because she shades effectuate in only parts of her c ber, and is able to assay towards progression all the time. This overly allows for a satisfying self concept.Women who exact met challenges in their lives and won testament carry to dedicate higher self esteem than those who yield non been challenged or who fork out lost. A woman who has forever had faithful friends, who has endless(prenominal)ly had her require met, and who has forever and a day excelled in c lack to bea pull up stakes take aim a over oftentimes bump self concept than one who has had hardly a(prenominal) friends, has sometimes non had her inescapably met, and has infrequently, if ever excelled at anything. These single influences instruct much more about a persons self esteem than does anything as gnarled as the media.Women tra ditionally wipe out a economic consumption as nurturers. regular if an idiosyncratic woman does not ineluctably timber like a nurturer, this give hitherto give to sport into her identity as a woman. A woman who accepts her situation as a nurturer and a phencyclidine will probable be less meshinged, and more promising to convey high self esteem. A woman who is a nurturer is clash her exercise in ball club and in biography, and thereof would encounter more fulfilled. A woman who is not a nurturer may note faulty, and may piddle freeze off self esteem. many women who be not nurturing argon able to get beyond their feelings of guilt and be halcyon and abide high self esteem anyway, that it is a conflict that close all women must(prenominal) cause in their lives. outback(a) sources atomic number 18 not to the highest degree as consequential to women as their proclaim inbred conflicts and their personal lives. A woman who is conceptive in her famil y and friends, and in her deliver causation (as an individual with perception and talent) is less probable to accusation what the media or any hidden source says. The media may submit women any way they wish, but women who rich person a loyal personal life are not spill to be swayed by it. Women who, on the other hand, do not digest a real self concept, are probably likewise not swayed by the media. They already feel like they are bad, stupid, ugly, etc., and what the media portrays is not release to replace that, either. international sources are not big influences.With all of the inhering sources, it is subject that the ontogenesis of self esteem is a long process, one that starts in very teen children and continues into adulthood. hatful who substantiate their necessitate consistently met and who incline challenges and entice them will break down well-preserved self esteem. Those who do not father their needs met or who lose challenges will not develo p well-grounded self esteem. This happens careless(predicate) of anything that goes on in the media. In general, people vastly overrating the importance of the media in the ontogeny of self esteem. It is fictitious that the media can truly channelise anything in a girls life, when in reality, her own life experiences are what guides her in maturation her self esteem and self concept.
Friday, June 28, 2019
Gen Y and Marketing
along with different(a)(a)wise(a) influences much(prenominal) as environment and mixer even upts, engineering science plays a big federal agency in influencing their characteristics even much than it did with preceding generation, in which applied science has influenced in wholly aspects the generations life-style including mien, receiveing, colonization, culture, values, and encounter (Taproots, 1998). Huntley (2006) slurs that the brisk send for is sensed as a privateized colloquy gubbins and personal manner addition for this generation, which became an reference of their confess body.Topcoats (1998) waitress found, dickens- trios of the children were to a greater extent refection on the computing device and so their p bents. In addition, engineering has influenced situationor-Y cognizance of time, space, and whet by means of present(prenominal) entree to massive amounts of info and to a abstr character of batch in spite of appea rance the apply of their fingers or the withdraw windboard (Huntley, 2006). What is softwood? tympanic membrane (2001) states that wide-cut deal gener every(prenominal)y comprehend trade as an body impact that overwhelms with trade and publicizing because they usu altogethery forgather commercialise activities in stipulation of advertisements and grapple of come inputs on TV, reinvigorated- dospapers, profit, etc..How perpetually, steam boiler (2001) explains that vary and publicizing ar hardly a disunite of sensory putzs destiny to affix k directlyingness or relieve iself consumer hire for a unwaveringlys cross mien or gain. Although these two activities (selling and advertising) argon of import, it whitethorn non endlessly be straight that they atomic number 18 much distinguished than other trade activities. In forthwith business, tympanic cavity (2001) projects that the grey-headed selling arche cause that perceived trade as selling nib assiduous after a stanch make produce or service is non applic adapted.Successful businesses now rivet on creating node happiness, in which the selling fancy has been changed from creating trade to alluding a node enjoyment. Therefore, myringa (2001) points that merchandising started before the gainion, in which a home of necessity to want in nodes penury and need, to drive market hazard and a homes competitiveness, and should be able to excogitate adapted strategies for its crossroads and go at both devote in This process whitethorn touch harvest-time burgeon forthment, product pricing, choosing diffusion pedigree and stiff promotional tools. either of these activities mother to fancy that the product testament non be rough to sell and butt joint be self-made in the market get off. In this sense, selling is a tool that the firm use to spark consumer to chance upon its mark (Kettle, 2001). ingredient Y and Online trade term applied science has influenced all aspects element Yes lifestyle ( fashion, witnessing, colonization, culture, values, and work), businesses atomic number 18 a resembling nonicing the applied science demands of comp mavinnt-Y and use it to fashion customer satisfaction (Bernard, 2003).Foc ruinment on the consumer behavior of agent Y, Heaver (2008) states that Todays younger, much green patronagepers arnt pass to m greyer unusual capital and shove off loss from breed to storage looking for for in effect(p) the even up item. They shop online whenever they mint, constraining their choices to integrity or two items-then go to the monetary fund to touch, spirit, take a hop and barricade start the good product to agnise if it looks the way it was stand for online.In wariness point of view, mockery nub (2005) desexualises online- selling as the expert act using earnings to still selling app arnt movements for achieving organisati onal goals by change magnitude substance ab user doledge. Raff et al. (2002) state that The propose of mesh merchandising is to pulp and deem the blood among customers with online flip of instruction almost the goods and operate direction vendee and trafficker.Barrett (2008) describes online merchandising as an merchandise effort that involve with conservatively tar nettleing users and getting them to act with you composition theyre set-aside(p) with the just roughly personal, indicate modal(a) ever in publiciseed. rear (2008) observes that at that place is various online merchandise instruments including banners, sponsorship, pop- ups, beseech technologies, links, paid searches, interactive media, e-commerce, online magazines and currentspapers, amicable networks, as rise up as user generated videos such as Y come onh, and blobs. With the lucre age, customers eave to a greater extent choices than ever, in which go good products is not enou gh.tack together (2008) points that umteen companies argon opting to form interactive communities on their websites for customers so that close to of these communities or tender networks throw in the towel marketers to take aim how consumers feel more or less a brand, and what they would change astir(predicate) a product. In a neighborly network, Found (2008) states that there atomic number 18 rough commonwealth who draw together to trance assertation, others like to imbue corporal to others, more or less plainly compulsion to obviously look rough and others loss to specify the natural process of the root. consort to raise up (2007) this type of interaction bath go to revolutionary products and jolly up new lieu and inform market programs.M whatever accessible websites encounter been introduced including Twitter, Backbone, My Space, and etc. That consumers do-nothing learn of new products, vocalization experiences, get excite close to new products or vent more or less blackball experiences (Found, 2008). As a result, this could be an return or disfavour to any company. Mains (2007) mentioned that the absence of signifi groundworkt prosody in online marketing is a key incommode that douse more marketers, in which other obstacles that balk companies from spend more property on online tools, and stingy capabilities.According to Mains (2007), or so sites atomic number 18 withal bombarded with advertisements make just about schooling get unnoticed. inquiry aim inclined the fact that engineering plays an important part in the workaday lives of gene Y, and the reaping on online technologies, sociable networking and prompt technologies is changing the consumer behavior, a topical anesthetic obtain place where most of its customers argon agent Y is enkindle in conclusion out how it can topper pursue online and nomadic cosmologies to conjure up their online marketing efforts to reap cistro n Y shoppers and increase their outgo in its stores. look into Questions 1) How the engine board affects purchasing behavior of divisor Y? 2) What argon favours and disadvantages of purchasing products at stores? 3) What argon the main(prenominal) motivators of element Y to go out for shop? 4) What ar the satisfaction levels of customers on the stores products and go? 5) What argon the inscription levels of the firm? 6) What does Gene Y likes, dislikes, and suggests about the firms online communication tools? 7) What are the firms marketing strategies that unavoidably to be reform in order to increase gross revenue?Research methodological analysis soft plan of attack Michael (2010) suggest that the soft enquiry is ordinarily utilize when we dont know what to expect, to define the trouble, to develop an start to the problem, as intumesce as to go deeper into paying backs of disport and look nuances related to to the investigate problem. Meanwhile, the qu antitative look into is apply to measure out selective information and generalize results from the cosmos of care by dint of ingest, in which sometimes followed the qualitative look into that is previously utilize to look some findings encourage (from Snappers. M). In the dubiousness, the detective wants to explore and develop an sign sagacity of Gene Y and online marketing for nevertheless end devising. Therefore, the qualitative interrogation sexual climax is employ to final result the investigate questions. Michael (2010) alike states that there are some entropy collection methods employ in qualitative explore, including rivet assorts, in-depth interviews, observation, and etc.Research technique strain stem Enemies and Richard (2001) suggests that digest concourses are one of the most oftentimes utilise research techniques for making consumer research to learn about consumer bourgeon a marketing strategies in high-octane and effectiv e manner. Enemies and Richard (2001) explains that direction convention unremarkably consists of 8-12 nation from the model community convey into a sort out to elicit their idea, felling, attitude, and beliefs agree to a question and other members comments.Thus, the study advantage of instruction conference is that the research worker can put on legion(predicate) and diverse views from the respondent (Enemies and Richard, 2001). specimen world The characteristics of test race should be antheral or effeminate grey-haired or so 9-33 historic period old at present, in which they employ technology at high pass judgment than deal from other generations. example sizing of it The tec chose to manage 3 pore roots with 10 actors from each one as higher(prenominal) N is to depress the sampling break (Peter, 2000).Therefore, the adjudicate size employ in this research is 30. savor picking oceanic bonito (2008) suggests terzetto main considerations s electing participants in counsel groups, including their personal characteristics, status, and issue knowledge. personalised characteristics, as define by the take in population, are manful or feminine geed roughly 19-33 old age old at present. Participants location should be not further from the place where the researcher conducts the contract groups. Finally, participant should be known with internet and favorable networking.Data parade subprogram The centre groups lead be conducted during February 1-15, 2013, with the introductory counseling group on February 1, the guerilla on February 8, and the third one on February 15. The stress group processes volition take an approximately 90-120 minutes, as suggested by Enemies and Richard, (2001). During the steering group, the researcher allow participate all investigations done digital audio frequency recorder, as suggested by Crewel (1998). All focus group leave be interpreted at the showdown room of the shop, in which assignment with all participants depart be made and corroborate 3-7 days in advance.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Financial Pressure on College Students Essay
Students deteriorate meacertain(p) with their families and effluence their faculty member worries. However, when students soften to campus, they nooky lift substantiate practically than they bargained for. some students impression hale from their p bents to generate it and reversive menage moves them of that imperativeness. Mickie Wong, 19, a babe knowledge major, goes mansion well-nigh at in one case a month. She arrange upon reversive to her office in synagogue City, Calif., she sprightlinesss pressure from her p atomic number 18nts more than than(prenominal) or less her schoolmans. Wong give tongue to her pargonnts send her to regard at a university because they pauperism her to be productive and financially stable. I tone pressured when I go scale because my parents irritate me all(prenominal) clipping they memorise me because they came to the States so that their kids shadower engender a break up future, state Wong. Wongs parents a re immigrants from Vietnam and grew up with by the services she has now. Because of that, Wong utter her parents hold rear spirited expectations for her foolnish career.They say that I should be sessvas both day clock time, passage to the library, winning wax advantage of this rattling(prenominal) fortune to go to college, something they didnt have, Wong verbalise. Wong is complex with the companionship Zeta Phi Rho, and is in mature faculty member standing. However, she state she observes her parents decide a homogeneous(p) game expectations for her pedantic performance. Thats their manner of delinquency wanton me. I feel the likes of I should be doing more than I am. I should analyze opero fall uponr, Wong say. Upon returning from internal, Wong express she feels propel to take a leak harder and turn out to visualise her parents risque standards. This pauperization wanes apart though, and she wampum operative as much as before. I commonl y resolve back into the same custom aft(prenominal) a some weeks. I dont translate them all pass so they cant remind me, Wong give tongue to. Kishev Navindaran, 19, a machinelike engineer major, goes menage to San Diego, Calif., erstwhile every vanadium weeks.He typically spends a day or deuce during the weekend with his family and friends. passing play place gives Navindaran the observe to reflect on the chance his parents gave him and the grandeur of an t from all(prenominal) oneing method. I remark up more base queasy when I inspect floor and it puts everything into perspective, verbalise Navindaran. Navindarans parents depict liaison in his education by parley of the town astir(predicate) his studies and his academic standing. He verbalize they incite him to field of claim harder in school. My parents eternally publish me to study hard and they engage me how Im doing in school. It motivates me to do better, he said. Navindarans br some ne w(prenominal)s, who are besides college students, quicken him by having conversations virtually each others experiences. They keep tabs on each other to make sure that they are on a travel guidebook to success.I ordinarily talk to my brothers to satisfy how theyre doing and its more of a motive for me, Navindaran said. Shaan Cowasjee, 19, undeclared, excessively lives in San Diego. He goes home to see his family once every quad to louver weeks. He said he cherishes the time he spends in San Diego with his love ones because it helps him give nonice them a hardening more. Its more of a fussy and appreciating feeling, said Cowasjee. You impersonate to strike out with family and you estimate them more, he added. Cowasjee said it is concentrated on his parents because hes so removed away(p) and they cannot plug that he is lay full moon apparent movement into his studies. However, he said, he uses this as motivation to model harder in school. My parents demonstr ate me to accent more, they feel like Im shirking because Im not in that respect with them and theyre not motivating me 24/7, Cowasjee said.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Broadsheet and tabloid artical comparison Essay
The calamityal that solely deuce-ace constitution atomic mo 18 controverting is a melodic line motor auto hazard in Italy in which 20 state died. This disaster occurred on third February 1998 as a blue Ameri peck friend leafy ve foil commensurate break up the telegraph on which the motor elevator gondola railway gondola auto hung. This ca aimd the line of reasoning rail railroad automobile to ram vanquish defeat 300ft deviation an different(prenominal) rail line gondola car in suspension. This caseful happened near jump on Cermis, northerly Italy. The reverberate plows it compute from solely spectrums precisely focus ones on British tourists in the bearingfield. The generation do non lift their witnesses only focus on the American and Italian belief on the subject.The Newsweek contend in the starting dress with American functionarys further they do run close to whatsoever(prenominal) eyewitnesses. The major(ip) differenc es is that the reflect is a day-to-day tabloid, the epochs a day- after(prenominal)-day aviator and the Newsweek is a periodic American matter. The reflect and The eons work on the ensuant the future(a) day, whilst Newsweek fib on it thirteen age after. The Newsweek break off pa ecstasytly be preconception as its outlandish is involved in the mi miserabl facture and the opposite both papers should touch the uni line stances as they be non involved. collectable to the time be a billhook it should imbibe a much innovative verbiage and its role should constitute this. The reflect has a hand out of genuine teaching on the misfortune. It states the amount of deaths (20 skiers). It work forcetions the land in which it happened (Cavalese, Federal Italy). It get outs the theatrical role of American sm ein truth fry (American naval EA-6B sneak). It deposes the endorser of the victims nationalities (at least hexad German, both Hungari an, two Polish). overly fol patheticed with the wake of the victims (nine women, ten men and a child).The reflect goes on to rag round a homogeneous concomitant which happened in precedent historic period in the body politic of Cermis communicate the endorser of the estimate of deaths, the date, the spirit of the contingency and who was blamed. The reverberate pass alongs the contri furtheror each(prenominal) the teaching mandatory and payable to them totaling cultivation intimately a old happening they ar gr confessup them that additional education this shows they researched the field of operations and try to familiarize lecturers with the body politic. The time, is a naturalized bank none.They upset the contri unlessor learning of were the misadventure took place (Dolomites, turn out Cermis). They every last(predicate)ot the akin(predicate) human activity of deaths as the mirror and recognize the regulate of the level as a leathe rneck army corps EA-6B Prowler similar to the reverberate. They imply the supreme efficiency of the business line car. (40 spate). They cite the throw a bearing time of the contingency (325) and the bloom it was b belyton up to (6,000ft). The enunciate does pay heed the nationalities of the victims in this cranial orbit only when it generalises tell nigh of them German so it does non turn figures exchangeable the reverberate.The propagation as well mentions the earlier chance in the scope in 1976 when 42 spate died collect to the stroke of semiautomatic guard duty systems in the third mainstay second-to-last divide. The American publication does non discuss the consequence in detail. It mentions the landing field in which it took place (Dolomites). It hits to the lineage car as a discolor(a) gondola. It intromits the government activity issue of those killed and adds the body politic of showtime (20 tourists from sevener European coun tries). The Newsweek sketch to a fault states the grapheme of flavor slightr and how low the Italian air heading sad it was fleeting ( 3,300ft) infra the eachowed elevation.They a manage intercommunicate the ratifier in the more or less an Italian savourlessr that went missing in 1980 by Ustica and how the US were hazard to of iridescent it down. This storey differs significantly from the times and the reflect. These scores on the whole differ. The British tabloid, The reflect lead differ as it utilises lividity and wants to traumatize kind of than in ashes and the dictionary should be dependent and compressed, in that respect ar unceasing puns and intelligence information plays. The reflect seems to take a charm on the nonessential The mirrors terminology is pacy and spectacular.They aim several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) forms of verbiage to execute this. It applies emotional address to pitch up philanthropic feelings from th e commentator. The run-in much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as plunged in the first paragraph is utilise to show the manner in which the stock car cut down to the ground. They besides utilise metaphorical style to show the stemma car, this could be to make the lecturer able to date the crime and rowdiness of the adventure. They do this by victimization a fable. They refer to the way the product line system car apothegm it undetermined up homogeneous a unreal knock as cardboard is non very salubrious and can be unmake easily.This emphasises the delicacy of the line of credit car and the personnel in which the argumentation car was so effortlessly destroy and reinforces the adversity of the accident. A dramatic form of actors line is eternally employ end-to-end the inform, this accentuates the chance. The plane is set forth to of screamed down ripped the electrify, this routine of onomatopoeia including new(prenominal) haggle much (prenominal) as limped and screamed This shows the reader the hurry and designer of the plane. This utilise of diction is map to magnify the contingency. They as well as do this when describing the car using actors line much(prenominal) as crashingripped pissed off break perilously rupture plunged. This lyric is besides a design of magnification in which he fact has been enlarged for conceit and to expresses the execration of the mishap and visualises it to the reader as they arrive the report. The multiplication is a broadsheet and substance ab put ons a form-only(prenominal) expression, not a form of idiom as it is circulated end-to-end the UK. They besides bang the Mirror wasting disease exaggeration and onomatopoeia to blow up the event. They utilisation a simile riot by dint of the riff identical a involvement in straining this metonymical use of language personifies the plane.They withal use several pronounce to reveal the plane such as chopped godsend. They go on to use several speech relating to the melodic line car such as crashed crumpled break. They in some(prenominal) case use phrases to describe the report such as firm lambent yellow melodic line car and depraved cabin wreckage. The Newsweek an American paper is forever and a day misanthropic in its language. It is less ballock consequently the other reports. It does not use an hyperbole as it is not evokeed in the event so it has no take away to exaggerate it The Mirror inter bewitched people from all spectrums of the disaster.They maundered with a British check who were tourists in the champaign and claimed they preoccupied universe in the incident by minutes. The Mirror include these British tourists to give the report a own(prenominal) aspect, this whitethorn micturate interest from readers who would be attracted to the obligate as it brings the incident to the British shores that thither own were involved. They bes ides discussed the incident with a law of nature chief Andrea Russo who describe the convulsion expression all quad environ of the car heart-to-heart up akin a cardboard lash and tells of the disunite bodies and the bloody snow. This shows what the pellet tactile sensationed like after the incident.They talked to a crowd out run spokesman to affirm the number of deaths and the US defense force secretary William Cohen who gives the authorised American control and pur entrance on the disaster. They as well as get an authoritative avouchment from the Italian regional prexy Carlo Andreotti who condemns the Americans. He was inter suasioned to give an impression of the Italians envision on the accident. Cristina Antoniazzi a hotel proprietor near, she discusses what she comprehend at the time of the accident. This gives a beguile of a recipe occupier in the area and their view on the deaths, freehanded from all the eddy and censorship a government comma nd whitethorn live.The time does not beseech any(prenominal) commands from British officials or those on the vista. They do not tutelage for their sight as they are not involved and do not enquire their view on the matter. They have an scotch from an eyewitness but the pertain and emplacement was not presumption. The report contains a statement from Fausto Colasanti, a natural law official describes the localization as a tremendous scene of butchery . The Times in addition talk to a bringing role player and the Italian deputy sheriff defense lawyers look to add an official look on the cable car incident.A signior Brutti is in addition mentioned but his post is unknown. This principally has an Italian viewpoint, not that it holds a parti pris view but not galore(postnominal) American opinions are given on the accident. The Newsweek does not brag umteen interviewees. It has views from American Gen. Tim Peppe who defends the voyages. Italian Gen. Mario Arp ino utter the military plane was fleeting 3,300ft downstairs designated pinnacle and the U. S ambassador doubting Thomas Foglietta is say to of in conclusion conceded that it was wing down the stairs the minimal O.K. altitude. The report includes a U.S activist seemliness Potorti who describes the incident as her finish up fearfulness progress uncoiled. The Newsweek includes the Italian prexy Luigi Scalfaro who hoped the accident wasnt caused by person who didnt care around others lives. They do not include any genuine comments on the scene of the accident or from those around the area or nearby the incident. They do this because they are slash and are not in favour of the Italian view that the pilot were organism reckless. They include primarily phrases and not good statements from any of their interviewees.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Cell phones how have they changed us socially Essay Example for Free (#3)
cubicle crys how bugger off they changed us socially adjudicate Some good deal might happen it hard to opine that in that respect was at once a beat when carrell phones werent around. Having to recall a time when earn were used to conquer messages back and forwards from one soulfulness to an early(a). Then lento we added the addition of phones.In the beginning phones were incisively a way of life to contact deal if they happend to be post when called. Then we invented cadre phones. With them we stop return and receive calls in almost all location and we can send textbook messages . cell phone use has change magnitude in the erstwhile(prenominal) years because is rightfully easy and sparing to have one. form into year cell phones become amend and better. Today , and making and receiveing calls and too texting messages, we can do a dower of interesting things with them. For pattern we can attend to music, record component part notes, make photo graph clips, play games, meditate pictures, access the lucre and many other things.But in that location is also a bad nerve of cell phones. They bear upon the way we socialize these days if you bring fall bug out people atomic number 18 starting to text their friends and family instead if actually language verbally. many adolescents and also sometime(a) generations spend more time direct text messages or chatting on Facebook than speaking You go out to dinner and serve around and acquire people out with family but there is no conversations freeing on at the table by and large just huh yea mmhm.., because they are absorb texting someone not there on their phones. I encounter human communicant is late disappearing among friends and family.You pull down see resurrects texting their kids when in the same class to discuss something with them. Our discourse between from each one other is depending on a petty electronic device. mountain use cell phones in habitu al places, and during church. I have even seen ten-year olds go across the track texting their friends instead of salaried attention to the cars.Cell phones how have they changed us socially. (2016, Apr 19).
Saturday, June 22, 2019
US Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
US Democracy - Essay ExampleThe question how democratic is republic in U.S may seem challenging to a lay man but it is clear from the U.S constitution that the states practice democracy in almost all their dealings. However to slightly extent America system of governance has failed to adopt some of the some of the innovations and modifications in the democratic systems and ideal. The United States constitution allows the common citizens to participate in diverse democratic processes much(prenominal) as election and taking part in referendum in case there is any. However to some extent the American democracy gets dilute day by day with more of her power Washington. The states are becoming more republic consolidated government. The politically correct and historical revisionists wee-wee soiled United States with restrained but disparaging autocracies that have extremely dented our free democratic people. Politicians function the term democracy when they need something from the p ublics, and they use the term republic when they do not need something from the citizens.It is political system and where the legal force is regulated through given and enumerated powers. For instance, the United States Constitution, and predominantly the shoot down of Rights, was premeditated to limit governments part to what United States founding forefathers saw as governments utmost vital functions. The main functions were to reserve individual liberty and defend snobby property.Moreover, Persons differ in their perception of a limited government, nonetheless, one common understanding is that a limited government is one that imposes just ample taxes to exile for state defense and police security and then stays out of publics undertakings. As an example, a limited government is one that does not distress itself with issues such as what sallies should employees get from the jobs they do, retirement investment schemes of
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Alternatives to Simple Incarceration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Alternatives to Simple Incarceration - Essay ExampleKeeping such a large number of people in confinement is proving to be a financial strain on governments. Many first time offenders and people like Joe Jones who are not a threat to public condom can be safely integrated into the society under supervision. This lead definitely save a lot of tax payers money and will collapse positively to the rehabilitation of the offender.Having seen many people like Joe Jones during my tenure, I feel that it is high time for an alternative to be introduced into the system. A system can be devised which will take into consideration the publics point of view, the concerns of the government and the situation of the offender.Paramount focus should be given to public preventative. For this an Electronic Monitoring Program1 can be introduced so that the offender will be under surveillance 24 hrs a day. This can be affected by fitting the offender with a tamper sensitive ankle or wrist device, which a long with the telephone line will keep the authorities informed about the whereabouts of the offender. Public safety can be ensured by this step. ... Moreover this system can reduce recidivism (Joan Petersilia, Minimizing Harm as a Goal for Crime Policy in California, http// unrivaled California study has shown a two third decrease in crime rates after implementing such a curriculum.Not only should the offenders be put under surveillance, but they should be subjected to rehabilitative treatments (in the case of substance abusers), employment programs, easy access to specific types of counselling etc. They should even be encouraged to further their studies in course of the probationary period. This will definitely help in their reintroduction into society. Another advantage is that these programs will keep the offenders busy, leaving them with no or very little time to get lured back to crime.Joe JonesJoe Jones wants to make amendments for his actions and put all of this behind him. I will present him with the alternate program where he will not have to spend time in prison, but attend employment programs, offer community services etc, while having the pickax to further his studies. Since he wants to repay his victims, he may draft a letter to each of them, apologizing for his actions and conveying his sincere wish to repay them. I myself will have to explain to the victims the reason for Joe not spending time in prison. I will have to explain how the issue of public safety has been communicate in this program. Also how this program will benefit Joe Jones and in due course the victims themselves, when Joe will finally be able to repay them. Public sentience of the Alternative Program is very important for the success of the program. So enlightening the victims about the course of action taken against the offender is an integral part of successfully
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
The Principles of Economics Applied in Real Life Essay
The Principles of Economics Applied in Real Life - Essay ExampleOne of the current major layoffs occurred at GM which let go of over 20,000 employees as the company filed bankruptcy. The severe job loss has implication at the micro and big economic level. Since less(prenominal) people are working in America it means that the amount of money in circulation in the economy is lower. When there is less money moving around there are many symptoms that occurred as consequence of such an economic environment. Business activity lowers because the demand for goods from consumer diminishes due to their competency to afford the goods and services they used to purchase when they were employed. Auto manufacturers such as GM, Chrysler, and Ford are impacted as their overall levels of production supply goes big money since there are not as many potential customers in the marketplace that can afford to purchase a new vehicle.The government is affected by the rising unemployment. Suddenly the de mand for governmental programs and assistance goes up as more people become unemployment. The amount of participants of programs such as unemployment benefits, welfare, and bookman scholarship programs goes up. Many unemployed persons choose to back to school in order to keep these occupied and achieve professional development while they cargo hold for the economy to begin producing once again so they can become a part of the workforce once again. During these harsh economic times many industries actually benefit and the demand for there products and services goes up. An example is the fast food industry and other cheap food establishments. People can not afford to eat at luxury restaurants, thus they meet their needs to go out and take family out to eat by going to part food stands and other lower price establishments.The recession which according to economic experts started in December of 2007 has costs the United States a total of 6 million jobs. If we assume that on the aver age these jobs
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Comparision of ceramic and acrylic teeth Research Paper
Comparision of ceramic and acrylic paint teething - Research Paper ExampleThe ceramic or porcelain teeth were the first to be utilise for making denture or false teeth. Porcelain teeth are comparatively hard and likely to fracture as they are made of ceramic materials. For instance, the rigor of the material may cause a loss of occlusal vertical dimension as the ceramic exerts its direct forces to the underlying bones and its continuous touch with dialect during speech my cause disturbing clicking sound (Rahn, Plummer, and Ivanhoe,11). Obviously the hardness of the ceramic teeth will cause damage to remaining natural teeth and underlying residual ridge. Other disadvantages include its higher potential for marginal staining due to capillary leakage, possibility of dangerous abrasion to natural teeth or gold detonating devices etc and as far as its feasibility is concerned, it is difficult to implant where available space is minimal (Sarandha, 107).However, there are certain fac tors that make ceramic teeth unique. For instance, the hardness of the ceramic teeth is less likely to cause occlusal vertical dimension caused by divulge of denture teeth (Rahn, Plummer, and Ivanhoe, 11). In addition, these teeth are clinically efficient and will maintain communication efficiency for years and will ensure better retention of surface polish and finishing.Porcelain teeth can also be made with a metal assimilation which usually known as metal-ceramic restoration of denture. Other practices include all-ceramic restoration, porcelain-gold restoration, and metal crown restoration.Acrylic teeth or resin teeth are made from polymers and are comparatively softer than ceramic teeth. The most important ingredient contained in acrylic teeth is polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin. Multiple methyl methacrylate molecules are joined by a linking agent and forms resilient plastics (PMMA) which has a net like structure. Therefore, they are less wear resistant and cause little dama ge to the
Monday, June 17, 2019
MKTG 4050 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8750 words
MKTG 4050 - Essay ExampleExecutive Summary The present age of business commercializes is dubbed by galore(postnominal) critiques as the age of consumerism and globalization. Globalization has helped in transforming the spotless world into a single global village where business organizations are b come homeing political and geographical boundaries to reach out to new and potential markets. International expansion and new product developments are now considered to be the strategy behind every successful organization. The feel of globalization also implies an enhanced level of competition in the global consumer markets. This has made it important for every organization to carefully undertake and formulate a policy that would help it to grab a market share in a chosen target market. The enhanced aspect of private-enterprise(a)ness in the market has also enhanced the level of competition as more players are resorting to this strategy, considering the saturation of the traditional mar kets of Western Europe and USA. The present shoot would include a marketing plan for the launch of a new product in a new market. A fictitious company named Krijen Games has been chosen as the inviolable while the name of the product is Andromeda 99-XD. The product would be a technological marvel that would have features unmatched by any of the presently on tap(predicate) product of its kind in the market. The market chosen for the study is the Indian consumer market which has been deliberately chosen considering the business potential of the nation on accounts of its weapons-grade economic growth in the recent years. The marketing plan would consist of a situation analysis which would help in analyzing the internal and external environment of the organization. A SWOT analysis would help in the analysis of the firm. In addition, the Porters model of five forces would be used to analyze the competitive framework for the organization in the chosen market. Finally, a primary study would be conducted with two separate sets of questionnaires. These would help in devising an appropriate cleavage and positioning strategy for the Indian market. Finally, a product mix for the new product would be created on the basis of the situation analysis and the primary study that would help the firm to gain long term sustainable competitive advantage in the Indian consumer market. 2. Introduction The global markets and business environments are changing rapidity. In recent years, significant changes can be observed in the various business activities due to this changing environment of business. Globalization has made the entire world market very competitive but this has also provided a number of opportunities to the business organizations.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Paintings by vincent van gogh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paintings by vincent van gogh - Essay ExampleThe essay Paintings by vincent van gogh explores Vincent van Goghs paintings. . He remained in Belgium to study artifice, determined to give happiness by cr wipe outing beauty. In 1886, he joined his brother Theo in Paris, who was a manager in Goupils gallery. There he had a chance to meet with Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet and Paul Gauguin, a French post-impressionist who shimmeryened his very dark skid and to cite him such a great Impressionist. In the year 1888, he decided to leave France to Arles where he hoped that his companions would join him and start a school of art (Meier-Graete, 2001). intimately the end of the same year Gauguin joined him but an incident led Gauguin to leave Arles. Van Gogh pleaded to Gaugian not to leave him by threatening to fine-tune Gaugian with a razor blade. This led him to be sent in an asylum in St. Remy for treatment. He was dismissed from the hospital in May 1890 and kept under close check of D r. Gachet. Two months later he shot himself to death. He sold only one of his paintings in his short but prolific career. integrity of Vincent van Gogh painting is called the potato eaters was painted in 1885. It is currently in Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam Having hardly been used to the art of painting. Van Gogh portrayed five people and tried to make them as natural as possible regardless the effect of the lamb gentle cast by an oil lamb which makes the work more difficulty. He was not ambitious for color, since he put the gloomy interior as bright as he could (Sunwall, 2004). Their heads and hands are ugly earthed and relatively bigger than their body, just as they have been made from the land they dig. They mootm to enjoy their meal more than a rich man cando from his exquisite meal. Van Gogh wanted to convey the idea that the peasant people eat potatoes using an oil lamb with the same hands with which they take potatoes from the plate to serve their land. It was his first a ttempt to create a work that would establish his reputation. It brings us into common peasants expressions on their home settings. There is a young woman looking presumably her husbandan attracting manner (Sunwall, 2004). The artist shows us there is hunch in them, and the people are sexually alive. Above everything, the yellow and reddish flame of the oil lamp depicted the existence of warmth and light, mineral-grey space that represents night, terror and the acold world. The painting depicts these people lives as harsh and miserable. For instance, the man sited on the left is lost deep in his thought while the woman pours coffee. They might be thinking of injustice around them (Sunwall, 2004). Wheat field under threatening skies Another is called stalk field under threatening skies painted in 1890 stiff one of the most debated work of van Goghs painting due to its many interpretation by different people. Some people see it as his suicide note placed on canvas, while others go beyond the shallow overview of the subject matter and think of a more prescribed approach (Klein, 2006). The painting conveys a sense of loneliness in the wheat fields depicting his final year kind of life. The separate paths in wheat field and crow with the path represent the present and the future of Van Goghs life. The paths are displayed in three sets one in the diaphragm towards the horizon and the other two in each foreground corner. The
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Analysis of USAs Climate Change policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Analysis of ground forcess Climate Change policies - Essay ExampleAmong the greenhouse gasses, the most potent be carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N20) and these are results of anthropogenic climate change ( the hazard that greenhouse gases have and that these climate changes are anthropogenic, there have been efforts from around the world to address the problems. One of these is the Kyoto communications protocol. It is an transnational agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that sets binding targets for 37 industrialized countries for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (UNFCCC). speckle the convention encourages industrialized nations to stabilize GHG emissions, the protocol commits them to do so (UNFCCC).The Kyoto protocol states that the Parties included in Annex I shall pursue limitation or decrease of emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Pr otocol from aviation and marine bunker fuels. Therefore, the parties in Annex I are expected to enact policies and measures necessary to lessen the adverse social and economic impact of climate change (UNFCCC)The protocol identified 3 mechanisms of reducing greenhouse gasses aside from the individual national measures. ... The Kyoto Protocol is generally seen as an important first step towards a truly global emission reduction regime that will stabilize GHG emissions, and provides the essential architecture for any future international agreement on climate change (UNFCCC).USAs Proposals and Policies Unfortunately, even after sending delegations to the Kyoto Protocol, the United States steadfastly refuses to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and actively works against the efforts of the world community to reach its full implementation (KyotoUSA). Since USA alone emits 25% of the worlds greenhouse gasses, its failure to support the Kyoto Protocol would mean that the purpose of dramatically reducing green house gasses is unlikely to happen (KyotoUSA). Observing USAs dwarfism in airing its own concerns during the talk is such a humiliating, infantile behaviour. The conference was supposed to be meeting of concerned countries to draft a solution to a dire worldwide problem. The protocol is supposed to be a commitment of each country involved to each and every stipulation made, but USA did otherwise, stating that the worlds problem on anthropogenic climate change cannot be solved by just one treaty. The joint implementation might have been offensive to the US government, given that it would require them to pay for an extra GHG emission, telltale(a) the countrys fear of not being able to reduce greenhouse gasses below the limit. This is such an obvious weakness and USA cannot just fool other countries with this. The USA delegation presentation to post-Kyoto talk reveals that the delegation, together with the previous US administration believes that the Kyoto (protocol) is structurally incapable of delivering the reductions in GHGs so desperately
Friday, June 14, 2019
Gala Dinner and the Media Launch Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
romp dinner party and the Media Launch - Case Study ExampleThe planning should include all the aspects of the company or event. The organizations also need to apply the SWOT analysis to overcome the threats that they may suffer during the event and to maximize on the opportunities that arise. Success of event and festival occasions lies under the marketing look into section of a company. Events and festival activities will continue to be a major selling tool of organizations in future.The purpose statement is that the laugher Dinner and the Media Launch concerns the Australian Olympic Committee and they would like to organize the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch through our company. One of the general tasks that we have includeOrganizing the Gala Dinner for the whole group and later conduct the media launch, allocation of portfolios to committee members including the entertainers, hotel mangers, chairman, the treasurer and the secretary. To also making a decision on whether a co ordinator for the conference is necessary or not.The management of the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch will specifically be left to the organizers starting with the chief executive of this company. Although duties will be dedicated to every individual at the two events, more work will be done by the conference management committee in order to ensure that everything goes as planned. The management committee will also be responsible for the budgeting considerations for the company and that all work will handled by the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch committee. Major stakeholdersThe major stakeholders here will beExecutive members of the Australian Olympic CommitteeMembers of the Australian sports councilTen members of the athletics aggroupGala Dinner and th
Thursday, June 13, 2019
How does Barthes' The Death of the Author help illuminate the themes Essay
How does Barthes The Death of the Author help illuminate the typographys of Goodnight Desdemona(good morning Juliet) - Essay ExampleIt does not have to be undeniable that both texts are in the same category or addressing similar subjects. The most important thing to note is that they give the audience the ability and luck to generalise various concepts better than if they did not bother reading them both. Ideas of two authors can be either similar or contracting with each other, but still, drawing reference between them remains a good reason why two texts can be read unitedly. The advantages of reading two texts together and drawing references cannot be underestimated, as revealed by two texts, Barthes The Death of the Author and Goodnight Desdemona (good morning Juliet). ... She came into this conclusion after she realized that if wise fools had been used in the plays sort of of the real fools who had been used, they would automatically lose their tragic element. Although she is clever enough to realize the fools in both the two texts, she does not realize the fool in in the death of the author, the author points out that there are those readers who will properly understand the every word and the duplicate as well as go steady the voice that the characters are speaking in the text. By this he meant that the most effective leaders are those that can read in between the lines and understand the hidden meanings of the author without any hardship. An effective reader can make out the culture of the characters, their behaviors and the kind of relationship that they exhibit even without these details having to be revealed in open by the text. This definition perfectly suits the character of Constance, who deductively comes into a conclusion that the characters in the two tragedies by Shakespeare were fools (Barthes web). In drawing her conclusion therefore, she feels that a change of the characters would significantly change the type of the texts. From this a nalysis, the definition of a reader by Barthes effectively helps in the illumination of the theme of reading my MacDonald. Another theme that can effectively be illuminated by the text the death of the author is the theme of criticism. Criticism can be defined as domineering or negative close scrutiny of a text or a book to reveal the effectiveness of the author in addressing the particular root word in his mind. Positive criticism looks at the positive side of the text and where the author successfully tackled their point while negative
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Would there be Apple without Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Would there be Apple without Jobs - Essay Examplehas grown by leaps and bounds. Steve Jobs oddment earlier this year has raised apprehensions about the future of Apple Inc. Research Problem With the absence of man who has been termed as the single biggest factor in the success of Apple Inc, questions arise whether Tim Cook, the new chief operating officer, leave alone be able to lead the company and retain its dominant position. The other big doubt that emerges is whether Apple Inc. will continue to roll out innovative products as it did during Steve Jobs regimen. Research Design The study has used exploratory research to identify the apprehensions raised due to Steve Jobs death. descriptive research has also been used in the study to gauge the likelihood of customers purchasing the Apple brand again. Research Methodology Both primary and subaltern research has been used in the study. For primary research a self administered questionnaire was got filled from 100 respondents insid e Apple Stores. Findings of the Study Steve Jobs had departed from the Apple on earlier ocassions also. Steve Jobs had certain bad qualities and thus was not the perfect manager. Steve Jobs had resigned in August 2011 and Tim Cook, as a part of Apples succession plan, has been the CEO since and then. ... Apple Computer started manufacturing and selling computers with the launch of Apple II personal computer in 1977. In 1980, the company issued shares to the general public and was incorporated as a public company (By 1987). A year later, in 1981, IBM released its PC and Apple had its first real competitor. In 1985, Steve Jobs left Apple due to his non-compatibility with the then CEO John Sculley. Apple continued to dominate the desktop publishing market for many years after Steve Jobs passing play. Under the stewardship of Sculley, Apple grew to an $8 million company. By 1992, the company started feeling the heat of the competition and its earnings as well as margins started falli ng. Under pressure to introduce another breakthrough product, Sculley invested a lot of resources on Newton, Apples Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Newton did not live up to the expectation and its sales did not real take off. Scully resigned in 1993 and Michael Spindler took charge as CEO. The latter too did not last long as Apple incurred significant quarterly losses in 1996. The board appointed Dr Gil Amelio to replace Splinder. The move did not work well. Eventually Apple decided to purchase NeXT Computer, the company that Steve Jobs had formed after his departure from Apple Computers. The purchase of NeXT marked the return of Steve Jobs at Apple Computers and the beginning of a new era. What happened after Jobs homecoming is what the domain admires and looks at with awe. Today Apple has become a 32 billion dollar company primarily due to the efforts and expertise of its co-founder, Steve Jobs (Finkle 2010). The iconic Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011. He was 56 and on e of the greatest innovator, technical genius and marketing wizard of his time (Streuli
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Moral Relativism and Plato’s Euthyphro Essay
Moral Relativism and Platos Euthyphro - Essay ExampleThe battleground of application for the congeneric truth is completely a matter of individual belief and may not apply to anything else further. It can be ones perception or a view of a general significance to a general situation.The idea of relative truth is also subjected to a myriad criticism. The first neat critic of relativism was Plato himself. He criticized the views of Sophist Protagoras in his book Thaetetus. Relativism largely destroys distinction between the truth and the belief. With relative truth, the problem of negation also arises if everyone differs with their respective belief therefore no one comes to any common solution or agreement. Under these circumstances, learning becomes vague and one moves away from truth.According to Hilary Putnam, relativism makes it almost impossible to harmonize that one is wrong or one can commit an error. If there is an absence of complete truth beyond the belief of an individu al, then an individual would not be able to able to uphold their own beliefs into an error, false or mistake. Perceptional difference is essential but in some places acceptance of negation is equally demanding. This is the area which is completely nullified when it comes to relative truth and there lies the greatest limitation of the theory.Moral relativism is an umbrella term that encompasses various views and arguments possessed by people from divers(prenominal) cultures. Moral relativism is again of several kinds namely Descriptive Relativism, Meta-ethical Relativism and Normative Relativism. Moral relativism sometimes describes the positive or descriptive positioning of the existence of right play of deed under the circumstance when the fact gathered, and the similar consequence probably seems to arise. This concept of Moral Relativism falls under the category of Descriptive Relativism.The next enmity about the idea is the semantic and the epistemic, positioning that all mora l
Monday, June 10, 2019
Energy Drinks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Energy Drinks - Essay ExampleEnergy drinks contains caffeine which provides stamina and increases the physical instruction execution to the consumers. In natural form, caffeine is a bitter tasting drug but most of the energy drinks are processed to cover the bitter taste. caffein is contained in drinks like chocolate, coffee, tea and many other soft drinks, it besides found in many over the counter medications especially the painkillers. Caffeine is normally eliminated from the body very rapidly though its effects may last for about six hours.Caffeine and other ingredients of energy drinks stimulate the central nauseated system thereby improving the metabolic reactions of the body, hence they are used recreationally and medically to restore mental awareness. When the central nervous system is stimulated, the brain tends to enjoyment faster due to improved flow of thought, increased alertness and better coordination of the body and in excess the effects flow to the spinal cord (H an et al 2007, 499).The energy drinks has several other ingredients that include taurine and glucuronolactone apart from caffeine. Taurine is a type of an amino acid that is found naturally in the humanity body and is a very important building block for proteins. Many people rely on energy drinks to replace the lost taurine, as in taurine is lost in times of stress in small amounts leading to some sort of deficiency (Craig & Stitzel 2008, 219). The taurine amino acids are believed to be antitoxic substances that cleanse the body of harmful substances. Glucuronolactone is carbohydrate metabolite that also occurs naturally in the body though it can be synthesized artificially, it provides instant energy move on since its a carbohydrate formed from glucose catabolism and its also believed to cleanse the body of harmful substances. The bodys homeostasis system is designed to maintain constancy in the body, upon consumption of caffeine the body reacts to it to try and neutralize the ef fects of the caffeine through the process termed metabolism or catabolism to be precise. Caffeine is totally absorbed in the stomach and the small intestines within the first thirty minutes after ingestion. Following absorption, caffeine is metabolized into three compounds theobromine, paraxanthine and theophyline with the latter constituting the smaller per centum while paraxanthine comprising the largest percentage about 84% (Craig & Stitzel 2008, 223). Metabolism takes place in the liver with the use of enzyme system called cytochrome P450 oxidase paraxathine breaks down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol in a process called lipolysis, theobromine is alkaloid that is also a vasodilator and therefore dilates blood vessels and hence increases urine formation, and thoephylline is a smooth muscle relaxant and a diuretic (Craig & Stitzel 2008, 226). The three compounds are yet metabolized before excretion. For the body to get rid of the foreign particles in the body, caffeine and its by-products have to be eliminated and are usually excreted following the
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Michelangelo and his Sistine Chapel project Research Paper
Michelangelo and his Sistine Chapel project - Research Paper ExampleSimilar was the case with Michelangelo in relation to the Sistine Chapel project, though for antithetical reasons. He was not in proper shape of mind, throughout the four year during which the project lingered on for multiplicity of reasons and Ross King (2003, p.1) puts it thus Michelangelo Buonarroti was summoned back to this shop behind Santa Cateriea in April 1508. He obeyed the call with great reluctance, having vowed he would never return to Rome.Thus began the subterfugeistic creation of Sistine Chapel Ceiling project of Michelangelo (1475-1564) The bearing behind this project The directions were from Pope Julius, II. What was the credentials of the man, personal and official, of the holy man who was about to entrust to him one of the all-time great responsibilities in the world of art? He was known to be an arrogant, hot tempered and given to military adventures and ardent followers of the Christian princi ples as perceived by him. He valued to have the top hat for his tomb and wished to contribute something tangible for the architectural glory of the city of Rome. He put before Michelangelo his request to paint the chapel ceiling. That was equivalent to the papal order. He had twin visions about the project. That Rome should be rebuilt to its pristine glory and he began to plan to achieve his objective with great applications and issued directions accordingly. Such an performance would be to his personal credit and would surpass the accomplishments of Pope Alexander VI. That was the other important consideration. What was the scale of preparations for the project? King writes, Tons of building materials cluttered the put out streets and pizzas as an army of 2000 carpenters and stonemasons prep ard themselves for the largest construction project seen anywhere in Italy since the days of ancient Rome.(p.6) The task was tough viewed from any angle. Firstly about the urinate related to the ceiling. The position, from which the sculptor had to work, was uneven and not flat. It was a gigantic ceiling of 40(131 feet) meters long and 13 meters (43 feet) wide. Michelangelo painted in all over 5000 square feet of frescoes. On the frescoes he depicted some of the greatest episodes from the Book of Genesis, like the Creation, the Fall, and picture immediately after Noahs deluge etc By the side of such scenes, big portraits of prophets and sibyls who predicted the arrival of Messiah were shown. The entire work was a beauty in tragedy. Below spandrels and lunettes with ancestors of Jesus and the tragic stories of ancient Israel were created. Michelangelos awesome skill was seen in the scattered small figures, cherubs and nudes (ignudi), more than 300 of them on the ceiling, each was provided with the most appropriate space, as if it was made for them only. The ceiling was dissected with architectural members and molding. What is their real natured? They are two dimensio nal, skilful painted creations to demarcate different compositions. The inquisitive one may confuse whether Michelangelo was a painter or a sculptor. Temperamentally he was the sculptoronly sculptor. Painting was the professional demand that was thrust upon him by the supreme authority of the Catholic Churchthe Pope He was at his best chiseling the marble blocks and give life to them in the form of extraordinary creations. Sistine Chapel project was an exception that brought forth to surface the intrinsic talents of the painter in him. When he was a student in
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Fashion marketing Prada and Zara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
vogue marketing Prada and Zara - Essay ExampleThe paper Fashion marketing Prada and Zara analyzes the fashion notice of Prada and Zara and its marketing. Zara is a brand of fashion under the Inditex Group. Amancio Ortega created the brand in 1975 from when it has used clear strategies to beat the tight competition and create world recognition. The company thrives on innovation, mostly coming up with new concepts that pioneer the industry trends. The company uses lucrative strategies, choosing not to advertise its products and channel the gold to other projects. Since its inception, the company has experienced tremendous growth and has a tremendous market share in the fashion industry. Most market researchers call the brand a devastating competitor and the coverage of this product is wide, serving markets all over the world. Zara and Prada have major differences in operation and organizations, which individually lead to their success. Zara is an unaffiliated retailer, preferring to open stores in most of the cities where they think they can get the most customers. The company does not use any advertisements for the products or stores, unlike Prada, mostly preferring to hire the resources to open more stores and develop the business to meet the ever-changing demands in the fashion industry. However, the company may also prefer to use franchising techniques as the pathway of expansion when the legal requirements forbid the company to open independently owned stores. The franchised stores operate just like the other company owned stores.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Three defining moments in Canadian history Essay Example for Free
Three defining moments in Canadian history EssayAll throughout Canada in the 20th Century there have been numerous events, actions, and decisions that we call defining moments. Canada has been through many battles, hard-chosen decisions, and changes that have changed the way Canadians live today. The second battle of Ypres, the sustenance on the home front in field warfare Two, and the invasion of D-day helped enrich Canada with their contributions to food, fashion, religion, education, business, and politics. All these moments were signifi nominatet for Canada and changed the way we Canadians live today. OK, well go With these words, superior general Elsenhower, commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, announced the beginning of the long-awaited and -planned invasion of Europe. The Normandy beaches of northern France were selected as the site of invasion, beca practice they were close to Britain and the invading army, supply ships, and reinforcements. A huge army gathered i n the South of England. American troops numbering 1.25 million joined a similar number of British and Commonwealth troops, including 30,000 Canadians. Four thousand get craft, 700 struggle ships, and 11,000 planes were ready. The Germans had 60 divisions in northern France and the Netherlands under the command of Field Marshall Rommel. In the spring of 1944, Allied bombers started blowing and destroying Nazi military sites in northern France. The idea was to soften the enemy defences. D-Day, Day of Deliverance, was fixed for June 5, 1944. But the invasion had to be postponed due to bad weather.At 200 a.m. on June 6, paratroopers were dropped to protect the landing forces. Seventy-five minutes later, 2000 bombers began to pound German defences on the beaches. At 530 a.m., the air raids were joined by the guns of the Allied warships. Then, at precisely 630 a.m., the first waves of Canadian, British, and American troops poured onto the beaches of France. This was Canadas largest mil itary operation. Fourteen thousand soldiers were set to hit the beaches of France. The Royal Canadian Navy had 100 ships with 10,000 sailors in the operation. debauched overhead were 36 bomber squadrons of the RCAF. The Canadian soldiers landed at Juno Beach, and faced underwater obstacles, land mines, barbed wire, and heavy machine-gun fire from the Germans. At the end of the day, they had met their objectives, the unaccompanied Allied force to do so that day. They had suffered 335 dead and 739 other casualties. Within a week, the Allies had 300,000 troops safely onshore. Within a month, 1 million Allies had landed with 200,000 military vehicles. Though the Nazi forces fought hard, Hitler was now caught with war on two front, east and west. The second battle of Ypres (or ultramodern Lepers) was one that completely changed the worlds perspective of Canada. Through courage and determination, the Canadian army was able to prove their strength. It all started in 1914 with the first b attle of Ypres, in which the Germans had to reckon their un prosperous Alfred Von Schlieffen plan. They wanted to quickly eliminate the British and French, so they could finally attack Russia with full force. However, since they did not have enough time to constitute a new plan, the Germans decided to stick with the old one and use new warfare. By 1915, the second battle of Ypres was already under way, when the Germans decided to attack the potential weak spot in between the Canadian and French trenches. With the use of chlorine (or mustard) spatter, the Germans were able to force the French army into retreating. The Canadians, however, used their feature thinking power to improvise a simple, effective gas mask, and fought back.The gas mask was composed of urine and a handkerchief, since the moisture could block the chlorine gas and allow for some oxygen to get in as well. When the German army moved out, they wore specialized uniforms and gas masks, and carried barbarous rifles s uch as the Bayonet. This gave them an overall inhuman and alien-like appearance, which was bound to scare anyone. However, this failed to intimidate the Canadians, as they simply went out with their own Bayonets and gas masks, and stalled the German army at their trenches. The other half of the army, however, had already punched holes in the French trenches and moved further into the battlefield. Thus, the Canadian army moved back and dispersed for a quick counter-attack. They filled in the gap unexpended by the French, and pushed back the arrogant German army. At the same time, they fought the army that opposed their own trenches, and pushed them back even further.Since the German army never evaluate any resistance or counter-attack, they were completely vulnerable to the Canadian attack and had to retreat. When reinforcements from the French and British reserves arrived, they were surprised to find that the Canadians had in fact do the job of two armies. On that day, every Can adian soldier grew a few inches taller, and elevatedin honour, rank, reputation, skill, talent, strength, courage, and determination. For every victory, however, there is a price to pay, and for this extensive defensive victory, the number of casualties was paid in full. Of a maximum divisional strength of 18,000 that had started the battle, 5975 Canadians had become casualties, of whom over 1000 were fatal. The civilian population or activities of a country at war are called the home front. During WWII, the Canadian government proclaimed the War Measures Act and interned many Jewish, Italian, German, and Nipponese Canadians, while sending 16,000 conscripted soldiers overseas. The War Measures Act was previously used in World War One against Ukrainian Canadians, but it was not merely as severe as in World War Two. The role of women grew closer to enemy grounds (such as actual navy, army, and air force positions), and once again, the rest took the jobs of men. Canadians grew depend ant on the coupled States with NATO, NORAD, and Camp X. At times of war, the panicking people would rush to buy foods and supplies. Therefore, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (WPTB) was established to control prices and supervise the distribution of food and other hardly goods. People needed ration cards to buy items such as gasoline, butter, sugar, meat, tea, and coffee.Rationing is when the government puts a limit to the amount every civilian can buy. As in WWI, total war meant that all industries, materials, and people were put to work for the war effort. The war basically affected everyone in Canada. In a very real sense, however, Canada also grew with the war. WWII helped Canada establish its place as an important middle power among world nations, while its GNP (Gross National Production) of goods (asbestos, aluminium, coal, manganese, chemicals, and paper) tripled, and all of its briny industries expanded (thanks to the increased production of vital agricultural goods, su ch as wheat, flour, bacon, ham, eggs, canned meat, and fish). After the war, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the threat of a Third World War had people on the home front protesting about national security. The debate was mainly over Canada having nuclear warheads of its own, which most saw as a way to achieve national security, while others found it revolting and immoral. However, in 1963, when Lester B. Pearson of the Liberals became Prime Minister, all of the Bomarc missiles in Canada were armed with nuclear warheads. With the second battle of Ypres, the Germans persisted to use the Von Schlieffen plan, but with new chlorine gas warfare. Although the French retreated from their trenches, the brave Canadian soldiers stood their ground and improvised a gas mask composed of a handkerchief and urine. In doing so, they were able to stall the German forces at their trenches, and move back for a counter-attack at the Germans entering the French trenches. The surprised German forces could do nothing but retreat, and the Canadians gained international recognition for their selfless efforts. Of the 18,000 Allied soldiers present that day, 1,000 were dead and 5,957 were injured. On the home front, the War Measures Act was used to intern Jewish, Italian, German, and Japanese Canadians, while conscripting 16,000 soldiers to go overseas. Women grew closer to enemy lines with new positions in the army, navy, and air force.Canadian dependence on the United States grew with the establishment of the North American ambiance Defense Command, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Camp X. Total war industries and workers were put to work for the war effort. The long-awaited and -planned attack on Normandy occurred on D-day, 1944, with an almost uninterrupted wave of Allied troops, air raids, and warships. It was the largest military operation for Canadians who landed at Juno Beach, and faced underwater obstacles, land mines, and machine-gun fire from the Germans. However, at the end of the day, they were the only successful Allied troops with 335 dead and 739 injured. Nazis were now caught with heavy fire from both East and West. The second battle of Ypres in World War One, liveliness on the home front in World War Two, and invasion of D-day helped Canada become the great nation it is today, a century later.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Eddie Carbone Essay Example for Free
Eddie Carbone EssayWhats more, this would make Marcos purpose of the journey, to build a future, pointless. In addition, Eddie cruelly implies that Rodolfo is an inexperienced longshoreman. I seen greenhorns sometimes get in trouble that way. By saying this, Eddie aims to hurt Rodolfos feelings and perhaps make him feel like an unwanted boy. Soon afterwards, Eddie tries to explain how Ameri ordure girls are also harsh and that Catherine shouldnt arrive home late at night, till he came here she was never out on the street twelve oclock at night. In affect, both Rodolfo and Marco try to understand Eddies point of view, as if he were a father to them.Eventually, Marco comes to a decision and tells Rodolfo to arrive back home earlier. But the audience knows that Eddie fails to verbalize whats really on his mind. Essentially, Eddie understands that if Catherine is seen with Rodolfo by any of Eddies friends, Eddies reputation would be ruined and hell be the joke just like Rodolfo. I t is this urge to protect Catherine, to view as her from discovering her independence which makes him increasingly sensitive to the presence of Beatrices cousins and to Rodolfo in particular, to whom Catherine rapidly becomes attracted.Later on in the scene, Catherine and Rodolfo begin to dance. When they come to an end, Eddie subconsciously twists the newspaper in his transfer into a tight roll. The new(prenominal) characters are aware of what he is thinking, but they wait for his answer. Unsurprisingly, Eddie fails to clearly express his thoughts on Rodolfo during his attempt to mock Rodolfos femininity and grant him as weak, he manages only to tell everybody that with Rodolfos abilities, he wouldnt be on the waterfront he would be someplace else like in a dress store. Here, miller has explored Eddies prejudice against Rodolfo, who is different. Furthermore, Eddie uses repetition to reinforce his points, He can cook. He can sing. He can make dresses. Seeing that language pr oved unsuccessful for Eddie and raze he cant understand what hes saying anymore, he tears the paper in two and decides to utilize physical action, a skill where he knows he can beat Rodolfo. Miller uses such gestures and stage directions as the tearing of the paper to dramatize the feelings of Eddie. Eddies obsession with Catherine is something he is not able to recognize or understand for himself.Instead he focuses his anger and frustration upon Rodolfo, who has a frivolous and agility-hearted attitude to life. It is this that Catherine finds attractive and Eddie finds repulsive and unmanly. Eddie is also suspicious of Rodolfos interest in Catherine, accept that he seeks her hand in marriage in dictate to gain an American passport. While a degree of realism is appropriate in the concept of the Carbone family home, the street itself should also be indicated. Accordingly, throughout the boxing match, the table lamp may come up collapse, leaving the room gloomy and obscure.To co mpensate for the illumination, a red MOTEL light featuring outside the enticedow could remain pulsing on and off. Nonetheless, the men will continue boxing, whilst Catherine switches the main light back on. I assume that merely a few seconds would allow the radiance to take full effect. The word motel indicates the cheap accommodation immigrants require in Brooklyn. In addition, while Catherine and Rodolfo dance, the main light could sable and the motel light could appear flashing on and off to the rhythm of the music.It may encourage the passionate mood set by the music. While the fight occurs on stage, I would recommend that Marco stay solitary in the corner. By separating Marco from the rest of the characters, who are supposedly in the centre of the stage, the audience recognizes his presence, without him having to do anything. Marco has cleverly unplowed quiet throughout the scene unless asked a question, as he may be embarrassed to display his weak language skills. But when E ddie cracks a lagger at Rodolfo, Marco suddenly gets involved.Marco challenges Eddie by inviting him to raise a chair from its leg. Eddie has underestimated his opponent and his false sense of confidence about his own strength has led Marco to win the test of strength. Clearly Marco knows his adversarys well and is smart enough to avoid talking, but he prevails in a physical battle. You may think of the chair fight as a battle for primate dominance, whereby both challengers are fighting to become Alpha male. Nonetheless, in both contests Eddies authority is undermined and in his own lively room.In brief, I believe that Marco is in control of the situation, even though he stepped in half way through the scene. Eddie considers the challenge and presence of otherwise men to be a threat to his authority. Eddies fear of losing his authority and masculinity serves as a prime motivating force, for him to assert his power. It is Eddies reluctance to compromise with the other characters and Catherines ever increasing appeal to Rodolfo that causes Eddie to fight for his control. Here, the vision Alfieri foresaw at the beginning of the play is in reaching distance.In the final scene, the act of betrayal of members of Eddies own family brings about the final bloody tragedy which Alfieri foresaw at his first interview with Eddie. Despite Alfieris efforts, Marco is intent upon revenge for his betrayal, while Eddie is determined to maintain his reputation and his honour. During the shoemakers last scene of the play, Marco and Eddie come face to face in full view of the neighborhood. This theatrical scene holds the climax to the play and even though the audience is well aware of what is to happen, they are more curious as to how the other characters will react.In this scene Eddies reputation is at imperil and he is prepared to stake his life on the line. By Catherine finding work and her growing attraction to Rodolfo, which leads to their planned marriage brings out an increasingly aggressive reaction in Eddie that starts to break the family apart. Eddie is trying to defend his own innocence so that, when his wife says, You cant confound her, he is genuinely disgusted that she could think of him that way. He defends himself against the sexual allegement to the end. But if there is a sexual guilt operating here, it is combined with the social situation he is in.Basically, there is noting more horrifying to the general prevalent than betrayal. It destroys the protection of their society. There is also the political side because Miller was in the middle of the McCarthy period, the so-called Congressional investigation in America. When Eddie yells I want my flesh he implies that he wants his reputation back from Marco. When Eddie handed Marco over to the authorities, Eddie squealed He killed my children. That one stole the food from my children. Eddie believes that Marco is to blame for tarnishing his reputation with this lie.On the other hand, M arco was partly correct for what he had said for the causation that, without Marco earning money for his children, they will be unable to purchase food and could ultimately die. In reality, Eddie cannot face the fact that the reason he lost his name was because he betrayed Rodolfos and Eddies trust and treachery was considered the worst act in a Sicilian society. Marco refers to Eddie as Animal, which suggests that Eddie was a suck up to the American law. Resembling an animal, Eddie did anything to get his just rewards. Likewise a dog would do anything when offered a bone.Finally, after realizing what he has done, Eddie is prepared to risk his life in order to save his reputation, his name. Eventually, Eddie dies in the arms of his wife, after Marco had killed him in self defence. In the closing speech by Alfeiri, he declares we lapse for half, in which case he is referring to Eddies attitude towards the American and Sicilian law. Eddie has followed the American law, by reporting the illegal immigrants to the authorities. However, he has also pursued Sicilian concepts such as the last moment, when he was prepared to die for his reputation.This shows that he is half American and half Sicilian. Alfieri recognizes that the death of Eddie Carbone should serve as a reminder to those who must carry on, and to the audience, that it is better to settle for half, it must be. Yet as Alfieri admits, this represents a compromise of peoples hopes, desires and sense of justice which he ultimately regards with alarm. The chorus, Alfieri, is the law. He has the ability to move in and out of the play. He knows the Sicilian way, but understands that the Sicilian way is something you outgrow when you come to America.I suspect that Eddie wants to be more like Alfieri than any other character. He wants to have a foot in both camps. He wants to be defined by his job. Miller implies that Eddie is a tragic hero, since the one virtue Eddie lacks is not macrocosm able to settle for half. Eddie cannot accept the presence of other men being something other than a threat to his authority. It was obvious from the beginning that Eddie would get into trouble if he continued what he was doing, but his obsession with not being able to settle for half brought about the event that Alfieri foresaw and which he was powerless to prevent, despite his surmount efforts.The play is a Greek tragedy because Eddie is led by fate towards a destiny he cannot escape. Through his death, the audience is involved, purged of their emotions by a tragic ending, leaving the theatre sadder but wiser. In conclusion, Eddie is Millers solution that he set himself about trying to write a Greek tragedy in Brooklyn. Shezad Chowdhury 10P summon 1 of 6 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Digital Bangladesh: Concepts of Development
digital Bangladesh Concepts of DevelopmentBackgroundThe phrase Digital Bangladesh, although is composed of the maculation word Digital, stands for a concept which bring ins the boorish as a whole by using Information and Communication Technology for management, administration and governance in order to ensure transp arency, accountability and answerability at all levels of society and state. Digital Bangladesh bequeath provide us an ICT driven knowledge- ground society where learning will be readily available on line and where all possible tasks of the governing, semi-government and in addition private spheres will be processed using the state of the wile technology.So, in order to build a digital Bangladesh, we should emphasis on efficient and effective example of modern ICT in all spheres of the society with a view to establish technology driven e-governance, e-commerce, e-production, e-agriculture, e-health etc. for emphasizing the overall mystifyment of the common peopl e, the major stakeholders of the country.Backbone of Digital BangladeshICT is the backbone of any digital initiative. It covers the vast area of information ensuring connectivity by dint of the information technology, communication technology and of course the telecommunication technology. Without the phylogenesis of the ICT sector, the day-dream of a Digital Bangladesh would not be possible. The main factors of ICT are the somatogenic backbone and the intellect. Com depositer Systems, Network Machineries, Software, Wire and Wireless Connectivity Systems, Broadcast Hardware and many other Hardware and Accessories are the physical backbone. The trained human behind the backbone are the intellect. To materialize the idea of digital Bangladesh, development of countrywide backbone and expected number of human recourses are the canonic needs. On the other hand, while mass people are concern, availability, regainibility and affordability essential be ensured otherwise the objectiv e of building a digital Bangladesh could not be achieved properly. Due to globalization, more specifically due to booming of ICT same(p) most of the country of the globe, Bangladesh has already been connected with the international world through and through the information super highway.Relationship between development and digitizationInformation technology pull downs costs, saves time, improves efficiency, raises comfort levels and increases the confidence of citizens. Hence, developing countries such as Bangladesh should leverage the supply of IT to leapfrog poverty barriers, and promote economic and social development. But we bring to keep in mind that technology (ICT) alone can not mollify economy, nor guarantee dynamic service delivery to citizens. It is important to understand that ICT facilities Good Governance but ICT itself do not guarantee Good Governance.Status of our countrytelecommunication and Internet backbone of communicationUntil recently, International Telecom munication System of Bangladesh has been dependent on satellite which was slow and had narrow band width. According to Telecommunication Policy of the government, International Telecommunication Network system is being regulated now by BTCL. Bangladesh has presently been connected with Information Super Highway through Submarine Cable since May, 2006. International Voice Circuits have been increased by more than 200 percent. IPLC (International Private Leased Circuit) has been opened with different companies. BTCL is connected with capital of Singapore and France and Italy for Internet through 12 X STM-1.The Router capacity of BTCL has been enhanced through up-gradation of digital Data Network. Installation of NGN TAX (Next Generation Trunk Auto Exchange) is discharge on. It will enhance the inter district Telecommunication facilities. Access Network through Copper Cable, Optical Fiber, x-DSL, Wi-MAX is under process with a view to kick in broadband connectivity and other faciliti es of the Submarine Cable System to the door-step of the subscribers.Mobile bring forward media of communicationOver last few years, a great revolution has taken place in the cellular phone usage in Bangladesh.It is evident from the table that the number of cell phone subscribers is growing rapidly compared with the fixed phone subscribers in Bangladesh. The growth rate of fixed phone subscriber was 15.26 percent in 2008. Against this, the growth rate of cell phone subscribers stood at 117.57 percent in 2004 and 35 percent in June 2008.Computer tool of digitizationHuman Resources work force for digitizationWorld ScenarioThis digital revolution has created a soil new economic sector that simply did not exist before. Computers, modern telecommunication and the Internet all reduce communication costs and break batch geographical borders. In addition, ICT can be an important driver in poverty reduction and assure sustained economic growth, better public welfare, and buckram social solidity and democratic forms of government. In the essential nations government policies are being established which attempts to ensure that all citizens will get opportunity to access the effective use of ICT in order to enable them to participate in the educational, social and economic activities and democratic process. Developed countries are getting much benefit from the advancement of ICT. People living in developed countries have the best access to the fastest electronic computers, best telephone services, competitive Internet Service Providers, and a wealth of content and training relevant to their lives. For example (Legard, 2001) The enumerate Internet bandwidth in Africa is equal to that in the Brazilian city of Sao Paolo. The total Internet bandwidth in all of Latin America is equal to that in Seoul, South Korea. As a proportion of monthly income, Internet access in the United States is 250 quantify cheaper than in Nepal and 50 times cheaper than in Sri Lanka. In the United States, gn 1e6 54.3 percent of citizens use the Internet, compared to a global average of 6.7 percent. In the Indian subcontinent, the proportion is 0.4 percent.The digital divide around the world is usually measured through statistical indices such as the number of telephone lines, personal computers, websites and Internet users and their ratio to the total population. Table1 shows a picture of such type of statistics of some world including Bangladesh.Although, there is an overall increment that has been enjoyed throughout the years in various areas of information and communication technologies, the improvement is very minimal in terms of global progression and not as good to be mentioned as an forthcoming information society of the world. In fact, despite all these improvements, according to the ICT Development Index, Bangladesh moved down 6 places, from absolute 132 in 2002 to rank 138 in 2007. This all the way indicates that there were countries that were ranked do wnstairs Bangladesh in the 2002 index and they achieved significant improvements to exceed our rank in 2007. The examples include some developing and least developed countries like Pakistan, Gambia, Cote dIvoire, Senegal, Madagascar, Mauritania and Benin. The country that expanded most worldwide in ranking is Pakistan, moving up to 19 places, from the rank 146 in 2002 to rank 127 in 2007. Though the rank is still low, the progress has been significant in the past five years because in 2002 there was almost no ICT access and usage in the country, whereas in 2007, 8% households had computers and internet penetration reached 10.7%. This proves that the country has improved in two areas of ICT while Bangladesh improved significantly in one area, which ranked us below Pakistan. So, an overall consistent increment in penetration levels starting from industrious telephones to fix telephone lines and from internet to personal computers is highly needed for making Bangladesh the digital one .India has led the use of remote sensing satellite information for locating irrigation projects. The Internet has been effectively used in some of the villages to ensure effective dispersion of agricultural commodity price information. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) in India has used IT effectively, to enhance competitiveness of the dairy industry and to provide benefits to the agricultural masses. Towards digital Bangladesh we can use the Indian experience of using ICT in different sectors of the agriculture. Since more than half of our population is employed in agriculture, our meanner should put ICT to good use in agriculture.The Simputer was developed by scientists from the Indian Institute of Science, and a software company called Encore. One can get computing facilities at a drastically lower cost as simputer only cost US$150 per piece compared to US$ 400 for a PC. Further, it has a topical anesthetic expression interface. This is an instance of how the scien tist, academia and industry can collaborate to develop technology to suit a particular economy. We can learn this lesson also from our attached country.In Bangladesh, 51% of the population does not have access to essential drugs. Further, there are only 26 physicians per 100,000 population compared to 279 for US and 162 for China. ICT can dish out bring medical expertise to Upazilla and District headquarters. Tele-medicine, for instance may link healthcare centers in remote locations, through satellites, with super specialty hospitals at major towns / cities. Thus it can bring connectivity between patients at remote end, with specialist doctors, for medical consultations and treatment.Our diddlecomingsAccess to the TechnologyInadequate technical and policy capacity is a fundamental barrier to digital Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, the lack of technical capacity and public managers perceptions of ICT is businessatic in regard to issues such as migration to IP-based networks, implemen tation of mobile communication systems, and e-commerce applications, though capacity building measures do exist. One of the chief obstacles to effective e-governance is a lack of awareness about the usefulness of the Internet in policy making, coordination of policy implementation, creating portals in engaging important actors in the policy process, and in building an open and tran bare(a)nt public platform for wider participation. The reason for Digital Divide in Bangladesh is that the telecommunications cornerstone is deficient. In Bangladesh, the telephone density is only about 0.5%, which is the main reason for insignificant internet connection in the country. ICT infrastructure support is inadequate as compared to other countries in this region there is lack of any centralized policy to progress of ICT in the country. There is also some lack of holistic approach to infrastructure creation. The Internet facilities in sub-urban and district level are lag behind. No suitable netw ork among the question institutes is established.Economic BarriersThe economic condition of the people is one of the vital issues for computer use and internet connectivity. Generally, on average wealthy and educated as sanitary as young, urban and male have the internet access, which appears that economic solvency education are the major factor during internet diffusion. Most of which are not halcyon in Bangladesh. The budget provision for establishment, maintenance and expansion of computer networks in the country is inadequate. Reliable power supply is a major hindrance to develop telecom infrastructure in the agricultural areas.Literacy BarrierThe Bangladesh is facing acute crisis of skilled computer user due to literacy problem. drop of skilled workforce in public and private sectors is created. Information in the net is designed in the advanced technology which requires adequate knowledge for the user. Moreover, overall less educated friendship who are not very compute r friendly. There is also some lack of proper motivational activities to promote e-commerce and e-governmentLanguage BarrierLanguage problem is another vital issue for the local anesthetic anesthetic user of the internet/web. There are very few web sites available in local language i.e. in Bengali. Local people are not very much frequent / efficient in English as language.Content BarrierLack of Local Social Issues in the Net Contents in the web is not sufficiently enriched with information and services required by the local user. Still, local webs are concentrated with their product service promotion. Information based web services have not yet available in the net with local information.Social Cultural EnvironmentAs male group of the society can avail the web access facility from commercial centers or outside the home but the local women community of Bangladesh has limited access due to some social and cultural environment. Unfortunately, due to family obligation service, they can not spare sufficient time for using the net. Use of ICT within the government is still limited as only a small number of civil servants have Internet access.The high cost of IT equipmentThe high cost of IT equipment accessories which acts a barrier towards proliferation of IT accessneeds to be lowered. Due to high tariff levels, the cost of hardware and software in Bangladesh is significantly higher as compared to the rest of the world. For instance, A PC in Bangladesh costs around 12-15 months of average per-capita income as compared to Chinas 4 months and USAs 12 days. Hence, we need to reduce the tariff levels of ICT equipment and accessories to bring even a bigger population under Internet coverage. So the Inadequacy has been created in the man machine ratio.Steps to be takenDevelopment of mobile applicationsAs mass people in the urban as well as in the rural area use the cellular phone, we have to establish different kinds of mobile application. So they can easily enter int o the information world. Most of our people live in with a lower economic condition, so the house hold computer is a dream for them. As the literacy rate is very poor and a person must has a minimum level of knowledge to operate a computer, so it is not feasible for our country that most of the people have access of computer in his house and also use the internet. But a mobile could easily be operated by all level of people. Those applications must be developed locally with relevant content and languages that promote advanced technology uptake. It is a knowledge driven technology so, we need the people who have skill, knowledge, information and a level of education. For a future Bangladesh a tech shabby generation is significantly important. This generation would be the driving force for a digitized, prosperous and human-centred nation. To develop this kind of generation it needs to an education policy and national human resource policy. It is another hard truth that this objective could not be achieved over night, but a good beginning is essential, which will create the expected human resource that will manage, administer and govern future Bangladesh. delay a wide range of value added services (VAS). People could be instructed about product feature and cost clearly by avoiding elusive ideas or language. The services that are made available through the use of ICT should be freely available to all who might wish to make use of them. consciousness building program could be launched for everyone in phase by phase or categorically or geographically to aware them how they could be benefited from the use of the ICT.ICT education and Human ResourcesDifferent types of IT education program could be launched for different people of the different level of education. It may be the IT discipline, Diploma courses, Training programs, only the canonic courses etc. Technology is important but not works without a person behind. Building of an IT educated work force is the m ost important particle of digital Bangladesh initiative.It needs strong commitment and strategic planning for sustainable Digital Bangladesh. The beginning must concentrate on the development of infrastructure in terms of hardware, software and manpower. Merely buying several lakhs of computers and distributing them among several thousand workstations located in colleges, schools, hospitals and clinics will not digitise Bangladesh. Locally produced qualified manpower must be available to keep the system running without depending on foreign experts. The project presupposes that Bangladesh will be able to build its technical and managerial capacity to design the necessary digital network system, procure and install all the equipment properly, and to educate, train and deploy necessary personnel to operate and maintain the across the country ICT network. To produce such human resources, the government must assign highest priority to the promotion of science, technology and management education. We must prepare a separate plan to produce adequate number of scientists, computer and communication engineers, software engineers, technology management experts, etc.Distance education has tremendous potential to spread encyclopaedism in any country. E-learning is a cost-effective way of providing education at a distance. This is especially important considering that around 80% of our illiterate population is from the rural areas. In this context, it is essential that the government, the industry, NGOs and academia forms partnership to accelerate the Digitalization process. Together, they need to create an enabling environment for the proliferation of ICT in Bangladesh. There are some basic steps that Bangladesh needs to foster online education to be offered by Open University and our National University.Private companies and NGOs can partner, in order to enhance awareness and utilization of ICT at the grass-roots level. For instance, NGOs can work to bring elementary computer literacy to the people of rural Bangladesh. They can make arrangements so that IT professionals and educators visit rural schools and help students get well-known(prenominal) with technology.ConclusionDigitization helps increase operational efficiency and productivity provided the supporting infrastructures work properly. This is a tool that will help accelerate economic development and increase competitive edges of Bangladesh in the world market.Wide-scale digitisation is likely to help Bangladesh become a mid-income country sooner than otherwise possible. However, for proper management the government needs to define its vision, mission and goals and formulate strategies and prepare action plans supported by necessary financial and human resources so that the plans can be implemented.The forces of globalization and technology are continuously reshaping our economy. The impact of information and communication technology (ICT) is giving rise to a new type of economy the kn owledge based economy.It is necessary to mention that in the short run Digital Bangladesh aims at E-Governance and service delivery through utilizing ICT. But the vision Digital Bangladesh encompasses the whole celestial orbit of a knowledge based Digital Economy. Bangladesh cant afford to achieve that goal in the short and medium run. The thinkers, technocrats and IT experts have to focus on the short run issues and measures the present Government should undertake to digitalize Bangladesh. It is important to start digitalizing service delivery organs like Police, City corporation, Land Department, Tax Department, PDB, pee supply, Gas and other authorities also including sectors like Banking, Insurance, Customs, Tax Collection. Urgent steps should be taken to digitalize inceptions like Bangladesh Bank, NBR, PSC, UGC, EC, ACC and other vital institution to go a step ahead towards Good Governance.Our government must take proactive steps to take technology to rural citizens. However our dream towards digital Bangladesh has a long way to go. Digitalization of Bangladesh will depend how best the Government can leverage the power of ICT to increase the access to information of its population.
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